chapter 4

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By now I feel like I've known Jordan forever. Over the hours I explained to him my life story and more about me.

At this point we're extremely bored. We watched the news for awhile and talked.

"Are you tired?" I ask him as I yawn.

He looks at me and nods. He lays down on the floor and pats his chest.

"Lay right here, Bells."

"You sure?" I ask. I don't want him to be uncomfortable.

He nods and I lay my head on his chest. He slowly plays with my hair while I close my eyes. Then I drift into a light sleep.

I jolt up as I hear a loud alarm. I look around people are completely ignoring it.

"Jordan!" I scream. His eyes open and he looks at me with concern.

I take his hand and we both start running. I don't know what is happening but it doesn't sound pleasant.

People gives us strange looks as we run and try to find a place to hide. Sorry that I'm not trying to die today.

"Again everyone, sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for understanding." A man over the intercom announces.

I look at Jordan with furrowed eyebrows. "What?"

Jordan goes up to a lady and starts talking to her. I'm assuming about what just happened.

"While we were sleeping, they made an announcement that there would be an alarm going off because they are doing tests." Jordan comes back and explains to me.

I beginning laughing really hard and so does Jordan. We're so dumb.

"That's why everyone was ignoring it." I say.

He nods and pulls me into a hug.

24 hours | jordan knightWhere stories live. Discover now