chapter 8

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Hope you're enjoying the book!!

We're still in the restaurant room for our safety. Gun shots are going off every minute and I can't help but want to stop it all.

"Jordan, I can't just let people die. We need to do something." I lift my head up and look into his sweet eyes. He's probably not going to let me go out there but I really need to.

"Bella, you can't risk it. I can't let you go out there and get killed. There's no way." He gently begins rubbing my back.

"I'm going to get so rest." I tell him as I scoot up against the door. I lean my head on the door with my eyes shut, hoping he'll go to sleep. My plan is that I'll act like I'm asleep and when he falls asleep, I'll sneak out and take this guy down.

My eyes remain shut until I head Jordan snoring. I open my eyes and I stand up. I look at him with a sad smile. I shouldn't be doing this to him but something good might happen if I do go out there.

I slowly open the door and I wander around the airport, searching for the gunman. I see lifeless humans scattered across the floors of the airport. Tears fall down my face as I spot so many.

I realize that I don't have any weapons on me. The only thing I have is my 4 years of martial arts and self defense classes. Hopefully they can help me.

After awhile of searching, I begin to think that he's escaped until I head foot steps approaching behind me. I slowly turn around and my eyes meet the eyes behind the mask of the gunman.

I take a deep breath and kick him in his private spot. He groans in pain but doesn't budge to drop the gun. I then start punching and kicking him like a 5 year old. He still doesn't do anything.

I see Jordan come running towards us with his index finger over his lips, telling me to keep quiet about him coming. As he gets closer, he launches on the gunmans back and grabs his neck. He tries his hardest to choke him but the gunman manages to knock Jordan off his back.

He points the gun at Jordan. I start screaming in fear.

"No please don't!" I scream hysterically.

I run as fast as I can and as soon as I launch onto the gunman he fires at Jordan.

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