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Timeskip: 2 weeks

Today is the first day of the meeting. I'm staying with America at his house, he made sure England was t staying with him. We both prepare our things and walk out to Americas car. He wouldn't let me drive because I drive like a madman. We make it to the meeting right on time and I take my seat in between Germany and Japan. England, Romania and Norway were glaring at me the entire meeting but I ignored them. It was my turn to present and I walked to the front of the room. "The focus is improving the effects of nuclear radiation in our nations." I nod. "The country of Italy does not have any nuclear power plants for the safety and health of our citizens. The best course of action would be to completely eliminate them entirely, but that isn't done easily. Nuclear power plants are used due to it being a clean process for the environment but I believe there are better options. Nuclear power plants are more likely to be targeted by terrorists. With americas permission, about two weeks ago I visited one of his power plants and discovered a very unique moss growing in the air vents. This moss releases spores that travel rather quick and grow on any surface that isn't living. This moss also detonates if hit by fire. This is extraordinarily dangerous because the blast range of this plant is 250 feet, and that is added to the original blast range. This will make the entire plant explode. This will also make every spore in the air explode as well, and it will Be tiny but it will lead to a chain reaction of every power plant in that nation and the nations surrounding it exploding. This has an estimation of decreasing the population of those countries by half or less. That combined with the nuclear waste that would be leaked out in the explosions would leave less than a fifth of that nations population which is extremely deadly for a nation. Since we haven't had much time with this moss we have not found a way to kill it without damaging the power plant. This moss is a mutation caused by the radiation that has effected other plants as well. These plants have no dangerous aspects but this moss is extremely dangerous. I have brought samples of this moss for countries to have researched to make the process faster. If this moss was to detonate, every power plant in the world would detonate. The moss grows extremely fast and does significant damage to the ground as well. The result of the moss detonating would be apocalyptic. The best choice would be to remove many of the plants and start using other natural energy sources and to start researching a way to kill the moss." I place a briefcase full of Pastry dishes with the moss inside on the table and hand a copy of my research to Germany. I leave a stack of the same copies on the table and most of the nations grab one of each. America already had one of each before the meeting due to me having stayed with him. "One more thing; keep the moss in a place where it cannot spread outside of the room. And please do not open the dishes until it is safely in a lab where the risk of it spreading is a lot lower." The room was silent after my presentation as all of the countries processed what i just said. Surprised cries started floating through the air. "What do you mean apocalyptic?!" "How do we know this is true?!" "Why didn't we hear about this sooner?! "First; the moss will destroy 80% of your land if it explodes. Second; if you don't believe me, start your research on this moss. And finally; we didn't know the full risk until about a day ago." The room slowly quieted down. "Is there any proof of how much damage the moss will cause?" I nod and open a video taken in a lab. This room was about 60 by 55 feet, and a small pastry dish sat in the center of the room. A string was caught on fire by a button and slowly moved closer to the dish. It finally reached the dish and the explosion was instant. It cracks the screen of a shatterproof camera and blew a hole about 25 feet deep and 10 feet wide in the center of the room. "This is less than how much moss is In those dishes and it inflicted more damage than three grenades. The camera was made with bulletproof glass I received from Russia. I pull out the camera. The glass was cracked and I pulled out the glass. I toss it in front of Switzerland and he shoots it on instinct. The glass hits the wall but isn't cracked even after being shot at point blank. "As you can see the force of the blast was more powerful than a bullet at point blank. By the end of the demonstration many of the countries had paled significantly. "I think we should take a break." The countries all nod in agreement with Germany and flow out of the room. They all had pulled out their phones and most called talented researchers or their bosses to tell them about the moss. I walk over and talk to America. "Hey dude, thanks for telling me about that moss after you found it. I'm going to start trying to get rid of my plants now." I smile. "That seems to be the best course of action. You should probably wait until there has been more research done on the moss though. We have yet to find out what can trigger an explosion. Loud noises and fast shaking don't effect it but I don't know exactly how well it can handle electricity or the sharp fast hits machines can give. For now I would say to just increase security around the plants to decrease the risk of sabotage." America nods in agreement. My phone rings startling both of us. I glance down. "It's Luciano." America nods in understanding and walks off to annoy England. I answer the phone. "Hello?" "Feli! You k ow how I said we can't cross over?" "Yeah...?" "We actually can, it's extremely dangerous!" "And why are you telling me this?" "Gilen left to find you while we weren't looking!" I curse under my breath. "Dies he know where the meeting place is?" "Yeah, you left it on the desk and he saw, he'll probably be there soon." "Okay, I know I'll protect him and Prussia will too, he'll be okay and I'll bring him back after the meeting is over. There's a few hours left." "Okay, I'll let lutz, Kuro and Flavio know to stop looking." "Okay, talk to you later. Bye." I hang up just in time to see the door open and a terrified Gilen tackle Prussia, since I was across the room and he hadn't seen me yet. I start to walk over and Gilen spots me. His eyes light up and I open my arms for him. He runs into them and clings to me. He was trembling and breathing fast telling me he was probably having a minor panick attack. I pick him up and quickly carry him over to a quiet corner being closely followed by Prussia. I sit down with him in my lap and Rock back and forth while humming a song that always calms me down. After a while Gilen's breathing evened out and he stopped trembling. He was still awake, just a lot calmer. "Hey awesome little guy! How have you been?" Gilen turns to look at Prussia and