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Riley's POV

"So what does it say?"

"I...um..it's negative." I nod, I don't know whether to feel relief or disappointment.

"You're disappointed, aren't you chubs?" Harley mentions making me look at him.

"It's okay, I'm okay." I say in a bit more confidence, not wanting to worry either Harley or Jasmine.

"But the thing is, if you're not pregnant then what is wrong with you?" Jasmine questions.

"I'll go to the doctors tomorrow after work." I say, starting to get stomach pains and feeling sick . "I think I'm just going to lay down for a bit." I gently smile. Harley and Jasmine then exit my room leaving me alone to dwell on my thoughts.


Harry's POV

I'm currently speaking to Zayn about how much we hate Alex, when I see Riley walk past us, completely ignoring both of us.

She looks so tired.

"What's wrong with Riley?" Zayn questions.

I shrug. "I'll go check on her." I'm about to walk into her office, but then I am stopped by annoying Alex.

"Harry, my father needs to speak to you." He says, barging me out the way with his shoulder as he walks past.

"Dick." I mutter under my breath, I turn the other way and make my way to my boss' office.

I knock on the door and hear a low 'come in'.

"You needed to see me boss." I walk into the room.

"Yes Harry, I need you to join me in the meeting I will be attending tomorrow. It will give you an idea of what you will be doing when you own your own business." He smiles, making me smile back.

"Okay bo--."

"Call me Max."

I nod. "Okay, Max." I turn around and exit his office.

Once I'm out I realise that the place seems empty and that everyone seems to be crowding someone's office.

Riley's office.

I rush forwards and push people out the way to get to the front. Riley is laying down on the floor, her hair sticking to her sweaty forehead.

I run to her and crouch down. "Riley, baby, wake up." I gently pat her cheek.

No, no, not again. I can't deal with having to see Riley in a hospital.

"Riley!" I croak, my eyes beginning to water.

Soon the paramedics are rushing to put her on a bed, shes then rushed into an ambulance.

"Sorry, only one person is allowed in the vehicle with her." One of the paramedics tell me, making me confused, I look behind him to see Alex already in the vehicle.

"I'm her boyfriend!" I start to get angry.

Zayn stands beside me. "Calm down mate, we'll just meet them there."

Before I can say anything the ambulance have already driven off.


It's like deja vu.

I'm running through the hospital, tears streaming down my face, not knowing what's going on, trying to find my baby.

"Excuse me." I say to the receptionist, her not seeming fazed by my distraught state. "Do you know where Riley Heart is." I question my voice cracking.

She looks on the computer, "Yes, who are you to her?" She asks.

They won't let me in if I say boyfriend.

"I'm her husband." She nods at my response. I hide my hand, as there is no wedding ring.

"Oh, she seems to be in theatre right now." She says, making my heart drop. "You can still wait in her room." She tells me the floor and room number and I am off like a rocket.

Once I open the door I see Alex.

"YOU!" I growl out, storming towards him.



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