chapter 13

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We ended up in Hollywood.  We grab a bite to eat then we head to check out the walk of fame.

"Look!" I point to the New Kids on the Block star.

Lexie grabs her camera and I squat down next to the star and she takes a picture.

"Next time I see Jordan, I have to show him." I say to her.

"When is the next time?" She asks while she helps me up and we continue walking.

I shrug my shoulders. I hope it's soon. I miss him like crazy. He said we would stay in touch but so far I haven't heard anything and it's not like I can call him because he got my number, I didn't get his.

"You okay?" She comes closer with concern filled in her eyes.

I reply with a nod and continuing walking. Lexie and I walk around Hollywood for a couple hours until I spot someone that looks exactly like Jordan.

"Jordan!" I scream. He doesn't turn around. Why is he ignoring me?

"Are you sure that's him?" Lexie turns her head in his direction.

"Yes. Jordan!" I run up to him. The guy turns around with a confused expression plastered on his face. It wasn't him.

"Sorry." I sigh.

"Chill out, Bella. He'll contact you." Lexie reassures me. "Follow me."

She takes me to a place with purple and blue lights flashing inside. There's smoke and loud music. A club.

"Don't worry, you don't have to be 21 to get it." She answers the question I was thinking in my mind.

We go inside and there's people dancing everywhere. Lots of guys.

"I challenge you to go find a guy that doesn't look like Jordan and dance with him!" She laughs. But I realize that she's serious.

"Challenge accepted." I tell her with a smirk.

I go into the crowd looking around for an attractive guy. Most of them aren't but then my eyes land on someone. I couldn't really tell if he was attractive because it was dark in here.

"Wanna dance?" I ask him.

"Sure." His deep voice answers and he takes my hands in his.

He was tall and he had short brown hair. He was wearing black pants and a black jacket. Good club attire I'd say.

He placed his hands on my hips as we swayed to the music. He occasionally pulled me closer and I smirked as did he.

"What's your name pretty thing?" His deep husky voice said into my ear so that I could hear him.

"Bella." I tell him with a smile. "What's yours?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out." He smirks.

p.s. she doesn't know it's Donnie yet. ;)

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