chapter 7

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Jordan immediately grabbed my hand and ducked down. I ducked down as well and peeked my head behind the seats.

Screams of fear filled the airport. People were running for their lives. A man with a white mask on was holding a gun and pointing it at people, threatening their lives.

I was shaking extremely bad. This time it's real. There's a real gun and real lives are being taken. I realize that I'm still holding Jordan's hand when he slowly slips his hand out of mine and nods at me to follow him.

We're crawling on the floor trying to get to a closed in area.

"Bathrooms." I looked over at Jordan and mouthed at him. He responds by nodding and starts heading towards the bathroom.

Jordan suddenly stops and looks at me.

"Bathrooms are too easy. We need to go somewhere else. Just trust me." He tells me while taking my hand once more.

Once the gunman is out of our sight, we start running to wherever Jordan was planning on going. I can't even believe this is happening right now. Jordan did have an offish feeling.

We end up at a restaurant and we go in the door that reads "Employees Only." I lock the door behind us and sit down, panting against the door.

"We're better here." He whispers.

Tears start to fall down my face. I can't die. Not now. I haven't gotten to live my life yet. Jordan can't die either. He has millions of fans that adore him. I can't let either of us die. Whatever chance I have to make this man stop, I will.

I scoot over to Jordan and lean my head in his lap. He caresses my face while planting kisses on my forehead.

"We're going to be okay baby girl, I promise I'm not going to let anything happen to you." He comforts me as tears still fall down my face slowly.

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