chapter 11

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I walk back inside to see Lexie waiting for me.

"Lex!" I exclaim. She turns around with a shocked face and runs up to me. She pulls me into a big hug. She squeezes me tight then finally let's me go.

"Finally you're here! You need to fill me in on what happened!" She tells me.

I smile slightly and I walk with her to the car. When we get in I take a deep breath and decided to fill her in.

"So I met this guy.." I start.

"Okay?" She says confused.

"Jordan Knight." I breathe.

She looks over at me with a shocked expression. "No way!"

I nod and smile at her.

"Yeah, we really connected. He's so cute and down to earth." I daydream about his perfect face.

"Does he like you?" She asks excitedly.

I shrug my shoulders and laugh.

"But something major happened." I start. "A guy came in and started shooting so Jordan and I tried to take him down. He shot Jordan in the leg and I killed the shooter."

"Bella! You killed him?" She exclaims. I shouldn't have told her. It feels weird to talk about it but I know she would've found out.


"That's amazing. You're a hero!" She tells me and it instantly reminds me of Jordan. He called me a hero too.

We chat until we get to her apartment.

"Wow this is awesome." I tell her when we walk in. It's very bohemian and modern.

"Thanks." She smiles and plops on the couch.

"Hey if you don't mind, I'm gonna get some rest. I'm exhausted." I yawn.

"Go ahead, we'll do something later." She tells me and guides me to her guest bedroom.

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