Unknown strength

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I slowly wake up to see Luciano sitting up straight with a slightly panicked expression. I smile and sit up, careful not to disturb Gilen. "What happened?!" Luciano whisper yelled. I shushed him. "They wanted to stay the night in here so I let them. The beds big enough." He nods. Gilen stirs  and gently sits up. Luciano crawls to the foot of the bed and gets out and me and Gilen follow. We all make out way down to the kitchen and start to prepare breakfast. We made waffles, pancakes, sausage, bacon, eggs and hash browns. Over the process of cooking the meal the three other countries wandered down to the kitchen and sat at the bar seats. We finish cooking and carry the food into the small dining room we normally eat at. The others followed us and sit down at the table. Luciano's eyes widen when they realize he forgot the coffee and I smile and walk back into the kitchen and carry out a pot of coffee and six cups. I also had sugar and cream for anyone.(or creamer) Luciano lets out a relieved sigh and smiles gratefully at me. I smile and set down the pot. Soon enough everyone's plates were filled with food. Mine didn't have as much, a habit I attained after living in the mansion for so long was to save as much food as possible. Luciano noticed this and furrowed his brows. I shrug and he inaudibly sighs. We all eat our meal and finish the coffee. Kuro and lutz were left with the task of dishes since Gilen, Luciano and I cooked and Flavio outright refused to go any where near the dirty dishes. The four of us walk back to our rooms and get dressed. I decide to wear dark grey jeans I got with Flavio,  a white t-shirt, a light grey jacket and black converse. Before I could walk downstairs Flavio grabbed my collar and dragged me back into my room. He scanned over my outfit and quickly added a black cross necklace. He pushes me into the bathroom and makes me sit on a stool that he put in the room. He grabs the hair gel and starts to style my hair. I try to wiggle away but eventually give up. He messes with my hair and does multiple styles. He tries a Mohawk which made us both laugh, slicked back which freaked us out because it made us think of Germany, moved my part which just made me look like Romano and eventually Flavio just gave up and left my hair alone. I mentally cheer when he walked out of my room and I quickly dart into Luciano's room. "What do you need?" "Oh nothing, just trying to hide from your brother before he gets another idea for my hair. Luciano grins after hearing this. "Do you want to paint to pass time?" I break into a grin and nod. We both walk into the studio next to Luciano's room. My things were in the room now so I start to prepare everything I need. Luciano does the same. "One painting or two?" "Hmm.... one!" He laughs and we get to work. We begin with red and blue. We are working on a canvas that is nearly as tall as me. I have the left half and Luciano has the right half. We both start to paint leaving a strip of the middle empty. I paint Luciano and he paints me. In the middle of the painting is a mirror. I have my hand going through the mirror and entwined with Luciano's. I have a sad but curious expression and Luciano has a caring yet smug expression. We finished the painting in about 10 hours and it was breathtaking. "Luciano? You do realize what we painted right?" "Yeah... the moment you crossed over to your new life." I smile and grab ahold of his hand. He smiles back. "Lets go shower." I nod in agreement. I had eventually ditched the jacket and had changed into clothes I use for painting, after all, I would rather not have Flavio try to kill me for ruining my new clothes.  I walk back to my room and Luciano does the same. We both quickly shower and I change back into the clothes I was wearing earlier that day. Me an Luciano walk back the the room to clean up and we're surprised to see everyone standing in the room looking at the painting. "You guys like it?" "It's amazing." I smile and start to collect my painting brushes. I carry them all over to a sink that is in the corner of the room. I start to wash the paint out of the brushes and after I do I clean up the area around my easel. Luciano does the same and soon enough the room is once again clean. We all walk out of the room. I was startled when I heard yelling. So was the rest of the 2ps. I realize that it's Prussia and smile. I walk into my room and stand In front of the mirror. "Feli did you spend the day painting?" "Yeah, how did you know?" "You have paint on your curl." "Oooh." The 2ps let their 1ps in and we all walk out of my room. We walked past the studio to go downstairs and Romano stops in the open doorway. "Oh, you like it?" Luciano asks. Instead of replying Romano just walks into the room. The rest of the 1ps glance into the room curious about what Romano was looking at and  their eyes widen. "Ita, that's awesome! Maybe even more than me." I grin. "Me and Luciano did this today." "It's the first moments of feli stepping into our realm and his new life." This received smiles and nods. "We should start on dinner." I nod in agreement with Kuro. "How about me, Luciano, Kuro, Flavio, Japan and Germany help us cook." Said countries agree and we all walk downstairs. The kitchen is rather large so it easily fit everyone cooking. We made dinner in about 2 hours and it was a large mix of German food, Italian