Bad Decisions

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Feet pounded against the pavement.

"I told you this was a bad idea!" Arya yelled, glaring over at her partner in crime as they skidded around yet another corner.

"The bad ideas are always the fun ones!"

"That's not the point!"

"They went this way!" A voice behind them made the pair of them stop bickering, the sound of numerous booted feet slapping against concrete slabs making them double their pace.

Arya sprinted forwards an odd grin on her face, her heart thudding in her chest as they ran around the school – the Black Division of the Disciplinary Committee in hot pursuit, much to her displeasure.

"You didn't deny it." Jake puffed. "Bad ideas are the best."

"Oh, shut up!" She growled, easily keeping pace with her blonde-haired friend.

Two hands grabbed an arm each, another blonde yanking them after her as they reached the four-way junction. "What are you two arguing about now?" Lydia asked, pulling them behind her as she ran away from the White Division.

"What're you doing?!" Jake scowled. "Now we've got the White Division on our tail as well!"

"Well, it's more fun doing a bit of early morning exercise with some company..." The blonde shrugged, a wide smirk pulling at her lips. "Besides... I think we're going to have some more company soon..."

"More company... just brilliant..."

Glass shattered rather suddenly, little shards raining down on them as they ran across the wide courtyard. Brown hair flew behind her as the incredibly familiar brunette jumped down from the first-floor window she'd just broken.

"Velvet?!" Arya blinked. "What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Oh." Brown eyes locked on her green ones. "Hey, Ari! Nice to see you too."

"Answer the question-"

"Whoa..." Jake peered back up at the broken window. "Velvet, what the hell did you do to get our lovely Vice Commander Dean on your tail?!" He stared at the second year with renewed respect.

"Oh, I was just grabbing some files." She said, pulling his attention to the large black file tucked under one slender arm.

One blonde brow arched. "Restricted files?"

"I'm surprised I even need to clarify that." She grinned. "Why do you think Dean's after me?"

"I knew you were gonna be trouble." Lydia grinned. "You know... The offer from last year still stands..."

"I don't wanna be part of your gang."

Lydia pouted. "But you'd fit right in."

"Maybe next year?" Velvet said. "I prefer not to have the boys in black and white on my tail..."

"I think you're accomplishing that without me." She laughed, running alongside the other three as they approached the next corner. "Woah, wait!" Lydia hissed, a sliver of fear creeping onto her face. "You do know where this corridor leads, don't you?!"

"You've got to be kidding?!" Jake and Velvet cursed at the same time.

"Huh?" Arya blinked, feeling oddly left out. "What's wrong?"

Jake wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "I'm afraid this corridor has a rather unfortunate ending..."

"It's a dead end?"

"Nope." Jake grinned, giving her a thumbs up. "It leads straight to the Black Division Headquarters."

Arya paused for a few moments, before her hands slowly clapped of their own accord. "I applaud your excellent navigational skills."

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