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After dinner Flavio drags me upstairs to my room. My eyes widen when I see it. "How...?"  "Oh! While you were trying things on I naught some stuff!" My room has black walls, there is a small red and black carpet under the bed and the bedspread was blood red. There was a dark grey work desk in the corner with bookshelves on both sides. There was a floor length mirror next to the closet. The closet was filled with clothes that we got at the mall and the bathroom had hair styling tools, gels and shampoo and other hygiene things. "How the hell did you get all this stuff without me noticing?!" "Well, I had people who work for me carry them to a moving truck thing after I bought them. They also did all this when you fell asleep. So you like it?" "I love it! This is so cool!" "I'm glad you like it, now, you need to figure out what books and things your going to put in those shelves. You should have one of your friends gather your work things from your house and put them in front of a mirror." I nod and text Germany to gather my work things, books, easel and canvases and put them in front of a mirror in my house. I go on a website that sells books and I buy a Italian- _____ or English-_____ for every language I also buy some blacksmithing books, books on different types of weapons, books on toxic plants, chemicals, poisons, books on how to successfully hide weapons, and many others. In the end I had over 600 books. We ordered them, and then I heard Germany. I walk into Luciano's room and see him glaring at the bathroom. "Feli! Your Germany is yelling something about work, fix it." I start laughing. "What!" "He's bringing my work papers to the mirror, look in my room. Flavio had a lot of fun in there." He raised an eyebrow and walks into my room. "The fuck?! What the hell?! FLAVIO!!!" I grin and walk into the bathroom. I stand in front of the mirror and come face to face with Germany, Prussia, Japan and Romano. "Italy! We got the things you asked for." "Thank you guys. There isn't a lot of stuff so do you mind bringing it to the spare bedroom next to mines mirror?" After a few nods of agreement they walked out of the bathroom. I walked back to my room to be greeted with Flavio and Luciano arguing. They went silent when I walked into the room. I walked over to the mirror and waited u tail they came into view. "Luciano? How am I supposed to grab the stuff?" "Just reach through the mirror feli." I nod. Germany holds out a pile of papers and I reach through the mirror and grab them. When my arms go through I notice their eyes traveling over my arms. I pull my arms and the papers back through the mirror and set them down next to the mirror. I then grab my easel, the canvases and my books. The books took a little while since there were a lot of them. After a little while I had everything put away in their proper places. I noticed Flavio getting glared at by Romano. I stifle a laugh. "Flavio, looks like someone doesn't like you." "I know! I can feel the glare and it's creeping me out!" I grin and glance at Luciano. He's trying not to laugh and his face is slowly going red from it. I burst out laughing when I saw his face. Flavio glanced over and started to laugh as well. Kuro popped his head in. "Why are you all laughing?" I point at Luciano and Kuro grins. He quickly whips out his phone and takes a picture. Luciano tries to run and grab him but I tackle him and sit on his back. "Feli!!! Get off!!!" "Nope! Kuro sent that to us!" "I will" "Italy?" I glance up at the mirror. "Yes?" "These are out 2p's?" "No, their just people who look identical to you and live in a deferent dimension." Luciano bursts out laughing from under me. I grin. "Feli, I didn't know that you even knew what sarcasm was!" "Well, now you do. Do you guys want to meet your 2p's?" A few eager and a few hesitant nods Were received. "Lutz! Gilen!" I call. Gilen darts in and tackles me knocking me off of Luciano. Luciano runs at Kuro and is stopped my lutz. I stand up with Gilen still attached to me. He had his legs wrapped around my waist and his arms around my shoulders. I was tilting sideways slightly since he was sitting on my hip. "Prussia? Do you know sign language?" "Yeah." "Great!" I walk over to the mirror with Gilen and the second he sees Prussia his eyes light up. He quickly reaches out his arm and touches the mirror. Prussia looks at me confused. "Touch the mirror, he's giving you permission to cross through." Prussia nods and touches the mirror. The surface ripples and his hand passes through the mirror. Gilen gently grabs his hand and pulls him through. Prussia steps through and Gilen lets go of me. He stands up and looks at Prussia. Prussia smiles gently. Gilen immediately latches onto Prussia. Prussia laughs softly and wraps his