food and Japanese food. We all take our places at the table. Once again the dining room was filled with chatter and a few laughs. We eventually finish dinner and move to the living room. After a while Flavio shouted out "what if we do truth or dare?!" There were some. Odd of agreement from Prussia and Kuro, but Luciano and Romano start yelling about how it's a stupid idea. "Why not? It's not going to kill anyone, I do t think so at least." After a while of  asking and begging everyone agreed. The only person who wasn't forced to participate was Gilen. He agreed to but we all know not to get personal with any questions. "Who's going first?" Flavio shouts out "Romano!" This caused Romano to whip his head to look at Flavio so fast I'm surprised he didn't get whiplash. "Truth or dare?!" "Dare." "Call your crush." This caused Romano to both blanch and blush at the same time. "F-fine!" He pulls out his phone and dials the number. He put in the code that hides your ID from the person and clicks call. The phone is answered on the second ring. "¿Hola? Who is this?" I try not to laugh at who it was but ultimately fail and burst out laughing. Prussia joins in as well as Flavio and Luciano. "Feli? Gil?" "Hi Spain!" I manage to choke out in between laughs. "Hey Toni. Gotta go!" Romano Hangs up the phone. "Well, that's no longer a mystery." "Okay, feli, truth or dare?" "Hmm.... dare!" "Okay, I dare you to hug the person who would react the worst in the room." I nod and glomp Romano. "Oy! I don't react bad when you hug me!" "Japan reacts better than you do." I deadpan. I let go and go back to my seat. "Prussia, truth or dare?" "The awesome me chooses dare!" "Hug Luciano." This makes the 2ps eyes widen. Prussia gets up and hugs Luciano and he scowls. Prussia lets go and darts back to his seat. "Flavio, truth or dare?" "Dare!" "I dare you to pull Feli's curl." All the Italy's in the room pale when they hear this. "U-um... I don't think that's a good idea..." "you have to." Flavio walks up to me and gently grabs my curl. This alone nearly made me gasp as a tingly feeling shot down my spine. Flavio pulled my curl gently enough as not to hurt me but still hard. This caused me to moan softly and my face flushed. Flavio darted away and sat back in his seat. "Thank god. Last time his curl was touched he glares at me in the mirror so hard it cracked!" This made Luciano and Kuro laugh. "Feli has a glare that can kill." "It killed the mirror!" I grin and laugh. "That mirror had it coming!" Gilen walked over to me and curled on my lap. I smile and start to run my finger through his hair. He buries his face in my stomach and wraps his arms around my waist. The 1ps smile slightly at the scene. "Lets be done wit the truth or dare stuff now." The others agree and we all start to chat again. Gilen finally completely fell asleep. "Okay, now that gilens asleep I believe we should talk about our situation." The other countries nod. "Have the magic trio calmed down?" Prussia shakes his head. "France said England is still trying to figure out a way to get in, and he's stressing everyone in that house out." I frown. "Has the next meetings date been set yet?" "Hai, it should be in America in two weeks. I'll tell you the place time and date before we leave."  I nod. "Have the Nordics calmed down?" "Mostly, Iceland and Denmark are still a little upset but Sweden and Finland as well as sealand have calmed down and thought about the situation rationally." "It's good to hear the target on my back is shrinking." "Yeah but by this point we all know even if they still were angry you would be able to defend yourself." I nod. "What is the focus of the meeting?" "Decreasing  the effects of nuclear radiation on the people living in countries. " "Italy doesn't have nuclear power plants though." "Neither does Japan. I believe we are excused from the argument, just bring information useful for other countries." I nod slowly. "I'll start on that soon. Romano, have any effects of the tower of Pisa collapsing started to show?" "Not for me, no. I can tell it's effected you though." I nod. "What does he mean Italy?" " well, a few days ago the leaning tower of Pisa collapsed in a sinkhole. It was a major historical landmark so when it collapsed I started to adopt habits similar to modern teens and adults." "That would explain the new style and piercings." "Not really, my style has already changed. Or more like it changed a long time ago I just never got new clothes." "Yep, and I took him shopping~!" "I did before you idiota!" "Yeah, that's when I met zao and Allen for the first time." "Wait, you've met more 2ps?" "Yeah, all of the allies." "He met them for his protection and the rest of the 2ps are either friends with us or the allies, the Nordics aren't but they agreed to help us anyways." "Wait... so feli has all of the 2ps protection?" "Hai, we are all keeping out any 1ps that pose a threat. Feli has to ask if a 1p can enter. He allowed you all to enter. Oliver put a spell on any mirror that prevents any countries feli wants to enter from entering if they have ill intentions and if he doesn't want them to enter, even with their 2ps permission they can't." I raise a brow. "I didn't even know this." "Well now you do now." I smile and shake my head. "I'm going to take Gilen upstairs and lay him down." Luciano follows me and we walk into Gilen's room. Luciano pulls out his pajamas and we gently undress his as