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I woke up to someone shaking me. I crack my eyes open to see Luciano leaning over me. Once he noticed I was awake he sat back and waited for me to sit up. Once I did I noticed that Gilen was still sleeping with his head resting in my lap. I slowly reach down and start to stroke his hair. He lets out a small content sigh and snuggles closer to my stomach. I didn't notice that I had a slight smile. Luciano did though. "Felicano, it's almost 8, are you going to stay here or go back?" "I was actually curious if you guys would mind helping me with training?" That earned a grin from Luciano. "I wouldn't mind helping you, but you'll have to ask kuro, as for lutz, his weapon is a gun but he also fight with his fists. Gilen uses a knife as well." "Well, I can already use a gun, but everything else I may need some help in." "Okay then, let's go downstairs and ask (more like make) lutz to help you, and then find kuro to ask him as well." "Umm... what about Gilen?" "You can wake him up, but do you know sign language?" I nod. "Good." I gently shake gilen's shoulder and he slowly wakes up. He looks at me and then signs out 'Italy?' I nod. 'Technically yes, but I am Feliciano. I am your Italy's 1p, but don't worry, I won't hurt you.' I smile a little. He studies me for a second and then tries to smile. His smile was wobbling which told me it was forced but I know he trusts me. 'You don't need to make yourself smile, I know the feeling. Me and Luciano are going downstairs, will you be staying here or coming with us?' He signs out 'coming' I nod and smile slightly. We both stand but he grabs onto my right hand. I squeeze it gently and be squeezes back. We walk down stairs with Luciano and find lutz in the same spot on the couch watching TV except now he's smoking. "Lutz. Your going to be training Feliciano in boxing and Everything that you know in that area." "Sure, I don't mind. He's nice and kinda cute so I don't mind doing it." This earned a raised eyebrow from Luciano. "Okay then..." we go to find kuro and find him in his room. "Kuro?" I ask softy. "Hai?" "I wanted to ask if you were willing to train me in using the katana and other blades?" "I will, but you have to let me give you a tattoo as payment." "Okay then, what type of tattoo did you want to do?" "Not saying, you'll see it when I'm done." "Where are you going to put it?" "You decide that part." "I don't really care where, just not on the hands or head, and can you do it on a clear area of skin?" "Clear?" "You'll see. When are we going to do it?" "We can do it now if you want." "Sure." Kuro leads me into the room next to his which turns out to be a tattoo studio. He leads me over to the couch like thing and tells me to remove my shirt. I glance at Luciano and see that he's guiding Gilen to the door. Once the door is shut he nods at me. I pull off my jacket and then pull off my dress shirt, and then my undershirt. Kuro glances at me and then meets my eyes with a knowing look. "Turn around." I listen and turn so my back was to him. I feel him walk up to me and study my back. I naturally Tense up but I relax after Kuro gently touches my shoulder trying to be reassuring. The majority of my back is scarred from after world war 2 when the allies decided to trap me and whip me while I was weak and my allies were unconscious. America and Canada helped me afterwards but it still left most of my back scarred, and the rest of it was scarred from the mansion. "Wow, there really is no clear spot on your back... this isn't all from the mansion though. Most of these scars were made with a whip." "I was caught after my allies collapsed at the end of the world war 2 battle, four of our enemies tortured me. The other two helped me afterwards." Both of them looked at me with sad expressions. "Feli, can sit down with your right arm towards me?" Unlike the rest of my body, my right arm has almost no scars. "Sure." I do as told and then watch as he prepares his equipment. A few minutes later he starts doing the first sketch of the tattoo. (idk how the process works, I'm trying tho) about an hour later, he started inking it. This took about 5 hours to do. The tattoo traveled from my shoulder down to my wrist and it was a thorny vine that wrapped around my arm. The thorns looked like they pierced the skin every once in a while and it looked like it was growing out of my shoulder. It wrapped around my wrist to look like a bracelet that had the Italian flag in the middle if it. To put it bluntly I love it. I can finally get up and the second I do I stretch. I glance up and notice Kuro watching me amused. "Do you like that tattoo?" "I love it." I grin."oh... I haven't smiled naturally in years." Kuro smiles slightly. "I'm glad you can here." "I am too. By the way, I wanted to ask; is Gilen uncomfortable around scars?" "Oh, your asking because Gilen was sent away earlier right? Well, he tends to panic and cry if he sees major scarring like what you have. Here you are safe to wear T-shirts, Tank tops and things like that, just don't. Take. Your shirt. Off. At least not when he is anywhere near you, okay?" "Yeah, I understand." "Luciano!" Kuro called. "What! Is it done yet?" "Yeah! Can you get him a new set of clothes? Since he's technically you, your size is the same." "Yeah yeah, I'll be right back." Luciano came back and tossed me a pair of black jeans and a red sports tank top. "Thanks Luciano." "No problem, didn't wear them much anyways. By the way, really like that tattoo." "I do too." I quickly change into the clothes. After getting an approving nod from Luciano we walk back into the living room. Lutz was still sitting in the couch watching tv. (me with reading lol) he glanced up and then looked at me wide eyed. "How did he go from cute to badass In six hours?!" I heard a snort of laughter from behind me which I can assume is Luciano. "Awesome tattoo by the way. That one of Kuro's?" "No~" I reply sarcastically "me and Kuro just disappeared for six hours~" "okay, I get it, stupid question. Sit down won't you?" I comply and take a seat next to him. Luciano sits on my other side and Kuro sits in the other side of lutz. Gilen peeks into the room and darts over to me the second he sees me. "Oh yeah, Gilen kept on asking where you were, didn't want him to panic so... I'm guessing you asked so you get it." I nod and hug Gilen as he cuddles into me and Luciano. "By the way where's-" I was cut off my the voice of flavio. "I'm Home~!" "Flavio -_-" I finish. Gilen cuddles in closer to me and Luciano. "Oh~? He hasn't left yet~? I'm surprised~! Eww! Did my brother give you that outfit? We need to fix that!" "No thanks." I look him in the eye and he finally gives up. "Does no one here have any style?!" I sigh and go back to cuddling Gilen. Out of habit I end up humming a song grandpa Rome used to sing to me and Romano when we were little. The 2ps watch me as I do this and then Luciano starts softly singing the lyrics (ninna nanna) *play song*

