Chapter Eight: Interrupted

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The blaring alarm that sounded part way into her second hour of Defence made Arya jump, along with most of the other First Years. Jake on the other hand, froze, shoulders sinking. "Seriously?" he muttered. "They couldn't even wait for one full day...?"

"Ugh," Lydia grumbled, making her way over from her own group of 'students'. "This is getting old."

"Umm..." Arya stared between the two of them, confusion evident on her face. "What's going on?"

"Some idiots have decided to attack the school," Jake said, shrugging rather calmly. "The alarm means they've made it past the Outer Guards. Nothing much to worry about."

"So... People are attacking the school, and you're telling me not to worry?" she asked, glaring at him sceptically, silently wondering how the hell he and everyone else were so calm. She'd expect at least one of them to be running around screaming, and yet the entire room was silent—aside from the ridiculously loud alarm.

"They won't get past the City Wall." Jake smiled, patting her on the back gently. "We'll be fine."

"Famous last words."

"I'm glad you have so much faith in us, Arya." Lydia grinned. "We've been at this school for three more years than you. Trust us."

"Saying that makes me trust you less."

Jake pouted. "Ari, I'm wounded."

"Go to the hospital then."

"Are you always this salty?"

"We're being attacked..."


Lydia looked at her. "This is a specialised military combat school," she said. "We get attacked all the time, Hun."

"Couldn't we... y'know... die?"

"Nope." Lydia shook her head, pointing at Flynn and his partner. "Those two lovely fine specimens over there wouldn't allow it."

"The Disciplinary Committee?"

Jake stared at her judgingly. "That is one of their jobs—you know... making sure lovely students such as yourself don't get hurt..."

"Do I detect sarcasm?"

"You're so mean, Ari."

She rolled her eyes. "So, in other words, they're basically the law and order of the school, huh?"

"You're only just getting that idea now?" Lydia asked, one brow raised as she stared down at her. "You're slow."


"Would the three of you shut up already?" Flynn glared at the trio. "Come on, we need to get you to the bunker until it's over."

"We have a bunker?"

"Didn't you read the handbook like a good student?" he asked, staring sidelong at her as he led them out of Training Hall Three.

"Me? Good?"

Lydia snickered.

"Do me a favour and keep quiet," he sighed, silently envying his partner as he brought up the rear of the large group. "Apparently this isn't any ordinary attack."

Jake stood up straighter, the smile vanishing from his lips. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"We need to get to the bunker. Quickly."

Lydia grabbed Arya by the arm, hauling her along at full speed, any traces of laughter gone from her face with Flynn's words. It was serious. The realisation sent a thrum of fear through her, her bandaged wrist twinging at the thought of a fight.

"It'll be fine, Arya," she said, smiling gently at the younger girl—having noticed the sudden increase in her walking speed.

"I have a bad feeling about this..." Arya mumbled. Her instincts were practically screaming at her that something was about to badly wrong, and five seconds later those same instincts were proven right in a flurry of shattered glass and limbs.

"Lydia," Jake hissed, eyes wide at the sight of the figure who'd just burst in through the window.

"I know."

"Back up." Flynn's order left no room for disagreement, the troublesome trio edging backwards ever so slightly, and Arya knew the man in front of them was no joke... Not if he could make Lydia and Jake actually listen to a Disciplinary Committee Commander.

And yet part of her was screaming that she knew him somehow.


"Don't be stupid!" Lydia hissed, grabbing him by the shoulder. "Let him handle it," she said. "He's way better than you—you'll just get in his way."

"I'm glad you think so highly of me, Lyd."

"Is he going to be alright?" Arya asked, interrupting their squabbling, her eyes fixed on the man standing opposite them.

Strands of red hair escaped the tiny scrap of cloth which held his hair back in a ponytail, framing his face as he grinned widely at them. Small silver hoops pierced his ears, sparkling slightly in the sunlight as he stepped forwards. Narrow bluish eyes glanced between the four of them, settling almost instantly on Flynn as he drew his sword. He himself carried no weapon, but the black bandages wrapped around his hands told Arya he didn't need one.

"Arya..." Lydia's voice interrupted her ogling, a sharp tug on her arm snapping her attention back onto the brewing fight. "We need to go."

"But Flynn—"

"—will be fine," she said, shuffling back slowly, tugging Arya along with her.

"Who is that?"

"No one important."


Flynn scowled, not even daring to take his eyes off the enemy in front of him as he snapped at the three of them. "Now isn't the time for sarcastic comebacks and petty little fights. Get moving!"

"No." The words fell from her lips before she could stop herself.


"Who is he?"

The floor underneath him cracked in answer, the ground trembling under his feet as he darted forwards quicker than they could blink. A fist slammed into Flynn's chest, the blonde practically flying backwards from the force of the blow, sailing into Jake with a loud thud before the duo collapsed to the tiled floor.

"I'm Jacob Thistlewood, First Year," he said, smiling impishly as Lydia stumbled back—her fears confirmed. "As for what I'm doing here... Well, I'm looking for the next Lillian. I don't suppose you've seen her, have you?"

"The next Lillian?"

Jacob blinked. "Oh, how silly of me... You've got no idea about her, have you?" His eyes darkened, the tile underneath his feet creaking in protest as he moved. "I suppose you aren't any use, so be a good little student—" he appeared in front of her in an instant "—and take a nice long nap, would you?"

Her body reacted solely on the instincts which'd been drilled into her, her one remaining good hand catching his fist before it could plough into her chest. "No thanks." She grinned toothily, hastily trying to conceal the quiver in her legs as she stood in front of him.

"Strong, huh?"

"You don't know the half of it..." she whispered, ignoring the cry of protest her other wrist gaze as she moved—slamming her own fist into him exactly how she'd been taught... but then she froze, registering the fact he hadn't flinched in the slightest.

And in that instant, she knew how they were connected.

So the words that came from his mouth a few seconds later came as no surprise to her.

"Why hello... Little Bonebreaker..."

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