chapter 10

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Jordan got discharged after a couple hours.  By the time we got back to the airport, it was time for our flight to LA.

I'm not sure what's going to happen from here. Will we keep in contact?

Jordan's seat got changed to coach since he's on crutches and the stupid airline wouldn't let me sit with him. I made my way to my seat after helping him get settled in his.

Jordan leaded me his CD player for the flight. The only CD in there was of course, New Kids. I didn't mind listening to it because they're music was phenomenal.

I did end up sleeping most of the flight. The lady sitting next to me had to nudge me to wake up. I opened my eyes and looked out of the window to see that we've landed in LA.

I was so excited to finally be here. I never thought that I would have the chance to be here.

I grabbed my purse and walked to the plane door. Jordan was sitting there, waiting for me to get off.

"Hey gorgeous." He says to me with a smile.

"Hey!" I respond while helping him get out of his seat and onto his crutches. I feel so bad for him. He didn't deserve this.

"So what's going to happen from here?" I ask him nervously as we walk through the terminal and into the airport.

"Well we are gonna be in the same city. There's no reason for us not to hang out or keep in contact." He looks over at me.

I nod with a frown. I'm upset that we're going our separate ways. That sounds extremely clingy but we've been through a lot the past 24 hours.

We end up near the entrance when Jordan stops me.

"Put your number in." He instructs me.

I take his phone and I punch my number in quickly. There's probably a car waiting for him and I don't want to waste anymore of his time.

Jordan pulls me into the best hug he can without falling. He plants a kiss on my cheek and smiles at me.

"I'll call you soon. I promise. Don't think all that time we had together was the end. Baby, it's just the beginning." He says sweetly.

I walk Jordan to his car with his bags in my hand. I place them in the trunk and he hops in the passengers seat.

"I'll see you." I smile.

"Bye gorgeous." He waves as I walk backwards with a sad smile.

24 hours | jordan knightWhere stories live. Discover now