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"Bored. Bored. Bored." Jake grumbled, swinging his legs back and forth as they all sat inside the cell, staring blankly into space.

"Surely you must be used to it by now..." Lydia smirked at her fellow Underground King. She knew him far too well, just like he knew her well enough to know another jibe was coming his way. "I mean, you must've spend over half of your school life in one of these by now."

"Oh har har. Very funny, Lyd." He rolled his eyes. The excitement of finding himself locked up in one of the four-walled containment rooms having died away after the first few times... not that there had really been much in the first place.

"Oh, don't be such a spoilsport, Jakey-boi." She said, pouting at the exasperated blonde, secretly admiring the way his golden locks had decided to fall messily in front of his glinting green eyes. She blinked. "What am I thinking?!"

"Yeah." Jake stared sceptically at her. "What are you thinking in that undersized brain of yours?"

Lydia grinned. "Having a smaller brain actually means I've evolved more than you."



He paused. "Don't birds eat worms...?"

"Yeah, and?"

"Are you saying you want to eat me...?"

"How the hell did you get to that?!"

"Surprised I figured that out, are we?" Jake folded his arms, glancing down at her smugly as he puffed out his chest, and Lydia found herself comparing him to a cat puffing out its fur to make itself look bigger. The thought brought a fleeting smile to her lips, moments before she remembered she was still annoyed at him. "I've figured out your plan." He said, pulling her errant attention back onto him.

"I will hit you in a minute." Lydia hissed.

Somehow, he always knew how to get on her nerves and make her laugh at the same time, unlike a certain blonde Commander who only knew how to irk her. It was both an endearing quality and a very annoying one.

"You started it!" He grumbled back.

"Did not!

"Did too!"

Velvet shook her head in disbelief. "What the hell...?"

Arya glanced over at the two fourth years. "Children."

"I know."

"So, Velvet..." Arya turned to the second year, completely ignoring the two bickering fourth years. "What was even in that file that the Commanders were so desperate to get back...?"

"It was about the incident that happened three years ago..."

Silence descended on the cell, two sets of horrified eyes fixed on her brown ones, the other staring at her in confusion.

Arya was the first to speak. "What's the big deal about it?"

"Have you heard about the curse on the girls who join the Disciplinary Committee...?" Lydia spoke softly, crossing her arms as she sunk back into the wall. She didn't like talking about it. If she didn't have to, then she didn't want to.

But Arya needed to know.

She seemed to be getting close to Flynn. Getting closer to the Disciplinary Committee... and that wasn't a good place to be in.

Not for a girl.

The curse only affected girls for some reason, and Lydia was in no hurry to find out why. Nobody was.

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