The mansion

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Today is the second day of meetings. The countries were shocked yesterday but the meeting continued for a few hours before everyone went back to where they were staying. Gilen fell asleep during the meeting so I had to carry him back, much to the surprise of the rest of the nations. Over the night me and America discussed the plan for research. We agreed that we along with Canada, the axis and Russia would work together to research and fund the others research of the moss. The said countries all agreed to this plan and the research is underway in Italy, America and will be underway when the moss arrives safely in the rest of their countries.

We are now walking into the building the meeting is being held in. I am wearing the suit I wear in the mafia along with a earring that has the Italian flag in it. I thought it would be a nice change and it would be fun to see Romano's reaction. Of course I had to have it tailored so I could have guns hidden and I recently made places to hide my knives. My "white flag" was in my hand and a few knockout darts were hidden in the soles of my shoes. I walk into the meeting room right on time next to America and hide a smile as I see Romano's eyes widen. The magic trio frown at the sight of the flag. "Italy, you are aware that we aren't allowed to have weapons." This caused the countries to give us confused glances. "He doesn't have any weapons." "Oh, but he does. Italy hand it over please." I frown and glare slightly. I toss my flag over to him and he catches it. "That's just his flag though." "It's not just his flag." England grips the end of the pole and pulls, unsheathing the deadly blade of my katana. A few surprised nations turned to look at me, and an excited Japan quickly walks over and gets handed the blade. I watch as his expression turns to one of awe. "Italy, where did you have this made?! The craftsman's skill is astounding." "Oh, I didn't go to have that made, that was made in my home by me." Japan as well as most of the nations heads shoot up in shock. "What? May I remind you that I'm Italy. We're famous for being good with our hands. This is no different." "Why isn't belarus, Russia, Romano, or America surprised aru?" "Oh, I make Belarus's weapons for her, romano is my brother so of course he knows and both Russia and America have worked with me a lot so I'd be more surprised if they didn't know." "Speaking of working with you, I know you enough to know that you wouldn't go anywhere with only one weapon, strip." I glare at America a little bit and take off my jacket. I hand it to him and he hums quietly while pulling out the hidden knives and guns. "You have more weapons." "Well, I learned to use new weapons so I have more weapons on me." "Shoes." I sigh and pull off my shoes before handing them to America. He pulls out the darts and sets them on the table, careful not to prick himself. "Pants." I roll my eyes and lift up my leg and start to pull the few knives I have hidden in the hem of the legs. "Good. Anything else?" I sigh and pull out a gun the is smaller than my palm and place it in his hand. "Happy?" "Very, now put your clothes back on and go sit, you can get your things back after the meeting." "What about countries like Switzerland and Belarus?" "Those weapons are for self defense." "And mine aren't?" "Italy, we both know that you don't need those weapons to protect yourself. You beat me in training yesterday, you'll be fine." I nod and sit down. "Ah, wait, Italy, I forgot that you usually hide stuff in the cuffs of your selves and your shirt collar. Off with the shirt." I furrow my brows in concern and look at Gilen. "Italy, I'll take him outside while your sing that." "Thanks Prussia." I wait until the door is shut before I start to take off my jacket. "Italy, why did Gilen leave?" "Oh, Gilen tends to panic if he sees major scarring." "Scarring...?" "From the mansion." "The place you mentioned? Italy there is no such thing as monsters." Instead of replying I just start to unbutton my shirt. Sharp gasps were heard when I fully removed my shirt and I tossed it over to America who casually started checking for any weapons. He found none. "Here Italy." I nod and walk over to him to grab my shirt. Before I could put it on china walked up to me. "Italy, what happened?" "The mansion happened." "You said some of us were there but how come only you remember it?" "I think it was because Japan had the mansion destroyed the day after we escaped. I was able to keep the memories because I am the ryuuzu. Or was anyways. The magic trio knows what this is but I will elaborate. The ryuuzu is the person who makes a pact in a way with the creatures who I gave the name oni to. This pact allows the ryuuzu to use an item, in my case a grandfather clock to travel back to a set time. In