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Today is the meeting. I change into my usual outfit which is a blue military jacket, with the same color pants that are fluffy until they reach the knees, and a black dress shirt and navy blue tie.

I walk out of my house and start walking to the meeting which is taking place in northern Italy. Venice actually, so I'm hosting it. I walk through my capital and arrive at the meeting about an hour early. I sit down in my assigned seat and wait.

After ten minutes I sigh and pull out a piece of sketching paper and a drawing pencil and get to work. Before long the countries that arrive early started walking in and taking their seats to prepare. I sigh and take a moment to actually look at what in drawing and realize in drawing my tattooed arm touching a mirror. It was a gorgeous picture, but I can't let anyone see it. I slide it in between a few of my other sketch papers and start a new drawing, this time of my capital Venice.

The meeting started right in time. Shockingly; no countries were late and there was almost no arguing. I glanced around the room and noticed most eyes were on me. Germany had already done the introduction so I didn't have any reason to speak, so instead I simply tilted my head slightly to show confusion.

"Italy, your eyes are open today." I furrowed my brows a little bit. 'I've come to the meeting many times with my eyes open...' "my eyes are usually opened during meetings. That isn't what you want to talk about, is it?" I sigh a little and wait for a response. Most of the countries seemed surprised at my serious tone. "U-um, we actually wanted to know where you were for those two weeks." "Oh, I told Romano. I was with some friends." "Friends?" "Yes, five of them." "Why for so long?" "What we were doing took a long time to do." "And what would that be?" "Learning." "What were you learning?" "I don't have any reason to tell you that. I have just as much of a private life as anyone else, and I believe I deserve privacy." The countries were so surprised with my response that not even Prussia said anything. "I thing we should start the meeting. I don't want to be here any longer than I have to." The countries merely blinked. "Germany." "O-oh, r-right... lets continue everyone." This seemed to break everyone out of their trance and the meeting started. The meeting went on like normal except a lot quieter.

After the meeting, I see Romano walk over to England and start to talk to him. After a few seconds England starts to pale and his eyes go wide. I both see and hear him start to walk quickly towards me.

"Italy!" I step out of the way right before be could grab my arm, surprising him."Italy, you cannot go back there!" "England, you have no say in who I can and can't be around." "I know I don't but they are-" I cut him off. "Murderers, crazy murderers. That's how you see them, isn't it? Well, I see my 2p as someone who cares for people but doesn't like showing it for anyone but Gilen, prussia's 2p, a depressed, mute man that was tortured as a child and is still traumatized. Lutz is a lazy man, but protects the people he cares about. Flavio is normally cheerful, but can also murder if the person does anything to anyone he cares about, just like your 2p from what I've heard. And Kuro is a man who is very blunt and gets straight to the point and does everything with honor and meaning." England doesn't reply, he just looks at me. "Italy, I do t know how they convinced you, but don't trust them." "Too late, iggy." I almost growl when I say the nickname he hates oh so much. He scowls and walks over to the other members of the magic trio, probably to tell them what just happened. I could care less who he tells by this point. I fount comfort in the 2p's because they actually understood me. Not Italy, but feliciano Vargas, the man who escaped the mansion.

I shake my head and start to walk away. I hear footsteps coming from both sides of me. I listen and recognize one of them as Romania and the other as Norway. I shut my eyes and sigh. Without opening them I greet the countries. "Hello Norway and Romania." "Hello Italy, we heard from England that you were associating yourself with the wrong people. We are going to fix that, but you have to come with us first." I scowl and my hand slowly slides down to my white flag. "Oh Italy... you can't wave that flag around anymore." My eyes snap open and I pull a gun from under my belt with one arm and unsheath my new katana from Kuro with the other. "Who said anything about waking a flag?" I growl. "Ha! You probably don't even know how to use those things!" I growl and cock the gun. "Wanna bet?" By this point I was pissed and the other two were starting to get nervous. "Italy, just put the gun down. This is to help you." "They are helping me. You wouldn't understand, tou didn't go through it, they did." "Italy, I don't know what your talking about, but we can he-" "no, you can't. Not only have they helped me, but they made me stronger as well." "What do you mean?" "Kuro is an expert with the katana, Luciano is an expert with throwing knives and knows every single pressure point and vital point in the human body, and lutz is an expert in hand to hand fighting. I am better with a gun than even the best assassin, I would probably be able to beat Japan in a fight seeing as I beat his 2p, same with Germany, and anyone on par with my 2ps strength. I won in a fight three on one with no safety gear at all. Good luck trying to take me down. It's a hell of a lot harder than it looks." Before either nation could reply I drop my weapons and throw two small darts with powerful sedatives at them, and they both hit true, right under their collar bones, knocking them out almost instantly. I smile before writing a quick note and slipping it inside Norway's pocket. I sheath my katana and tuck away my gun. I frown as I look at the nations and them walk away.

I run home and make it in less than 15 minutes. The second I do I pack my bags and push a note through the mirror letting the 2ps know what's happening.

I quickly walk out of my house and walk to the garage I leave my car in. I get in and drive away, going to my house about 3 hours away that not even Romano knows about.

I arrive and carry my things inside. I open up the inside of my phone and pull out the tracker Germany put in so he wouldn't lose me and I smash it.

I put my phone back together and text Luciano.

Feli: did you get the note?

Luciano: sì, luckily the meeting place is about 25 minutes from my version of the place your at so you can come through to here from there, okay?

Feli: okay, thanks. Fair warning though, 1p England, Norway and Romania are probably going to try to enter your world.

Luciano: don't worry, they can't. Their 2p has to grant them permission so they aren't getting in anytime soon

Feli: good, I'm sorry to bug you like this

Luciano: it's fine, I kind of wish I could have seen you though. You look badass when your pissed.

Feli: oh hahah... you lucky bastard have never been on the receiving end

Luciano: exactly, that's why I find it badass and funny.

Feli: do you realize how similar we actually are?

Luciano: yeah, you hade definitely gotten colder and more harsh since you have started staying with us.

Feli: I've become a badass!

Luciano: sì, you have

Feli: I should go, I'm going to make some food.

Luciano: okay, I'll see you tomorrow.

Feli: addio

Luciano: addio badass.

I grin as I turn off my phone. 'I can't wait for tomorrow, I can finally leave this place.'

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