To win the fight

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(they separated)

Me and Luciano continued yelling at the people in the meeting, most of which looked extremely bored though some people were paying attention. My eyebrow twitched as lutz let out yet another snore from next to me. I started fiddling with one of my knives and that didn't go unnoticed. Several countries started paying attention all knowing how deadly the small weapon was.

By the end of the meeting, I was glaring at everything that moved  and just wanted to kill something. I marched down to the training room that was located in the meeting building and I start punching a dummy. Allen walked into the room with a smirk and attempted to sneak up behind me. I closed my eyes and tripped him before looking at him with an annoyed expression. "What do you think your doing idiota?" Instead if answering, Allen just asked one of his own. "Wanna spar?" I shrugged "sure, weapons or no?" "No weapons" allen smirked absolutely believing he would win the fight. I unnoticeably smirked and walked into the room with the sparring setup. "This will be fun" Allen smirks.

We both get into position, me making it seem like I was an amateur which caused Allen to grin cockily. We counted down and Allen charged at me while I stayed rooted in place. At the last second I dodged him with a shout of "olay!" Allen scowled and swung a punch which I once again dodged. "Come on Allen! At least try!" Allen sent multiple punches in my direction, me dodging all of them. I quickly sent several punches into Allen's stomach, making sure to only bruise him and knocked the air from his lungs. While he gasped, I slipped behind him and pinned his arm to his back, pushing him to the floor and pinning him in an extremely uncomfortable position that was probably a bit painful. "1....2...3! I win~"

I grin triumphantly, eyes glowing their golden red colour that they attained while living with the 2ps. I turned around at the sound of clapping and saw several countries, including the axis and allies. I playfully bowed and laughed softly. "Anyone else?" Yao stepped forward. "I'll try" I smile and nod "weapons?" Yao nods and pulls out two swords. "You choose what weapon i use: knives or katana" yao smiled slightly, knowing I was giving the opportunity to have an advantage. "Katana" I smile and grab the white flag. Many nations looked at me confused but I quickly unsheathed the blade.

'tell me when your ready."I smile as the words leave my mouth, obviously looking forward to the fight. yao nodded signaling that he was ready. I wipe all emotion from my face and grow a slightly threatening aura which caused mot of the nations to shiver. "go" yao immediately charges towards me wit an obvious intent to kill. I swiftly dodge his attacks that were too quick for most trained eyes to see. the on looking countries faces showed fear for my life and shock at the fact that I dodged all of yao's strikes. I quickly send back just as many strikes, managing to nick yao's arm, cheek, and side. the nations eyes widen after seeing the fact that yao didn't hurt me but I hurt and yao continued to sent blow after blow to each other, neither of us flinching. I dodged another strike from yao and managed to disarm him and I took the opportunity to use the pressure point that makes his body go numb.

yao crumpled and I smiled triumphantly "I win~" the countries stared wide eyed, not including the axis. "you must have cheated..." I glared in the direction that the voice came from. "excuse me?" "you had to have cheated!" me along with the axis growled quietly. "I am no cheater!" "idiot! he let yao choose his weapon! this fight would have ended much fasted if he used knives but he used his katana instead! that's his worse weapon! if you say he cheated one more time, I'm going to mix all if feli's poisons together and force feed them to you!"

i frown slightly "that would be excruciating and extremely slow...and ALL of my poisons? those took years to collect!" i whine softly. Luciano frowns but sighs "fine, only half..." "one quarter luci" he sighs in defeat "fine..." i grin triumphantly and walk over, gently side hugging him and leaning against him. he hugged back and leaned against me as well and i rested my head on his shoulder as he lays his head on mine. "today was the last meeting, Si?" "si, home then?" i nod softly "you know me too well..." Luciano smiled softly and walked over to a mirror, stepping through, me following after, our hands never disconnecting. the two of us along with the axis walked to their car, me, flavio and Luciano in the back and gilen and lutz in the front. i leaned on liciano's shoulder and snuggled into his warmth, his head going to rest on mine as i quickly drift off to sleep.

I wake up to Luciano nudging me. "We're home?" He nods in reply and I climb out of the car. I follow Luciano inside and walk into my room to see many boxes. I grin, knowing that these are my books. I unload them and start sorting them in the book shelves. I finish around an hour or so later and sigh happily, looking at the book shelves full of books. I pull out a botany book and fall back on my bed, reading the book until my eyes drift closed and I fall asleep to the image of Luciano crawling into bed with me and kissing my forehead before letting the world of sleep engulf me once again.

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