my case it was the moment right after I told America about the rumors I heard in the mansion. In the mansion, nations become just as weak and vulnerable as a human. This also means we can die. Being the ryuuzu I remember everything that happened In those walls and kept every scar both mentally and physically. I went through around 100,000 loops to get you out safely I was trapped in the endless cycle of saving you for nearly 2000 years. One of the largest reasons I first left with the 2ps was because they knew about the mansion. They remembered that place. And they understood what it had done to me and who I truly am." "Italy, what happened with this scar?" He motions to the scar stretching across my chest."this happened in loop 679, I took a hit for England which nearly killed me. England turned back time in that loop. And before you ask, I took the hit because by that point I was starting to lose my grip on sanity a little. That was also around the time my counterpart started bringing attention to himself. And no, it wasn't Luciano." "It's not possible, we only have our Mochi, cat, female and 2p counterparts!" "Mm.... nope! Me and America have another counterpart. Mine is called Fauchereve and americas is called world. These counterparts like the new one I have lay dormant in all of our minds, I've only met two of them. Anyways, the counterpart I'm talking about is one that I'm sure Russia and America have met without realizing it during work. This counterpart is similar to a 2p except this one was created in my head my me. He represents all of the pain, anger, misery, rage and bloodlust I felt at my time in the mansion. He was... is, extremely dangerous.unlike the 2ps this counterpart doesn't care whether it's an oni, an enemy or an ally. If they are in his view, especially when he just escapes, they will die. A way you can tell that he is making an appearance is if my right eye turns green. If it does, don't do anything to bring me back, just run and hide. If my eyes turn blue... don't fall asleep. Fauchereve's eyes are blue. He can also take over by body, and he is extremely dangerous." "Italy, why are you telling us this now?" "If I'm telling you about the mansion these counterparts will be mentioned. I'd rather you understand now so when they do get mentioned you'll know who they are." The countries nod. "What about the scars on your back mr. Italy?" A small feminine voice floated through the air. "Oh, those? Well Liechtenstein,  these are battle scars from world war 1. I was still weak then and I was caught by the enemy while down." "Italy, we all know that only inhuman beings that are alive and not animals can scar a country. So far only nations can leave scars..." "yeah, only nations caused these scars. America and Canada remained my trusted friends after the incident. After all, they were the ones that actually kept me from falling from nationhood. If I had lost any more blood than I did... I would probably be dead. There wouldn't be a north Italy anymore. I owe them my life. One thing I want everyone in this room to know; America and Canada, and Japan... they are the only countries who have my full trust. It's sad to say, but it's true. America and Canada are the only countries who didn't hurt anyone. Only when necessary did Japan hurt anyone at all. They stuck with me through a lot. Japan through everything. Though Japan doesn't remember it, he was the only one who truly proved he was a genuine friend." "What do you mean?" I sigh and close my eyes for a moment. "What I mean is, Japan was the only person who hasn't tried to hurt me in the mansion or outside of it." This made Romano jump up and begin to walk over to me "What?! Idiota, I've never hurt you!!" "You don't remember trying to kill me." This made Romano go reeling backwards in shock. "What...?!" "Yeah, in loop 1097  Fiorello the murderous counterpart i mentioned took control of my body for the first time. He... he killed Spain... I couldn't stop him. He gave me back control right after so I could experience what happened afterwards. In the mansion there is a safe room where onis cannot go. In that room I was tortured by everyone. Japan tried to stop it but they ignored him. I told them everything. The loops, the counterparts, the clock... they didn't believe me. They agreed to tie me to a bookshelf in the library. They left me there for a few days. The onis left me alone because they found amusement in my suffering. It was about 5 days after I was first tied up that Romano visited me... it started out normal. As normal as your brother looking at you like you were the most disgusting thing on the planet. Romano pulled out a knife... he.... h-he, he tried to kill me.... he was going to slit my throat... that is after he had already cut off all of my toes and fingers and my tongue, as well as gouging out my eyes.
