chapter 14

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After a long time of dancing with this stranger, I decided that Lexie and I should go now. As Lexie and I walk outside, the guy starts running after us.

"Wait! You didn't get to find out who I am." He exclaims as he reaches us.

"Is it that important?" I ask him.

He nods and comes closer to me.

"Donnie. Donnie Wahlberg." He extends his hand for me to shake it.

Donnie Wahlberg sounds extremely familiar.

"Are you apart of-" I start but then I realize it's one of Jordan's band mates.

"I have to go." I say quickly and I jog away.

This can't be happening. What if Jordan finds out? He won't want to talk to me ever again.

"What was that?" Lexie asks as she catches up to me.

"Jordan's band mate. I just danced all over Jordan's band mate!" I say in disbelief with myself.

"It's not like you and Jordan are dating?" She points out. Which is true but still, it's wrong to do in my world.

"Imagine if you danced with him. Imagine how I would feel." I sigh.

"How do you know he feels the same way?" She questions. I can't believe her right now.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask her and walk closer to her with my arms crossed.

"You're acting like its such a big deal and it's really not!" She almost screams at me with her arms in the air.

I roll my eyes and walk back towards the club. There's no way I'm going back to her place tonight. We need time apart already and it's only been a couple hours.

I spot Donnie outside of the club on the phone with one hand in his pocket. I decide to keep my distance until he got off the phone.

"Donnie," I approach him. "I'm sorry."

"You're fine, doll. I realized who you were when you found out who I was." He chuckles. I look at him with a confused look.

"Oh," He laughs. "You're Jordan's girl. He talks about you all the time."

"I didn't know I was his girl. He hasn't contacted me since we left the airport."

"To me, it sounds like you are." His words make me smile. I'm Jordan's girl and I didn't even know it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2017 ⏰

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