Home again?

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I'm going to start my training with Luciano today. I'm looking forward to it, especially seeing his teaching method."feli!" "Yeah?" "Come on!" I walk downstairs to find Luciano waiting for me. "Lets go." I nod and he leads me into a new room a few doors down from Kuro's room. Inside are multiple targets they are shaped like circles and bodies. There are knives littered across the room and put away around the room. "Okay, first you need to learn how to hold the blade." He hands me a blade that looks less nice than the others. He handed me the knife and positioned my fingers properly on the blade of the knife. After that he taught me how to move my arm in the right motion to throw the blade. After several hours I was throwing the knives with almost perfect accuracy on my own. "Your doing very well! I'm glad your not like lutz." "Well, I had to survive the mansion for several years so I kind of have to learn fast." He nods in understanding. We spent the rest of the day practicing and we finally stopped at around 10 o'clock. We walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch next to lutz. We just sit in content silence when Gilen walks in. When he sees me and Luciano his eyes light up and he darts into out already open arms. We both smile and cuddle with him for a while. Kuro walks in and sits down. "Felicano? We should start training tomorrow." "Okay."

Timeskip 1 week bc I'm lazy Af

I do a backflip and dodge a punch from lutz and a knife from Luciano. I block a strike from Kuro and send a kick to lutz's stomach. I catch a knife from Luciano and throw an uppercut into lutz's jaw. He staggered which gave me an opening to press down on a pressure point on his neck knocking him out. I dodge another knife and use two of my knives to block another strike from Kuro. I manage to maneuver around Kuro and knock him out as well. I pull out my gun and aim it at Luciano. He throws one of his Duller blades at me but I shoot it out of the air before it could make its mark on one of my less deadly pressure points and grin triumphantly as I shoot him I'm the chest. He sits us a few seconds later and groans. "Feli! That fucking hurt you bastard!" "Well sorry~ we are training with weapons though! Oh right..." I jump out of the way as a billet flew by me, missing me by an inch. Without turning around I shoot my gun and it hits true, it hit lutz in the stomach. He lets out a grunt of pain. "Damn, even with the bullet proof vests it still fucking hurts!" "Well, at least you three get bullet proof vests!" "True..." "kuro? You awake yet?" "Hai, good job feli." "Thanks, is Gilen still asleep?" "After hearing the gun shots... probably no." Right as he said that I was tackled by said person. The three 2ps started laughing. I roll onto by back and hug Gilen. "A little help here?" Luciano grinned and picked Gilen up carrying him inside. I sat down and Gilen crawled up next to me after being set down. The rest of them went upstairs to change into casual clothes. While they were gone my phone rang. I got up and walked over to the small table where I had left it. It was Romano. I answered the phone but before I could talk Romano started yelling. "Veneziano!! What the hell?! Where the hell are you?! Germany said you didn't go to training and when I went to find you at your house you weren't there!" "Lovino calm down! Im spending some time with friends away from home!" "What friends?! Last time I checked all your friends are here!" "Uhh... I have a few other friends..." "what are their names?" "Do I have to answer that?" "Yes idiota!" "Uhh their names are-" before I could finish the sentence Luciano, lutz and Kuro came back as well as flavio. Help me I mouthed to them. I started signing what was happening to them. 'Romano called me and wants to know your guys's names. Should I lie or tell him?'  'Tell him, we don't care' was the reply I got from Luciano. "Sorry Romano, their names are Luciano, Kuro, lutz, Gilen, and flavio." "Finally geeze! At least your safe, can they fight?" "Yeah, they are on par with some of our strongest countries." "Good, at least I know that if shit hits the fan people can protect you." "I can defend myself you know!" "Right, and Spain hates turtles!" I frown. "Believe what you want, but I can defend myself idiota." "Sure... well i have to go, spains coming inside. Don't forget we have a world meeting in three days!" After that he hangs up. "Geeze, I kinda forgot how rude my brother is." Everyone's eyes slowly moved over to flavio, who then noticed out gaze. "Oh~? Are you finally figuring out how fabulous I am?" In sync, not counting Gilen we all replied "no." Flavio pouts and walks to his room.

"Luciano, did you hear? I have to leave for a meeting that is in three days." "Yeah I heard, to get back all you have to do is step through the mirror." I nod. "I should leave now to get ready for the meeting. You guys probably wouldn't enjoy having a ton of papers scattered all over your house!" There all nod. Gilen runs up and hugs me and I hug back just as tight. "Do you guys mind if I come back after the meeting?" "No you can, but we have a meeting the day after you so it'll be an empty house." "How about u wait until you guys are done and then come back?" "Sure, sounds good. Remember to take your uniform back." "Right. Thanks! I'll see you guys soon." I hug Gilen one more time, grab my uniform, walk into Luciano's room and step through the mirror.

I step into my bathroom and then walk into my bedroom. I have to adjust to the different color scheme. 'Geeze, now I want to repaint and get a new bed spread and couch!' I sigh. 'I should change.' I quickly change into my uniform and wrinkle my nose at the color. "I've adjusted to living with the 2ps very fast, huh? I don't even like bright colors anymore! I wonder if Romano would let me change Italy's military clothes?" (Btw blue is my fav color) I walk downstairs and plop down on the couch. 'I should call Germany.' I pull out my phone and dial his number. He answers on the second ring. "Italy?" "Hi. Just wanted to let you know that I'm home." "That's good, you know about the meeting, yes?" "Yes I do, Romano told me a little bit ago." "Good, are you preparing?" "Most of my stuff is already prepared but I will after this phone call." "Italy, you sound different. A lot more serious." "Is that a good or bad thing?" "I don't know... it's nice to know you can be serious, but it's also kind of unnerving." "Well, I guess I'll see you at the meeting in a few days. Tell Japan I said hi." "I will. Goodbye italy." "Bye Germany." He hangs up and I sigh. 'Better get ready for that meeting in three days. I wonder what it'll be like this time...'

Heyo! I'm sorry for the crappy chapter! I'm getting writers block a little so it's hard! But I'll try to upload tomorrow! Btw I'm thinking of maybe changing Italy's uniform... plz don hate meh! Comment if I should or not! This chapter is about half the length of the normal ones but I tried! So until next time; BAI!!!! XP

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