arms around Gilen. Prussia glances at me. I nod at him encouragingly. Prussia gently guides Gilen over to a corner of the room. They start talking to each other and me and Luciano share a happy glance. Kuro walks up to the mirror next. He looks at Japan with a stern gaze. Japan stands his ground and after a few moments Kuro nods in approval. Just like Prussia Japan crosses over and they go and start to talk quietly. Lutz walks up to the mirror. Unlike the others he is more scared of his 1p than the 1p is of him. This is because lutz is actually Jewish. "Who do you hate the most?" "My old boss hitler." "He's telling the truth lutz." Luciano and me say in sync. This causes Flavio to inch away from us slightly and mutter something about "being possessed" lutz nods and allows Germany to cross. They shake hands and go to talk. They walk past us and Germany pauses and hugs me. "I'm glad your safe." I smile. They walk away and start to talk. Flavio stands about six feet from the mirror. "That's my 2p?! What the hell?! He looks weird and why blonde hair?!" "I don't like him." A blunt response came from Flavio. I tart to laugh. "Don't worry, he is actually sweet, a lot like Luciano really." Flavio raises a brow and steps closer to the mirror. He studies romano and I have to stifle a laugh at watching romano squirm under his gaze. "Your style is terrible." "Hey!" "Feli's style is way better, especially now that he's received my help." This caught his attention. "What do you mean?" "We went shopping!" Romano's gaze then zeros in in me. I raise a brow at him. "What's with the new clothes, they don't suit you at all." I frown. "Hey asshole, first time you've seen your brother in almost a month and that's how you act?! What the hell!" I place a hand on Luciano's arm and he takes a deep breath and calms down. I let go but he reaches out and grabs my hand and laces our fingers together. I give a comforting squeeze and he returns it. Regret flashes in Romano's eyes after Luciano's statement. "Veneziano, I-" "I know, it's okay. That's just your natural personality not to mention the fact that England and a few others are probably making everything more stressful. Don't sweat it." Luciano sighs from next to me. "You always have been more forgiving. Though your the ruthless one." This caught all the 1ps attentions. "What does he mean?" Romano asked. "Oh? You don't know? I thought you would since your in the mafia with him~" Romano frowns. "We may be in the mafia but we sometimes go solo." "Ah. That makes sense! Let's just say that between you and feli, your the forgiving one~" Romano's eyes widen. "What do you mean?" "Oh. When feli goes on trips to confront people he doesn't just kill them quickly~! He makes sure he gets as much Information out of them as possible! Even if it calls for drastic measures~!" "Itary, what does he mean?" I sigh. "I won't hesitate to use any means to get the information I want... even if it means including the targets family and friends. I also will not hesitate to use other methods on the target to get the information." "Oh god..." "I don't know why I'm like that. 2p's are the personifications of our demons and suppressed flaws. I can't say I suppress it as much as I hold it back so I don't go into a murderous rage every time someone pisses me off. Luciano has the same problem as me he is just a lot more open about it. You have seen the result of countries pissing me off. I definitely held back and I really wanted to kill them, but I'd rather not piss off the world." By this point the 1ps were looking at me wide eyed. "So your saying your a crazy murderer?" "A very hypocritical statement~ you work In the mafia as well so you have no room to judge." "I dont kill innocent people though!" I frown. "Yeah, what was I thinking... comparing you to a monster like me." I turn around and walk over to my desk and start to organize my papers."Italy... why...?" "The information? I was sent on extremely dangerous missions to retrieve information that would save people's lives. I make a point to never bring harm to women or children. The most I've ever killed on a solo mission is 20, and I killed them because they were experimenting with nuclear waste that was killing hundreds of people due to radiation poisoning. I have a lot of blood on my hands. The solo missions I go on aren't usually for the mafia, I work a lot for the government and I do a lot of things that are necessary." "Oh." "I know all countries have killed, but I did it willingly, and after a while I stopped being reluctant as well. I work a lot for countries like my own as well as America and Canada. I have been hired on several occasions to be an assassin as well."  "So your saying you were hired to extract information and exterminate the source?" "Yes Germany, I am. I know you have experience in this as well. America and Canada have always been aware of my strength because unlike other countries, they don't just assume their weak because of their history." The room had gone silent by the time I was done. Their going to hate me now... why wouldn't they, they don't like the 2p's and I'm no better than they are... the 2ps seemed to sense where my thought were going so Gilen darted over and hugged me. Luciano and Flavio settled next to me, Kuro sat right behind me with a hug and lutz rested his hand on my shoulder. I smiled slightly. "Thank you guys..." Germany snapped out of his shock and walked over. He stoop next to lutz. "Italy, I have no room to judge you since I've done the same." Japan walked over and nodded. "Hai, I understand since I run the yakuza the same way." Prussia walked over. "Ita, your family to me, I raised you for a while, your like a son to me, I could never hate you." Romano still stuck on the other side of the mirror started yelling. "Hey!! Can I come in?! IDE rather not yell everything!" Flavio stands and walks over annoyed. He allows Romano in and he darts over to me. "Felice i'm sorry, I was an asshole. I wasn't trying to hurt you, please forgive me!" He looked about ready to cry by the time he was done. I smiled softly. "How could I not forgive my other half? Or quarter depending on how you look at it." This received a relieved smile from Romano and laughs from Flavio and Luciano. I smile. Everyone slowly separated from the hug and spread out. Luciano and Flavio grabbed me and dragged me downstairs to make dinner. we ended up making pasta and wurst as well as takoyaki. (Separately) we yelled for the countries and the seven of them walked down. We all sat at the large dining room table that was identical to the one in my house just with a darker stain. The room was filled with aimless chattering and clinking from the forks, as well as a few laughs and smiles. I was seated wit Luciano on my right side and Gilen on my left. Flavio sat on the other side of Luciano with Kuro on his right, and lutz sat on the left of Gilen. Prussia sat across from Gilen, Germany across from lutz, Japan across from kuro and Romano across from Romano. We all sat at the table and enjoyed each others company. We all had slowly migrated to the living room. After a few hours of talking Gilen had fallen asleep on prussias lap and Romano was getting a little grumpy due to it being late. "Alrigh, I think I speak for all of us when I say it's time we head back." Germany states. I nod and quickly walk over and gently pick up Gilen. Everyone was too tired to be surprised by this and follow me as I carry Gilen to my room. Luciano follows me and lifts up the blankets for me to put Gilen down. I pull the blankets over him. "This is Gilen's room?" "No, its mine. Gilen doesn't like sleeping alone and if we put him in his room he would run into one of ours panicking and in tears. You guys are welcome to stay at my house. It's late and I would rather not ha e you guys driving." All the nations nodded. Romano walked over and hugged me and waved goodbye to Flavio, Germany shook hands with lutz and waved to me, Japan received a hug from Kuro and smiled at me and Prussia gave me a bear hug and told me to tell Gilen he said goodbye." I nod and smile. "You guys should go, it's late." The nations nod and one by one walk through the mirror. Once they were all gone I let out a sigh. I glance over and notice that Luciano had curled up under the blankets. I change into shirts and a T-shirt and climb in between them. I move so my back is pressed against Luciano's stomach and I feel his arms snake around my waist. I pull Gilen so he is curled up against my chest. I hear the door open and crack open my eyes. I see Flavio in the doorway. "Can I join?" I smile and nod. Flavio quickly walks across the room and gently climbs into the bed and curls up against Gilen. Gilen tenses and opens his eyes. "It's okay, it's just Flavio, your safe." I whisper soothingly in his ear. He relaxes and snuggles closer to me. (Btw Italy's bed is a king size) the door once again opens and Kuro and lutz are standing there. I nod and they walk over. Kuro curls up against Flavio and he smiles and looks at me. I smile back. Lutz lays down on the other side of Luciano and Luciano unconsciously inches towards him, this causes me to move towards Luciano and Gilen to move towards me, Flavio moves tirades Gilen and Kuro moves towards Flavio. Lutz scoots closer to Luciano and we all stop moving. I nestle into Luciano's chest and I feel him smile. He hugs me tighter and I pull Gilen closer to my chest. Gilen sight contentedly and snuggles closer. Slowly everyone drifted off to sleep and after a while I was drawn into sleep as well.

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