Chapter Four: Orientation

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Arya peered down at the massive crowd of people in the hall below, biting her lip as she did so. There were far too many people to slip past undetected. It was some sort of welcome party, though not many people were partying. Jake had called it 'Orientation' and said she probably didn't need to go to it since he'd be more than happy to show a fellow troublemaker around the school. Still, she needed to get her timetable and her welcome pack, though Arya had a feeling it'd be anything but welcoming.

"You don't have to, you know," Jake said, staring down at the people crowding in the hall below. "You can chill with me and Lyd for a bit longer."

"But I kinda need to get my timetable... and figure out where exactly I'm going to be sleeping for the rest of the year." She folded her arms.

Jake blinked. "Oh yeah..."

"You didn't think about that?" Arya asked, eyeing her newfound companion curiously.

He grinned. "Nope."

She shook her head, a small grin pulling at her lips. Jake was a bit of an idiot, but then Arya couldn't really judge.

She had her idiotic moments too.

"But before we throw ourselves to the wolves, can I ask you something?" He turned to her, the smile dropping from his face, his fingers brushing against the cross hanging from around her neck. "Where did you get this from?"

"Oh," Arya smiled wistfully, fighting back the tears that always threatened whenever she thought about him. "This... this was a gift... from a monk who stayed at our church for a few years."

His eyes narrowed. "I see," he mumbled, hope flittering across his face. "Do you know where he is now?"

She inhaled sharply, clamping her lips shut, turning back to the hall below. "I think it's about time I went and grabbed my welcome pack," she said, leaping down without a care in the world. Her landing was silent, few people stopping to stare at her as she seamlessly blended into a nearby huddle of other teens her age.

Jake followed her like a shadow. "Well," he said, his bright smile back in place. "I think it's about time I gave myself up too. Otherwise they'll nab me before I go to sleep, and that'll be annoying."

"Good for you?" she said, unsure as to what else to say.

Jake chuckled. "Thanks, Ari."

"Umm... before we go over there... do you mind if ask you something too?" she mumbled, biting her lip as she tried to gather up the courage to ask him face to face.

"Sure thing."

He didn't seem annoyed by her own avoidance of his question, and that only cemented the fact she wanted to ask him... "Willyoubemyfriend?"

"What?" He blinked.

Arya blushed, her face a bright tomato red. "Will you be my friend?" she asked, shuffling her feet as she stared at the ground.

The silence was thick between them, nervousness making her chew at her lip. Would he accept her? Or would he laugh at her and call her pathetic?

Just like her.

"How pathetic can you be—?"

A hand clamped down on her shoulder, yanking her out of her thoughts, a blinding smile lighting up his face. "Of course, silly," he said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "I don't mind... you seem pretty cool."

Her lips broke into a smile. "My first friend..." she mumbled, pressing her fingers together, warmth building in her chest.

"First friend?" he asked, confusion written across his face. "Wait, don't tell me you've never had a friend before? You're fifteen!"

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