Japan stopped him before he could kill me though. I was unable to talk and see, and had no toes or fingers after the encounter. Japan brought me food and water every day after that. Since I had no fingers I easily slid out of the ropes that trapped me by the bookcase. It was about a week after Romano tried to kill me that Canada was fatally injured by an oni. I of course was going to turn back time to save him, but first, I had to fuse my aura with Fiorello." This caused England to jump up. "You idiot! That could have killed you!" "It did. The pain I felt when fusing my aura with Fiorello was unimaginable. It felt like every cell in my body was being electrocuted, burned, frozen, and ripped apart at the same time. Take the pain you imagined and multiply that by 1000. This of course was only the magical pain. Take the injuries I had and imagine the feeling of them being ripped open and the pain amplified by the rest of it but also making it more painful. This isn't even close to the amount of pain fusing your aura inflicts upon you. I had set the clock to reset a half an hour from when I died. Even to this day fusing my aura still effects me. Even after fusing my aura I was still in unimaginable pain. I was for hundreds of loops. I probably still am. My body just naturally developed a higher pain tolerance so I wouldn't suffer. The 28 loops after the aura fusion I went through blind and deaf. This of course trained by body a little to detect vibrations in the ground and improved my memory. Not to mention the fact that I had to reply to everything with only my sense of smell and touch. Those senses were nearly useless until we got to the mansion. I relied on my memory to get around. It was In The final loop of me being blind and deaf that Japan finally realized that I lost those senses. This of course made him panic. This caused the onis to find us since they are drawn mostly by sound and it ended wit a massacre. In a way I'm glad I was blind and deaf because I didn't have to see and hear it. The smell intensified though. I turned back time and started a new loop. I did this over 99,800 more times. We did escape though. Eventually. We discovered Fauchereve in the final 85 loops. He trapped be and America in a sleep like state where we couldn't wake up. They were trying to take over our minds and nearly succeeded. They didn't though. I still have scarring on my tongue and around my fingers and toes. We ecscaped from the mansion almost 8 1/2 month ago" "so... I tried t-to kill you...?" I nod softly and hold out my hand. He grabs it and looks at my fingers. Sure enough there were pale white rings on every single finger. His hand started to tremble as he brought it up to his mouth. He let out a muffled sob and nearly crumpled to the floor. He would have if Spain hadn't caught him. "famiglia before all my ass." I mumble as I pull on my neglected shirt and jacket and take a seat. "Feli, I'm so sorry!" "Romano. That wasn't lovino, that was a grief stricken, terrified, murderous man. I don't think I'll ever be able to honestly say 'I forgive you' but that incident taught me who my true allies were, and out of the axis and allies, my only true ally is Japan. He was the only one who tried to protect me. He believed me, and even after the Second World War, he stayed my friend and ally. I never got to truly say this. Germany, Prussia and Japan; I am sorry from the bottom of my heart for betraying you. I was so weak then and I knew that If I faught, me and Romano's people would die. I listened to my boss and let them invade. I didn't like it, but I knew that I had to do it. I hope you understand..." "Itary, I understand. I was never angry. Maybe a little hurt, but you had to do it. I would have done the same if it were to protect my people, we all would." I couldn't see my face but I could imagine it being both happy and relieved. "You have no idea how much it means to hear that." My vision blurs slightly and I realize I'm tearing up. Japan smiles and quickly walks over to me. He surprises me by wrapping me in a hug. I hug him back out of instinct and feel the tears run down my face. I bury my face into his shoulder and didn't notice Prussia and Gilen walk over until me and Japan are both wrapped in the arms of Prussia on one side and Gilen on the other. I smile into japans shoulder and we're surprised when America wraps his arms around us, followed by china, then Russia, Canada, Hungary, Iceland, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania etc. by this point I was crying a lot harder but Japan just held me tighter. We all stayed like this for a little before we separated. There was a break and all the countries spread out to talk about what they learned or to calm down. I was numbly lead over to a corner of the room by Japan. Gilen crawled into my lap and hugged me while Prussia, Iceland, America and china tries to calm me down. I hadn't realized I was hyperventilating until Luciano started screaming in my head. That was something we learned how to do while I was living with them. I grabbed onto Gilen and buried my head into his shoulder. He hugged my trembling body close to his chest. I don't know how long we stayed like that but eventually I calmed down enough to breath properly. "why don't you all come over after the meeting aru. I have a small home here and I think some of you need some tea to calm down." I nod numbly. I didn't notice some panicked gasps around the room. China and americas eyes widened and they took a step or two away from the small cluster of people we were standing in. I didn't care and leaned against Gilen. I only looked up when I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I gasped quietly. What are you doing here..." "feli, I'm not stupid. If your having a freaking panic attack there's no way I wouldn't come to you. What caused it anyways? The only things that could trigger that reaction are if you saw one of your counterpart or if you talked about th- oh...." without another word I was wrapped in the arms of Luciano. I buried my head in his shoulder and he held me tightly. I tried to hold back a sob but ultimately failed As I sobbed into his shoulder quietly. We stayed like this for a little while but I calmed down. Luciano started to quietly hum a song grandpa Rome used to play to me and Romano to help us fall asleep. I could feel my eyes growing heavy from the relaxing song and the exhaustion of crying. Soon enough my eyes closed and I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up later in the day, but I was no longer In the meeting room. Instead I was sleeping on a couch with my head on Gilen's lap. He was gently stroking by hair. I turn so I was looking up at him and he smiles. He genuinely smiles. "Ve~ I had a pretty bad breakdown huh?at least I didn't go psycho on them! Don't need that happening again!" Giles nods and I hug him. "I'm glad the meeting is over for the day. It's nice." Gilen hugs me and we eventually fall asleep once again.

This chapter explains the hetaoni mansion better!!!

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