chapter 6

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My phone begins to ring for the first time in hours. It's Lexie. Oh no.

"Bella, where are you?" She exclaims through the phone.

"Oh my gosh Lexie, I totally forgot to call you. I missed my connecting flight due to the last flight so I'm going to land in LA at 10 am." I explain to her. I feel so bad. How did I manage to forget to tell her?

"Why didn't you call me? Where are you?" She bombards me with questions.

"I met someone and he's been keeping me busy. I'm at the airport until my flight leaves. I've been here the whole time."

She huffs and hangs up. Great. Hopefully she isn't mad at me tomorrow.

"Who was that?" Jordan asks softly. His brown eyes meet mine and he smiles slightly.

"My friend I'm visiting. I forgot to tell her I was gonna be extremely late." I explain to him with my head down. I'm so mad at myself for forgetting.

His phone starts ringing right after. He picks up and walks away, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

He comes back and I can't read the expression on his face.

"They said a bus is coming to get me but-"

"Go, Jordan. Staying here with me is extremely boring. Go get a hotel." I cut him off and he shakes his head.

"No Bella. I don't want to leave you here alone. I can't do that to you." He says to me and moves closer to me.

"Jordan please. Go sleep in a normal bed." I argue while I cross my arms.

"No and that's the final answer. I already told them not to send me a bus." He takes a stand of hair and tucks it behind my ear. I blush and look down at the ground but he tilts my head up.

He leans closer to me and looks into my emerald eyes. Our lips are about to lock. The moment I've been waiting for since I met him.

We all of a sudden hear a sound identical to a gun shot and we both pull away.

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