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I woke up the next day to an empty bed. I stand up and get dressed into a new outfit that consists of a black jacket, grey shirt, black jeans with a chain on the left hip and knee high black boots with buckles on them. I head downstairs and walk into the kitchen. "Luciano? Your making pasta again?" "Yeah, don't worry I'll add normal sauce to you-" he stopped talking when my legs gave out from under me. "F-FUCK!" I manage to hiss out. "Feli! What's wrong?" "The leaning tower of Pisa just collapsed." "Well shit! What's that gonna do?!" "I don't know! I need to call Romano, there's no doubt that he's feeling the affects too." Just then my phone rang. "FELI!!!! Roma just collapsed! He said something about pizza and then fainted! What happened?!" "The leaning tower of Pisa collapsed idiota! Its in Pisa and closer to Venice so he got the echo of it." "What about you?! Roma fainted from the pain and it wasn't in south Italy!" "I have a pain tolerance that is probably higher than Russia. It hurts like a bitch but I'll survive, just a warning though; Romano's appearance might turn more punk like since that tower was a historical landmark." "Thanks for the warning, I'll call you when Roma wakes up." "Okay, thanks. Bye Spain."

I hang up the phone. By this point Luciano had dragged me to the couch and was injecting pain killers into me. "Luciano, don't worry about it, I'll be fine." "I know, it's just you trusted us with keeping you safe." "And you are!" Luciano sighs and then nods. "Do you know what caused it?" "A sinkhole." "Feli, lift up your shirt." "What about gilbert?" "He's not here, now lift up your shirt!" I sigh and obey. I lift up my shirt to reveal a small chunk of my side in between my hip bone and ribcage to be missing. "Damn, I'll get some bandages, just don't let anything touch it." I nod and sit still. He comes back a few seconds later with cleaning stuff and bandages. He cleans and wraps the wound. "That should heal in a day or so." I nod. Just as I pulled my shirt back down Kuro rushed into the room. "Feli! Are you okay?" "I'm fine! Geeze, I'll heal. Just a warning though, don't panic if I start to focus more on clothes and stuff. Since the tower of Pisa was a large historical landmark, it being destroyed will affect my personality a little." This earned a nod from Kuro. "By the way! Side note; do you do piercings?" Kuro raised an eyebrow. "Sometimes, why?" "I kind of wanted one..." I fiddled with my fingers. "This the modern thing?" I shrug. "Probably." Kuro sighs. "I can do some piercings if you want, just no face ones! Only ear ones." I nod quickly. "Where do you want them?" "Umm, one in one ear and two in the other." "Okay, come on." I get up and follow Kuro back into his studio. He makes me sit on a stool and prepares the piercing equipment. After he quickly does the piercings and I pick the earrings. I do a simple flat metal circle one on one ear and on the ear with the two piercings I pick a one piece earring with a cross hanging on the lower earring and a chain connecting the upper earring to the lower.

(Took this from one of Flavio's mmd models)

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(Took this from one of Flavio's mmd models)

I was grinning when we walked out of Kuro's studio. We walked back into the living room and we were met with the scene of Flavio annoying Luciano. The second we walked in the room Flavio went quiet. I tilted my head curiously and didn't notice his eyes zero in on the earrings. "Ooh~! I like these! Where'd you get them?" "Kuro just did them." "Lucky! I've asked him and he just sent me to a different place!" You could hear Luciano mutter behind him, "probably because he knew you would run the second you saw the needle and none of us wanted to pin you down to do it." I snort and start to chuckle. "Whaat?" Flavio cried out embarrassed. "It's Not my fault!" "There is something you and Romano have in common! Your both terrified of needles!" This made Luciano and Kuro laugh. "Hey! Oh! By the way, the reason I came down was because I was going to take you shopping!" I was just processing this when Flavio grabbed my arm and started to drag me outside. I mouthed help me to Luciano and Kuro but I only received looks full of pity and amusement.

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