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It's been two months in school already and everyday has been worst for me when it comes to bullies but I've gotten closer to Priscilla. When Tyler got suspended it was hard for Priss to be around me because some of Tyler's friends would keep her away from me. She's such a beautiful person and so far now that Tyler is back we haven't bumped into her boyfriend or one of his friends so I haven't been going home bloody which is great. It's just being picked on that is bothering me. I still have no clue why Priss is with Tyler still. I've noticed that he's act more of a dick to her and she still goes with it. Priscilla still doesn't know that I live next to her. I should tell her but I'm still scared to speak to her first. I need to get out of that scary part.
I wake up from my loud alarm from my clock and I shut it off slamming my hand down on it and it shuts up. I swing my legs from my bed to the floor and I stand up and walk to my bathroom rubbing my eyes. When I make it to the bathroom I do the usual which is brush my teeth wash my face use the bathroom all of that junk and I put on my glasses. I can't wait to get my contacts and my braces off. Seeing will be easier and singing will be easier also.
I walk to my dresser and pick out the usual classy appropriate outfit that I get bullied for but it's okay. It's not about what they like it's about what makes me feel comfortable. After I throw on my clothes I put on my shoes and grab my bag, phone, and car keys. I run downstairs and kiss my mom and little sister on the cheek and leave. I get in my car and before I pull out I see the gorgeous Priscilla run out her house and into Tyler's car and they drive off. Ugh I wish she was with me. She deserves someone better than him. She deserves someone to treat her better than that idiot.
I arrive at school and I go inside and walk to my locker. Soon as I got there I see her and instantly started to get happier.

"Hi Shawn!" She says as she smiles widely at me.

"H-hi." I still get nervous when I'm around her.

"Today my friend was is having a big party and I was wondering if you wanted to come?" She asked.

Holy crap what do I say what do I say "Okay." I panicked!

"Yay great type your number in my phone and I'll text you the details." She says and she gives me her phone.

I was shaking badly. I've never been so nervous in my life. She asked for MY number! Honestly besides my family she was the only friend that had my number.

I give her phone back and she says. "Okay cool I'll see you in class." And Tyler comes out of nowhere and wraps his arm around her and they kiss I roll my eyes and walk away.

The whole day I couldn't stop thinking about what I should text her and if I should text her first or not. I've never been so nervous in my life. I can finally say that I have a girls number and it's my crush! Gosh I feel like a girl freaking out about a famous boy. I need to play cool. What am I even going to wear? I have a lot to do as soon as I step into my house.


Thank god the day went by fast I was so ready for Mia's party. Her house is huge and it's fun to be in.
As Tyler drops me off he kisses me on the lips and I get out of the car going to my house.

"Dress sexy like always baby!" He yells out.

"Like always!" I yelled back smirking at him and watched him leave.

I get into my house and instantly go to the refrigerator. My parents are in my life it's just that the relationship I have between them is dead. My mom and dad enjoyed me for a little while then they just stop giving me attention. It's like they stopped loving me it hurt because it's taking me some time to learn how to love myself. Your parents love is important and it needs to be in your life. I stopped getting that at age 8. And from then they just put more love into their jobs more than me. And I understand but it's been almost one years since we've gone to a family trip or done something family wise. I don't look at my parents the same way anymore. I just see them as people who give me what I need when I ask for it. Seeing girls with their moms going shopping together and laughing together and having fun together and dads with their daughters going camping, fishing, sports,and also having fun together is all I asked for and it hurts. Badly. But enough about that I have to get ready.
I go upstairs with my bag and to my room and I first do my homework. Sorry I'm a overachiever I have to have things done on the day it's given I can't wait until at night during dinner or next morning when it's due or on the weekends I can't wait until Saturday or Sunday I have to get things done. Then after that I grab my computer and play some music while going on my phone. And the first thing I do on my phone is text Shawn the whole details. And the rest of time we were texting a lot he is so cute and funny. It's finally not the fake Lol's I send Ty I'm actually laughing out loud. I hope he decides to go to the party. I know people will start glaring at him but honestly I rather hang out with him than everyone at the party but I promised Cassy and Mia and everyone else I would go.
I look at the time and it's almost 8:40 which is when the party started until 2am. So I tell Shawn bye and go to my bathroom taking a shower washing my hair and stuff. Then I get out dry myself off and go to my dresser and I picked out the sexiest thing I could find for Tyler and I put it on then I went to do my makeup and my phone goes off.

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