chapter 5

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Jordan and I are still a bit shaken up about what happened. But we have each other which is great. I don't know what I would do if I haven't met him. I'm just happy it wasn't anything serious. We can always look back and laugh at it.

It's now the 12th hour, we're half way there. Jordan has been singing to me to keep me entertained. He said I was keeping him entertained by letting him stare at me. He's so adorable but a part of me knows that this is all going to end soon. There's no way he'd want to keep in contact with me, he's so busy he doesn't have time.

He even told me that he's going to LA to record and prep for their tour. There isn't any time for me in between all the stuff he has to do. I completely understand. I'll be busy as well. I'm going to LA to stay with my best friend, Ally, anyways.

Jordan is fast asleep underneath my head. I pick up my head and admire him. He's so flawless. Now I understand why everyone is so obsessed. He has such an amazing, quirky personality that I cannot resist. I get lost in his deep, chocolate eyes every time I look into them. Don't even get me started on his smile and how adorable his dimples are.

I snap out of the admiration and I got up to go get us food and drinks. I grabbed us sandwiches and some sodas. When I got back, Jordan was pacing back and forth.

"Jordan?" I ask as I approached him.

"Bella!" He shrieks of joy and pulls me into a tight hug.

"What?" I laugh, extremely confused.

"I didn't know what happened to you." He answers and pulls away.

"I went to get us food." I tell him while handing him is sandwich and soda.

"Sorry." He mutters. Is he okay? Maybe he's still on edge because of what happened but honestly it's not that big of a deal.

We eat in silence as I watch the TV. I look over at him and he's watching the other TV.

"Jordan, are you okay?" I ask him. He looks over at me and scoots closer.

"Honestly, no. I feel like something is going to happen. I have a strange feeling and I was scared something happened to you." He explains to me with sad eyes.

"I'm fine, I promise. I won't leave your side from now on if that'll help." He puts his head on my shoulder and takes my hand. He plants a kiss on my hand and intertwines his fingers in mine.

"I've only known you for such a short amount of time. But Bella, you're the most amazing girl I've ever met." He whispers.

24 hours | jordan knightWhere stories live. Discover now