not to wake him up. I let out a sad sigh at the sight of his scars. He had many covering his back and a few on his chest. Nowhere near as much as me but still a lot. Luciano and I gently dress him and I carry him to my room. Luciano pulls back the covers and I lay him down and cover him with the blankets. "Is it okay to leave him up here alone?" "He'll be fine, he's a heavy sleeper don't worry." I nod and we walk downstairs. We sit back down in our seats next to each other on a love seat.prussia glances over confused "where's the awesome Gilen?" "We payed him down upstairs in my room." Prussia nods. "Wait, how did you get him upstairs?" "I carried him." I say bluntly. "How can you carry someone who is a head taller than you and at least weighs 60 pounds more?!" I shrug. "I wouldn't be surprised if it was Luciano but it's you!" I frown. Luciano was quick to reply. "Hey! There is nothing wrong with feli! May I remind you that he's in the mafia! He was never weak, he just maintained the image you all had of him as not to raise suspicion." This caused Germany to flinch slightly. "Germany, it's okay. Your coming off from the image of me being weak. I am definitely not weak." "I'm sorry Italy." "It's okay." "Wait... so how much weight can you lift up?" I shrug. "Dunno. Gilen weighs almost around 170 so that much I guess." "The awesome me weighs around 190 pounds and mein bruder weighs around 250." "Okay...?" "I want you to pick us up!" I raise a brow and stand up. "Okay." I walk up to Prussia and pick him up bridal style with ease. "Well, looks like you can do 190 pounds, try ludwig." I set him down and walk over to Germany. I pick up Germany easily and Japan sweatdrops. "Prussia?" He nods and sets Romano on top of Germany. Romano struggles but stops when Prussia sets Japan on top of him. I am still holding the countries and I look like I'm holding no more than 2 pounds. "Prussia, wanna join?" He grins and takes down Romano and Japan. He sits on top of Germany and pulls Romano onto him. Lutz sets Japan on top of Romano and I still am holding the countries easily. Luciano starts laughing and quickly takes a picture. "Send that to me!" "I will!" I grin and set Germany down on the couch. Japan immediately jumps off and Romano follows. Prussia grins and gets off of his brother and sits down. "So now we know you can pick up almost 500 pounds effortlessly. I honestly feel like your a less annoying America now..." "America isn't annoying! He's just expressive and passionate!" Romano just shrugs. "Also, I highly doubt I'm anywhere as strong as America. I think this might be an effect of our military growing. Before you ask; my boss and I decided to increase Italy's military strength by nearly 5 times. Since Italy is a decently strong country, though cowardly, increasing our strength has made us just as, if not stronger that Germany. The military has increased the most in north Italy. This combined with the natural strength I had gained in the 250 some years in the mansion, and the years in the mafia definitely increased my strength." "I need to remember that you are a lot stronger than we all thought. If anything your the strongest one out of all of us. You also have a lot of practice in a large variety of weapons." "Oh. I forgot to mention. I practice blacksmithing and I have a lot of medical knowledge. Most of this was attained through age and my time at the mansion. I also study a lot of things including mathematics, astronomy, botany, oceanology, human biology, zoology, engineering, medicine and computer science." "Wow..." "you shouldn't be so surprised. Italy is where some of the greatest minds in history were born and lived in." The nations eyes widen at the realization of this. "I have a house in Italy that is pretty much just a giant lab with a training room, blacksmith room, garden, office, and one room for each type of science. It's larger than this house is and it's closer to atrani." "Are we the only countries who know this?" "No, Belarus buys weapons from me, I help America and Russia every once in a while with their research for fun and I help Russia with his sunflowers thanks to my skill in botany." "Wait... you make Belarus's weapons?!" I nod. "As long as Russia's not around she's actually nice. She's never mean to me because she knows I'm not interested in Russia that way. We're actually pretty close." This made the room go quiet. The 2ps weren't bothered by this but the same can't be said for the 1ps. Romano started to panic the second Belarus's name was said, Japan had started to cling to Kuro, Germany was completely tense, and Prussia just sat there with no expression.

I take out my phone and glance at the time. 11:45. "It's nearly midnight, you guys should get some rest. Your welcome to stay in my house again." The countries nod and walk upstairs. I follow them and watch as they all walk through the mirror. Once they left I change in my bathroom into pajamas and climb into bed. I slowly settle down under the blankets and listen to the bedroom doors of the 2ps close. I pull Gilen close to me and feel him wrap his arms around my waist. I tuck his head under my chin and we both let out a content sigh. We cuddle for a little and Gilen eventually falls asleep. I lay and think about the days events and the amount of work I have to do and eventually I lull myself off to sleep as well.

Word count: 3075

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