Lions and Libraries

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Arya, being Arya, just had to investigate.

Hesitantly, she edged forwards, peering left and right as she crossed the threshold of the restricted section of the library. It felt as though Flynn was about to haul her out by the collar of the coat everyone seemed to love grabbing for some strange reason... but he didn't. He was busy with Blaine, just like Arya was busy exploring the newfound territory.

The restricted section looked interesting—not just because it had books on poisons and how to administer them.

Her fingers brushed against the spines, her eyes silently examining every single title, and before she knew it she was searching for any information on lions, remembering what Lydia had told her.

Jake liked lions.

She had no idea why, only that he did, and it confused her to no end. She didn't even know why Lydia had told her that—in fact, all she really knew was that the little piece of information was important. Shaking her head, Arya yanked herself out of her thoughts. That didn't matter at that precise moment in time. No. The so-called 'Restricted Section' of the library did.

There were no doubts in her mind that it contained information on the darkest parts of Fae history—hence why they were locked away in this part of the library. Barely anyone seemed to visit the place, anyway, if the abnormal quietness and the fine layer of dust on her fingers were any indication. It was peaceful... even if there was the odd bloodstain here and there...

Arya wasn't too sure she wanted to know where they came from.

Silently moving to the next shelf, she smiled, having caught sight of a copy of the book she'd tucked away in her own desk drawer. "I wonder what you're doing now, Mr Librarian..." She mumbled, remembering exactly who had given her that book. For what purpose she had no idea, only that she needed to keep it from Flynn's sharp eyes.

"Nothing much."

Arya jumped three foot in the air, whirling around to meet the odd silvery gaze of the librarian. "Where the hell did you come from?!"

"Nowhere important."

"I'm calling bull on that one."

"Ma..." His hand ruffled her hair. "It's nowhere you need to worry about just yet, little one."

"Don't call me little."

"You have some serious height issues, don't you?"

"And you have some serious stalking issues."

"Some serious sass issues too..."

"Speak for yourself." Arya grumbled, narrowing her eyes at him. "Who are you really? Lydia said we don't have a librarian."

"You believe everything Lydia says?"

"No, but—"

"I'm nobody important."

"Well, anyone could've told you that..."

"You're a cheeky one, too, huh?" He smiled, ruffling her hair with even more vigour. "Damn... Your mother was right... your hair really is soft..."

Arya froze. "My mother?"

"Ah." He froze.

"You knew my mother?"

"Well, on that note—"

"Don't you dare pull a disappearing act on me!" She scowled, sprinting after him as he hurried into the maze of bookshelves—apparently eager to lose the enraged girl. "Get back here."

The librarian just smiled, leading her past a set of familiar bookshelves, before rounding the corner... and by the time Arya caught up, he was already gone. He'd vanished, just like he had before, and Arya cursed her knowledge on Fae and how to chase them. Briefly she wondered if there was a book for that, sighing as the stared up towards the ceiling, freezing as she caught sight of the dim light bouncing off a shiny metallic figurehead.

Flynn would be coming to get her in a few moments—his Arya Radar having no doubt started blaring the warning signals the instant he left her on her own. He wasn't an idiot who was easy to trifle with—something she'd learnt over the last half of the year between her escapades with the Troublesome Two and... Velvet...

The promise rang in her mind, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she remembered the confusing riddle somehow related to the older girl.

Then she froze, her eyes widening when her mind clicked the pieces into place. Something had been niggling at her ever since Velvet had been dragged off. Something she'd seen that night, in the same very spot she'd stood only an instant before.

Her legs were moving before she could even think about it, already sprinting away, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She practically flew past the two Disciplinary Committee Commanders as she sprinted out of the library on her way to find Lydia and Jake.


Because inside the North Library, well into the restricted section, mounted to the wall was a silver lions head.

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