Mutual understanding

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Meeting: day 3

I woke up to come face to face with a sleeping Gilen. I smile softly. "Gilen, it's time to wake up." I gently shake him. He stirs and opens his eyes. "Good morning Gilen, we have to get ready for the meeting, we can't be late." Gilen nods and we both climb out of bed. I change into my suit and then realize Gilen doesn't have one. "Hey America?" "Yeah dude?" "Do you mind loaning Gilen a suit?" "Not at all, he can have mine, I don't wear it much anyways."  "Thank you!" I quickly grab the suit from America and bring it back to the room me and Gilen are sharing. "Gilen, here." He smiles softly and changes into the suit. "Oh! I forgot!" I quickly grab my spare suit and carry it to the door that Luciano was Behind. "Luciano?" "Yeah?" "I have a suit for you!" The door opens and I walk in. Luciano glances at me and I hold out the suit. "Im stuck going to the meeting? Great~" I smile softly and walk out the door with a small wave.

The meeting

We were about 10 minutes into the meeting when something happened. I don't know why, but for some reason all of the 2ps were now in the meeting room. Flavio had landed in my lap. "Hey Flavio? Can you get off me?" "Oh, sì feli, have you seen Spain anywhere?" "Umm.... which one?" "Hmmm..... which one likes me?" "1p" I point at Spain and Flavio was off of me and on him in a heartbeat. I hold back a laugh. I spot Oliver and quickly walk over. "Ollie?" "Feli!" I'm hugged quickly before he pulled away. "Ollie, what's going on?" "I don't know poppet... the mirrors enchantment started acting weird earlier and I haven't a clue why." I furrow my brows. "So what's going to happen now?" He shrugs. The air suddenly grew around 20 degrees warmer. "Ollie...?" "U-um... this... this is not good..." "Oliver what the he-" I was cut off be a wave of dizziness. I swayed and would have fallen if Allen hadn't caught me. "Woah there feli, you okay?" "Was I the only one who was effected by that...?" "It might be because you are hyper aware or any type of magic so you pick up on it easier." I nod and allens arms were soon replaced with Gilen's. the air warmed another 20 degrees and Oliver along with the rest of the magical counties started to sway as well. My vision started blurring around the edges slightly. "O-Oliver... this is going to knock me out..." some of the less magic perceptive countries gave me a concerned look."hey feli, lighten up on the bond will you?! Your going to knock me out too!" "Oh sure, I'll just use some magic to dilute the effects of our bond while I'm about to pass out!" I glare at him slightly "ve." Luciano's eyes widen slightly when that escapes his mouth. "Bastard..." I mumble before another wake of magic hits. This causes the entire room to start swaying. "S-shit..." I mumble before my vision finally goes dark. I wake up with a migraine who know how long later. I sit up and look around the room. "Where did the 2ps go...?" My question was answered the second Luciano started yelling from what seemed to be right next to me. I look over and saw no one. "What the...." the room starts stirring, everyone sitting up. I stand up and wobble unsteadily towards England. "What the hell is happening?!" I snap at him. "How the bloo-" he winces slightly and just like me looks to his side. I catch a glimpse of his eyes and my eyes widen. "E-England?" "What?!" "Y-your eye.... one of them is blue...... actually, it looks a lot like..... ollies...." my eyes widen. "Oh." "Ollie..?" From England comes a response. "Yes poppet?" "What was that spell...?" "Just what it looks like, it fused the 1p and 2p countries together... though, you seem to be managing awfully well..." I grin and walk away. I rush over right as Prussia was sitting up. "Gilen?" Prussia looks up confused before a relieved smile spreads across his face. Feli, he's in Prussia's body...   my eyes light up. "Gilen... say something." Prussia looks at me confused but tries anyways. "F-feli?" His eyes widen. "C-can I.... can I really talk again...?" I nod softly. His eyes fill with tears as a smile lights up his face. "Feli...? I can talk?" He repeats the same phrase over and over and over again. I smile as tears gather in the corners of my eyes. "I'm so happy... I.... I can finally hear what you have to say, to hear your voice....." I smile as I start to cry. Gilen darts over to me and wraps me in a hug. "Feli? I wish i could talk forever, but we both know that this won't last...." I cry a little more because I know he's right. "Yeah... we just have to make the best of it!" He smiles. "I'm going to go talk to some others, I'll come back later, okay?" I nod. After he walked away I walk over to where Romano and Spain were. They seemed to be having a hard time. Spain was hugging Romano but also trying to push him away while Romano grumbles things like fabulous bastard and such while grinning. I was mildly disturbed, by also found it very funny. "Italy!! How the hell are you totally fine?!" I tilt my head. "Dunno, I think after spending a lot of time with the 2ps, I just became a lot like Luciano. He became a little like me as well. We honestly naturally were a bit like each other when we first met. We work well together."the both of them shiver slightly before Inching away from me. I ignore it and walk over to where Germany and Japan are. Germany is twitching a lot and seems to be trying to move except his legs won't budge and Japan looks like he both wants to hug people and yell and yet stay quiet and curl up in a little ball. "You guys doing okay?" "Not really..." was the immediate response from both of them.

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