A Night-Time Strategy Meeting

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The book the so-called Librarian gave her was interesting – not just because of the stamp inside proclaiming it was apparently from the restricted section. Neither Flynn or Blaine would be happy to see her with her nose buried in it, but she wasn't about to let that stop her. Not even if they were taking turns at watching her room. After the stunt with the supposed 'librarian' they'd apparently come to the conclusion it wasn't safe to leave her to her own devices, even if it was just for sleep... not that she was getting much in the first place.

"Tales of Legends..." She sat at her small desk, her small reading light on as she ran her hand over the embossed silver letters on the smooth blue cover. "Let's see what's so interesting about you..." Deftly, she opened the stiff cover, scanning the words written on the first page only to be interrupted by a gentle tap at the window.

Her hand went to the dagger she always kept with her, adrenaline pulsing through her as the glass pane was pushed up with a small creak.

"Who's there?!" Her voice was a hushed whisper, a faint tremble betraying her nervousness.

"Dammit, stop pushing me, Jake!" Lydia hissed, crawling through the small gap.

"You eat too much cake – that's why you're having-"

A muffled yelp came from outside, and Arya rolled her eyes, her gaze flickering to her door as she wondered how deaf the Disciplinary Committee was.

"Shut up, fudge muffin!" She scowled, squeezing the rest of her body through. "I'm in."

"No kidding." One eyebrow rose, Arya staring down at her, enjoying being taller than her for the fifteen seconds it took for her to stand.

"Oh, hey Arya."

"Why do you sound surprised?" She stared at the older girl. "This is my room, you know."

"I didn't think you'd be up."

"So you were planning on waking me up..."


"I sleep with a knife under my pillow."


"Yeah. Not a good idea."

"The waking you up, or the knife?" Lydia smirked, chuckling at the pointed glare which was sent her way. "Relax. We're just here to brainstorm... again. Me and Jakey-boi made a stop by the White Division Archives and trust me – it was enlightening."

"How so?" She asked, not bothering to watch as Jake squirmed in through her window.

"They've pulled Lillian's file." The other blonde quickly stood, dusting himself off as he went and sat down on the beanbag by Arya's bookshelf.

"Lillian?" Arya tilted her head, trying to remember where she'd heard the name before. "That name sounds familiar..."

"The one responsible for the Red Mourning." Jake's expression darkened. "That Lillian."

"We never mentioned her name though... so I don't know where you heard that name – though apparently it's a fairly common name amongst humans... something about the first 'Queen of Humanity'."

"Yeah." Arya nodded. "She led humanity through the Dark- oh. I guess that means she was on the throne when the Underfae attacked."

"Hmm...? You're well versed on human history... shame you're not as good with the Fae side of things." Lydia nodded. "We'll get you up to speed eventually. Besides, you already seem to be piecing things together..."

"I only know about Queen Lillian because of her sister – Princess Arya – the one I'm named after." She smiled, folding her arms as she stared proudly between the two. "The church decided to name me after one of the two sisters who played a key role-"

"Why didn't they call you Lillian, then?"

Arya shrugged, biting her lip. "Why would I know? Besides, the second sister was just as awesome as the first!"

Lydia patted her shoulder. "You keep telling yourself that, Hun."

A fist swung towards her, irritation lining the younger girl's face. "Bring it!"

"OY!" The sudden knock at the door made the three freeze. "What're you doing in there, Arya?!" Blaine's voice rang out­ – and from the sounds of things he was annoyed. "You're going to class tomorrow so pipe down and get some bloody shut eye, idiot."

One eye twitched. "You know what else will be bloody-" Arya hissed, pulling out another of her daggers, just as two fingers caught the collar of her shirt.

"Calm, child."

"Don't call me a child!"

"Arya?" Blaine called, pushing on the handle, scowling when it didn't budge. "Are you alone in there?"

"Of course!"

"Why don't I believe that in the slightest?" The Commander sighed, exhaling loudly. "Jake... Lydia... Get out of there. Now."

"Pfft. Like we'd listen to you." Jake blurted out, watching as the other two slapped their hands to their foreheads.

"And here we were trying to pretend we weren't in here..." Lydia shook her head. "Honestly, Jakey, your stupidity never ceases to amaze me at times."

"Open the door."

"No thank you." Arya replied, glad she'd locked the door behind her as the handle began shaking viciously. "Now, where were we?"

"They pulled Lillian's file."

Bluish green eyes narrowed. "Which means it's got something to do with the Case of the Missing Velvet."

"Is that what we're calling it now?" Arya stared sceptically at her. "Seriously?"

"It sounded cooler in my head..." She trailed off, opening her mouth to continue, but the sharp click of a key in a lock made her pause.

Arya's reaction was instantaneous, slamming open the desk draw as she dropped her reading material inside, swiftly concealing it from view.

Blaine appeared seconds later, exasperated brown eyes locking with each of the room's three occupants. "Out." He tapped his foot against the floor. "Now."

"How...?" Arya stared between the open door and him. "I locked it!"

"And I have the master key."

"The master key, eh?" Lydia smiled, innocently pushing two fingers together in front of her. "I wonder how many times you've used it to sneak into girl's rooms." She chuckled, pressing a hand to her mouth as his eyebrow twitched.

"Go back to your own rooms." He strode past the threshold, slapping two silver slips into each of their hands. "And stay there."


"I guess we'll see you at breakfast again." Lydia grumbled as she was jerked out of the room by an irate Commander. "See ya, A."

"Go back to bed, Arya." Blaine sighed, glaring witheringly at her as he pulled the door too, not bothering to watch as she plonked herself down on the soft sheets, freezing in the next second.

After all, a set of familiar brown eyes were gazing down at her from underneath the canopy of her bed.


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