The phone call

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I sigh and flop down on the couch. I just finished training with the gym I have here. I am wearing a  blood red fitted sports tank top and I just changed into black jeans with a chain on the belt.

I am bored so I decided to play with some of my new knives. I grab a target and start growing my knives, never once missing the bullseye. I do this for about an hour and then I groan. "So booooored!" I stand up and walk into the kitchen and decide to make some pasta.

About ten minutes later, I'm washing the dishes. I go back into the living room the find that multiple people have texted me.

Romano: ITALY where are you?! Germany can't find you and you aren't at home! What the hell happened after the meeting?!

Veneziano: it wouldn't have happened if you had just kept your mouth shut.

Romano: I wasn't the one spending time around the 2p's!

Veneziano: they have helped me. You wouldn't get it, quit trying to look for me. I'm safe and I can defend myself so stop worrying.

Romano: idiot! I can't just stop worrying about you!

Veneziano: whether you worry or not, it's not going to change anything. Just know that I'm safe.

Lovino: fine, but I won't stop looking.

I sigh and leave the message page And switch over to the next one.

England: italy! We are just trying to help you! You don't know how dangerous they are! I'll even forgive you for what you did the the magic trio!

Italy: bull. You may think your fixing things but your not. I am aware of how strong they are because they taught me how to use their weapons and I beat them 3-1. I don't need to be forgiven by the magic trio. Honestly I believe the 2p's and I deserve an apology. You are the ones who confronted me, it was purely self defense.

England: we will do no such thing!

Italy: suit yourself, but another tip; dont speak for everyone as if you know exactly what they want or need. It'll get you hurt.

England: I do not do that! Now if you'll excuse me.

I open the next message page.

Germany: Italy, where are you? You disabled your tracker so I don't know where you are.

Italy: I am aware that my tracker is disabled. I was the one who destroyed it. I want to be alone and I might have a target on my back that has been put there by the very pissed off magic trio.

Germany: what did you do?

Italy: ehem... I may have threatened them and then knocked  them out...

Germany: what did they do? You wouldn't do anything unless there was a very good reason.

Italy: they tried to take away my memories of the 2p's

Germany: very well. I trust you and I want you to stay safe. Don't do anything crazy.

Italy: I won't, can you show Japan these messages so he knows what's going on?

Germany: yes, I will. Stay safe and we'll talk soon.

I switch to the last message page.

America: dude! England is pissed and I had to carry Norway and Romania back to the meeting hall. They are awake now and are saying that you were planning something with the 2p's!

Italy: call me and put me on speaker in the meeting room.

I get a call from America a few seconds later. "Hey, am I on speaker?" "You are... now!" "Everyone?" The second the nations heard my voice they all started talking. The Nordics and Moldova as well as sealand started screaming at me in anger. Hungary asked if I was all right as well as Spain, ukrain, France, prussia, Canada, and many other countries. And a few countries just stayed silent. "Everyone please calm down." The phone went silent telling me that the room was quiet. "I believe you all are aware of what happened after the meeting, at least the magic trios version of it." I get a few yeses in reply. "From what I've heard, you think I'm conspiring with the 2p's, correct?" Angry yeses were heard. "Well I'm not. The 2p's may be murderers, but that is the way they work. You all see them as monsters, but there aren't; they are just as much people as we are. They are out opposites. I have grown close with the axis over the past two weeks and I do not regret it. They are just as much family as Hungary, Austria, Romano, Spain and France are. My 2p enjoys exercise and is similar to Germany In that aspect. He can be quite rude to people due to his ego but he is honestly a kind person who cares a lot about the people around him. He is an expert with throwing knives and poison, and he was the first 2p I met. I met lutz, Germany's 2p second. He is lazy and messy and hates exercise. He does hand to had combat which I was taught. He just like all the 2p's gets extremely angry if someone they care about is hurt in anyway. Kuro, japans 2p is a very blunt person who does everything with meaning and honor very much like our Japan, he taught me how to use the katana. Flavio, Romano's 2p loves fashion and Antonio's 2p, who by the way hates him. He is very cheerful and is normally kind, but if you hurt any of the axis or Antonio's 2p he will try the kill you. And finally, Gilen. Gilen is prussia's 2p, he is a mute, and depressed man who was caught and tortured in the middle of a forest when he was five. He lost a lot of blood, which stripped him from the title of a nation. He is loving and clingy and by far the cutest 2p I've met. All In all, the axis is just a disfunctional family who has a good time killing each other. (Comment if you get the reference) they are not monsters and they understand me better than most of you can."

"Italy, what do you mean?" "I have gone through things that all of you have forgotten. I have gone through things that could drive all of you insane before you have even gotten 5% as far as I have. In a way I'm glad you forgot, but they remember it. They understand what I went trough and the person I am today and accept it."

"Italy, what are you talking about?" "Japan, I'm sure you have heard the rumors of that abandoned mansion where people disappear right?" "Hai." "Well, that place was haunted by creatures that could kill a country, and I could jump back In time to save all of you. I watched all of my closest friends die over 9000 times. Time may have been repeating itself but the amount of time I had to live in that mansion was around 345 years. I still have every scar that was given to me in the mansion. I know you all must think I've lost my mind, but I haven't. As for why I knocked Norway and Romania out; they cornered me and tried to remove any memories of the 2p's I have. I didn't let them and defended myself. I didn't injure them in any way, I simply knocked them out."

I could hear the sound of the countries murmurs through the phone. "That doesn't give you the right to knock them out!" I sigh. "I didn't physically harm them and I never planned to. I may have brandished weapons but I wouldn't have used them unless they tried to attack me. I believe I was the one wronged In This situation, now if you'll excuse me, I should be leaving." I was about to turn off the phone when I heard Germany. "Italy, stay safe okay? I know I cannot stop you from going over there but you know that I'm here, right?" "I'm here too!" A few countries called out. Those countries included ukrain, Canada, America, china, Hungary, Liechtenstein, France, Prussia, Spain and Romano. I smile. "I know, now I really have to go, they should be here soon, oh, by the way if you aren't aware; you cannot enter the 2p's world without your 2p's permission and by now I'm sure the axis are warning the rest of the 2p's, so to those of you who still want to kill me; good luck getting in." I smirk and end the call, just in time too, because Luciano walks up to the mirror. "Hey feli, time to go home." I smile and reach out my tattooed arm and touch the mirror.

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