chapter 9

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He shoots Jordan in the leg. Thank God it's only the leg.

Cops start to fill the area where the shooting just occurred. The gunman tries to escape but before he does, I jump on his back and snatch the gun from his hand.

I quickly jump off and fire the gun at the gunman several times. He suddenly falls backwards and I step closer to make sure he's completely dead.

"Do you know him?" A tall, skinny cop comes over to me and nods his head in Jordans direction. I gulp and nod. "He's going to have to go to the hospital. Would you like to go?"

"Yes, please." I tell the cop and he leads me towards where Jordan was being laid on a stretcher and he told me to follow them.

I did what he told me to do and I sat down in the back of the ambulance. There was several here, taking many people to the hospital as well. Why did Jordan have to be one of them?

Jordan groans in pain so I take his hand and squeeze it gently.

"You're going to be okay. I'm not leaving your side." I tell him.

But that didn't last very long. The nurses made me wait in the waiting room until they see how bad the wound was.

I watched whatever was on the TV while I waited and I also looked around at all the chaos going on. The ER was very interesting. All kinds of people show up and get rushed in and out. Especially at midnight.

"Ma'am?" A nurse approaches me. "What is your relation with Jordan?"

I think for a minute not knowing how to answer. If I say I'm his friend then they probably won't let me in.

"His girlfriend." I answer her with a smile.

She nods and gestures me to follow her.

"We had to do surgery on his leg but it was great. So no need to worry. He will be in a cast for 6-8 weeks though." She explains to me as we approach his room.

Jordan was lying on his bed with his foot in a white cast. He looked like he was in lots of pain but when he saw me, his face lit up with joy.

"Bella. I'm so glad you're still here." He says, patting the bed for me to sit down.

"I wouldn't leave you." I tell him with honesty. "How are you feeling?"

"In pain but better now that you're here." He smirks.

"None of this wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for me being so stupid. I am so sorry that this happened." I tell him. It really is all my fault. If I wouldn't have ran out to try to "save the world" he would be okay.

"It's not your fault, it could've been worse." He takes my hand and rubs it. "What happened to the guy?"

"I shot him." I breath. I can't believe I actually shot someone.

"See. It was for the best. You're a hero!" He chuckles which makes me smile.

"I suppose so." I grin.

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