White Thorns

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The rattling of the door handles interrupted Arya's grumbling, making the four of them in the room freeze. Banging followed soon after, the rhythmic pounding soon being interrupted by the sound of voices. "They're in here!"

"Brilliant." Velvet muttered. "This is all your fault, Arya."

"What?! Why?"

"If you hadn't made a racket, we'd still be incognito!"

"Yeah!" The voice outside called. "She's definitely in here. I can hear her."

"Arya too?"


Arya's shoulders slumped. "Flynn's out there, isn't he?"

"That sounded like him." Everly said, smiling ever so slightly. "Seems like big brother Flynn is here to tell you off..."

"I haven't done anything this time!"

A scoff sounded from the corridor.

Her hands banged against the door. "Hey!"

"Arya!" Velvet hissed, watching as Everly flipped the small window open. "Come on, unless you'd rather spend the day in Black Division Headquarters again!"


"Where do you think you were yesterday?" She asked, staring sceptically at her for a few moments. "Oh, wait. Amnesia. I forgot."

The wooden door clattered to the ground, making the pair of them shut up and sprint for the window, Arya vaulting seamlessly out of the window, Velvet tripping up as she landed.

"How are you so good at that?" Velvet grumbling, catching up to the group in an instant.


"Do a lot of rule breaking at home, then, did we?"

"No. It was just part of my training with the Monk."

"You were trained by a Monk?!"

"Oh... I guess I didn't mention that in conversation..."

"Never mind." Velvet grumbled, realising the Disciplinary Committee was still hot on their heels. "I'll meet you outside Training Hall Seven once you've ditched your tail." She said, shoving Arya down one corridor while she took the other for a reason which soon became clear as the Disciplinary Committee split into two, a certain blonde having decided to follow her instead of Velvet.

"Oh, come on!"

"Give it up, Ari." Flynn called, his brown eyes locked on her as she sprinted through the maze of hallways, having no idea where the hell she was going.

"I haven't done anything wrong!"

"So why are you running?!"

"Because I know you'll stick me in a cell no matter what I say."

The brunette with the blue streak in his hair shrugged as he ran alongside the other Commander. "She's right." He said, raising his voice. "So just give it up already. The faster this is over with, the faster we can go our separate ways."

"We'll be going separate ways anyway!" Arya yelled, launching herself off the nearest wall, practically flying down the next corridor. Losing two Commanders from the Disciplinary Committee wasn't as easy as that, though. Scowling, she burst through a door into a much wider hallway which looked vaguely familiar to her. Thankfully for Arya it was pretty much empty apart from the two guys and the small girl walking in her direction.

"Oh look..." The blonde said, his brown eyes fixing on her. "A student."

"It might be better to speak with an older student." The small girl fiddled with the few strands of inky black hair that'd fallen out from her twin ponytails. She popped the blue lollipop out of her mouth, revealing an incredibly blue tongue. "Arya Cross has only just joined us as a special student."

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