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"You cant be serious about the me not being able to call you babe thing right?" It was the end of the school day and the only person who could take me home was Tyler. But I kept it a quiet ride home.

"Dead fucking serious." I said as I glared at him.

"You know I'm suspended for ten days because of that asshole." He says.

"I care why? You bullied him." I said

As I was about to get out of the car he pulls me in and tightly holds my upper left arm.

"Look you are annoying me right now but because we are in front of your house I'm not going to do anything extra." He says me. "I'm going to call you whatever the hell i want. We are not breaking up. And I'm going to punch everyone who tries to get with you. But since I won't be here Jensen and Mark are going to watch over you. Got that?"

He lets go and I run out of his car slamming the door and going into my house crying upstairs in my room. I go to my mirror and saw a huge bruise on my arm. It hurt so badly he was grabbing on so tightly! I can never step up for myself in the relationship without him hurting me physically.
The rest of the night I did my homework and slept feeling so much pain on my left upper arm.

I know this was quick I'm v sorry 😐 I'm so stressed you guys don't even know!!! 😭 I'll try and make next chapter longer!

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