By the time Luciano stopped singing Gilen was asleep. I smile gently and start to stroke his hair. He lets out a sigh and cuddles closer to me. "Should we bring him upstairs or keep him here?" "I'd say keep him here and then you can carry him up when we go to bed." "Wait... You can carry him?!" Lutz made sure to stay quiet. "Yeah, I did it before, I can do it again." Lutz then really takes notice of how much muscle I actually have. "I swear if you make me exercise..." I chuckle "don't worry, I won't. I've been in the receiving end of that before and it is honestly kind of terrifying... or was. Anyways, I won't." He bids and turns back to the TV. I glance at Kuro and notice that he was drawing on his arm. I smile softly and lay my head on Luciano's shoulder. I felt him smile and his head rested on mine. "Luciano? Do you want to go upstairs?" "Sure, lets go." Luciano stands up and I follow a little slower since I'm carrying Gilen. We walk upstairs and lay down on Luciano's bed. Gilen curled up on one side and Luciano laying on the other. I curl up a little in the middle of the Ben and then I feel Luciano pull me to him and hug me like a big teddy bear. I smile and slowly start to fall asleep.

Time skip: next day

"Feli!" I open my eyes to see Luciano. "Yeah?" "Lets go shopping for clothes for you." "M'kay, one second. I get up and get myself situated before waking Gilen up and following Luciano downstairs. We leave Gilen with lutz and Kuro and drive to the shopping mall. We park and walk inside and go to multiple stores. We finally went to hot topic, just for fun and are surprised to find a guy who looks like America walking around. He notices us and walks over. "Sup Luciano, this your 1p?" "Si, this is felicano. Any other allies here?" "All of us are, I dunno where they are though." Right after he says that a man who looks like China walks up. He glances at me and his eyes fall in the tattoo. He scowls slightly. "Did Kuro so that?" I glance at Luciano. He nods. "Yes, he did it last night." He looks me in the eye. "What's your name?" "My name is Feliciano." I didn't break eye contact. It kind of turned into a staring contest, and eventually to Luciano and Allen's surprise; he blinked. "I'm wang zao, call me zao." I nod. After a while we left and went home. "Feli? I think we should start your training today, what do you think?" "Yeah, I agree."

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