begins to sigh out a reply only to stop when china walks up to us. "Who is this aru?" "Hello china, this is Gilen." "Mein awesome 2p!" "Aren't they dangerous?" "Meh, not really. Gilen is really calm and sweet. He doesn't hurt anything unless forced to in a bad situation. He's also mute." "Why are you over here?" "Gilen had a panick attack from going through here alone. He's calmed down a lot." I trail off when I realize something. "I've got to call Luciano back to let them know Gilen's safe." I pull out my phone and start to dial his number when England walks over frowning. "What's that doing here?" I glare at him. "He came here to find me because he didn't like being away from me for so long. It's been 2 weeks and he grew very attached to me while I've been living with Luciano and their axis." "He's dangerous!" "It's Gilen, prussias 2p! He's the most harmless one out of all of them!" By this point Gilen had moved into Prussia's lap and I was standing face to face with England glaring. "2ps are 2ps, their all murderers and freaks." "They are not just 2ps they are living people." By this point the other countries had started to come back into the room. Iceland noticed Gilen and rushed over. "Italy, what's Gilen doing here?!" "He snuck away to find me." Iceland kneels down next to Gilen and starts quickly signing things to him. Gilen nods and calms down a lot. "Thanks Iceland." "No problem, Gilen is super sweet anyways so I don't mind." Iceland gives one of his rare smiles and pats Gilen's head. I turn back to England and notice he's muttering something about Dora the explorer. My gaze hardens and I slap my hand over his mouth. "I would advise you to end your chant there, that is if you value your tongue." I hiss into his ear. "I will not hesitate to go to drastic measures if it means protecting my family, and the 2ps are part of my family." Englands eyes widen. "Your crazy!" "Maybe, but I have a right to me." He steps away from me and quickly walks back to Norway and Romania. He talks to them and they turn to glare at us. I smile like nothing happened and turn back around. "Sorry about that." I sheepishly rub the back of my neck. "It's okay Italy, I get it. I'm like that with them too." I smile at Iceland gratefully. I spot America walking over with a concerned look on his face. "Italy, what happened. The magic trio are glaring bullets at you and England looks like he just saw a ghost." "Oh, Gilen came to find me and then England started chanting a spell. For what I don't really know but it involves me and Gilen. I threatened him and scared him shitless and now here we are." America nods and smiles. "This is Gilen?" He had his eyes focused on Gilen who in turn was looking at him with mild curiosity and nervousness. "Yeah, this is Gilen. He's mute, but please, don't try to talk in ASL." "Okay." America kneels down in front of Gilen and starts to talk to him. Gilen's eyes light up when America mentions his states. I smile and step away a few steps. I dial Luciano and press call. He picks up on the first ring. "Feli it's been ten minutes! It he there?!" "He got here right after I hung up but there were some problems with England. Right now he's with America, Iceland china and America. He had a mild panick attack so china wants to make sure he's really okay. Iceland and Prussia are keeping him calm and America is actually almost getting him to smile." "That's good, do you mind if he stays with you until you get back?" "Not at all, I'm staying with America and they get along well so we'll be okay." "Good. I should go and tell the others he's with you and okay." "Okay, by-" I was cut off by the voice of none other than Flavio. "Feli~! Have you been dressing nice?" "Yes Flavio, don't worry." "Good, I'm glad someone listens to me!" "Yeah. Now I should go, the break is almost over." "Right! Stay safe~?" "I will, bye." I hang up and slip my phone into the pocket of my jeans. I'm wearing a nice grey shirt with elbow length sleeves and black jeans with knee high black boots. I was wearing a black bracelet that Luciano gave to me that the first rule of the mafia engraved in it; famiglia before all and I was wearing a cross necklace. This showed part of my arm tattoo and revealed the wing tattoo as well as the piercings. I walk back to Gilen and the rest of them and gesture for them to go sit down. I pull over another chair for Gilen and place it in between me and germanys seats. We sit down quietly and Gilen scoots his chair over so he is in physical contact with me. I wrap my arm around him and he lays his head on my shoulder. The countries start to sit down, some throwing curious looks in Gilen's direction. Germany and Japan as well as Romano were surprised to see Gilen but didn't question it since they knew how close he and I were. Once everyone was seated Hungary decided to ask the unspoken question. "Italy, who is this?" I sigh slightly. "This, is Gilen. Gilen is prussias 2p but unlike most of them he is is not violent. He's very gentle and quite sensitive. He is mute and will probably be seen with either me, Iceland, America or Prussia. Please be kind to him." Hungary squealed quietly and darts over to us. She bends down so she's looking at Gilen eye to eye. "No need to be worried around me, ita grew up around me." This peaked Gilen's interest. 'So your kind of like a mother to him?' Hungary nods. "I guess you could say that. Why did you come out here?"

'Feli left around two weeks ago and didn't get the chance to visit so I wanted to see him. He's kinda like a big brother except he's younger.' I smile slightly. Hungary beams happily. "Italy's happy with all of you?" 'Yeah, we are all kind of just one big dysfunctional and slightly violent family, even feli. It's nice having him around because he naturally calms everyone down.' "That's good to know. 'Yeah, every country in this room and and people who arent's 2ps are working to protect feli. We really care about him, even people who haven't met him. This is mostly because every 2p is aware of the mansion and we all respect feli for not only surviving in there but keeping his friends alive and staying sane.' "I don't truly understand what the mansion is but I know it's affected ita greatly. Promise me you'll protect ita for us?" 'We will. Though, feli is completely capable of protecting himself. With further training he may even be able to beat Russia or America in a fight.' Hungarys eyes widen and shine with pride. "I'm glad to hear that." She stands and pats Gilen on the head before walking back and taking her seat. All the other nations know sign language so they understood the conversation. Most nations were surprised after learning. How strong I was but a few nations including the axis, Canada, Russia, and America didn't bat an eye at the news. You should never underestimate a country. That will be the last mistake you'll ever make.

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