chapter 12

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I wake up from my nap to see Lexie watching Netflix in the living room.

"Hey girl." She says to me as I walk to the couch.

"Hey. What's the plan for tonight?" I smile.

"I was thinking we could go out to eat somewhere and then do some shopping."

I nod while she picks up the remote and turns it on cable. The news immediately pops up.

"Gunman at the Austin airport has been identified as Blake Stans" The news lady announces and my jaw drops.

My ex boyfriend. How did he know where I was and why was he trying to kill innocent people?

"Oh my god." Lexie breathes.

Lexie knows him as well. She never disliked him but she never liked him either.

I look at her with sad eyes. She pulls me into her lap and comforts me the best she could.

It's all so confusing. I never in my life would think that he would do such a horrible thing.

I remember the day I had to break up with him like it happened yesterday. He was being so distant and strange for such a long period of time that I had to end it. I couldn't deal with it anymore.

He didn't take it very well and he dropped out of school. We dated for almost 2 years. Those 2 years sadly went to waste.

"You killed him, Bella." Lexie says like I already didn't know that.

I did kill him. I didn't know it was him. But even if I did then I would have anyway. He was killing innocent people. Part of me feels like a terrible person for taking someone's life but it was for a good reason.

"I'm sorry but I don't think I can go out tonight." I tell her and her face falls.

"You have to! That's the only way you'll get your mind off of it. You're not gonna get anywhere by sobbing in bed." She convinces me.

I pick up my head and nod. She's right. I can't stay in bed and sob.

I go to the guest room and change into a black dress with some wedges and applied more makeup. I quickly did my hair and we were on our way to wherever Lexie told the Taxi to take us.

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