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I step through the mirror to be greeted by the sight of lutz, Kuro, Gilen, Flavio and Luciano. I was surprised to also see the allies 2p's. I already knew Allen and zao, but I didn't know the rest. "Feli, these are the allies. I don't like being around them, but I will if it means you are safe." I nod and turn to fully look at the group. I nod in greeting to zao, and I smile at Allen. I then wait for the others to introduce themselves. The first person to introduce themselves was the 2p of England, he seemed very cheerful and I almost smiled while listening to him talk, I learned his name is Oliver. Next was Canada's 2p. His name was Matthieu. Then Frances 2p introduced himself, simply by saying fransois. Then Russia's 2p introduced himself as Viktor.

"Feli, lets go." I nod and wave goodbye to Oliver and nod at everyone else. Oliver smiles and waves back enthusiastically and the rest of them either grunt (fransois) or nod back. I follow the axis out of the house and we all pile into a car. Me, Gilen and Kuro sit in the middle, lutz and Luciano sit in the front and Flavio sat in the very back.

It took about three hours to get back to their house, so I passed the time by sleeping, having fallen asleep after Gilen fell asleep with his head in my chest. I was woken up when we got back to the house. Luciano told me that my room would be the guest room next to his. Since his art room is in the right of his room, mine would be on the left. I nod. I walk up to Kuro to ask him a question. "Hey Kuro?" "Hai?" "I was wondering if you would mind doing another tattoo for me?" "Of course! All you have to do is ask. Tattooing is a hobby of mine so I enjoy doing it, especially with people like you. Mostly because it's easier to find a tattoo design that has value to them. What would you want your tattoo to be of?" "I know I said before that I didn't want anything above the shoulders, but I was wondering if you could do a tattoo of a white angel wing and a black one on the back of my neck." He nods and walks back to the studio. I follow him in and lay down with my face in one of those things you would use when you get a massage. Kuro gently placed two finger on my neck. "Feli, I want you to tall me where to put it on your neck." His hand eventually stopped where I wanted it about an inch below my lower hairline. "I'm going to do the same thing as last time, okay?" "Okay." We do the same thing as last time and finish about three hours later. I was left with gorgeous wings that were incredibly detailed. I couldn't help but grin when I saw it. "Like it?" "I love it. Your art style suits my taste perfectly." Kuro smiles. "I'm glad to hear that." Luciano walks in. "Your finally done! Lemme see!" I turn around so he could see and I felt him walk up behind me and brush his hand over the tattoo. "Wow... why one black and one white wing?" I cleared my throat a little. "Well, I kind of got it to represent me and you." Luciano grins after I say that. "Wouldn't a devil wing have been better?" "Too different! You appear strong but you can be just as soft as me, just like I appear soft, but i can act cruel if I want to." This earned two approving nods. "True... I thought you didn't want to do any tattoos above your shoulders." "I didn't, but I decided that this one has meaning and I don't want to hide it." Earning another grin after saying that we all walk out of the room. We find lutz in the living room like usual and Gilen curled up asleep with his head in lutz's lap. I smile at the scene and gently sit down next to Gilen. He stirred and cracked his eyes open and wiggles around until he was curled up against me. I started stroking his hair. "Hey feli? How can you be so kind after finding out about what kind of people we are?" I shrug. "I don't know. It might partly be caused by your understanding of what I went through at the mansion, but I also see you all as my family. When it comes to killing, it doesn't bother me to much because I run the mafia back home so I have blood on my hands as well. 2p's aren't the only countries who have killed people. We all have, including me. I have no room to judge because I would just be a hypocrite." The 2p's eyes had widened slightly when they learned I was in the mafia, well lutz and Kuro's eyes. After I finished they nodded in understanding. Before anyone could talk my phone chimed. I turned it on to find a text from Germany.

Germany: hey Italy, did you get there safe?

Italy: yeah, we got here a few hours ago, I would have texted earlier but I got a little distracted.

Germany: with what?

Italy: how do you feel about tattoos...?

Germany: I'm fine with them, why?

Italy: I may have asked Kuro to do one for me.

Germany: interesting, what design?

Italy: one white and one black angel wing on my neck.

Germany: can you send a picture?

Italy: can I do it later? Gilen is asleep on my lap and I don't want to wake him up.

Germany: very well. I'll tell the other countries that you are There and safe.

Italy: thanks Germany.

I leave the chat and shut off my phone. "Feli? Who was that?" "Oh, that was Germany, he wanted to know if I got here safe." "Does he not trust us?" "He actually reacted the best out of everyone after learning about my relationship to you all." This earned me a raised brow. "Strange, you would expect him to react the worst." "Though he doesn't show it, Germany trusts me a lot and we all respect each other . He knows that I wouldn't do something without a good reason." This earned some understanding nods. "Feli, its late. We should go upstairs. By the way, the room on the other side of yours is open and empty so if you want we can make it your studio. You can always take trips into your house to collect your things." I smile. "I'll take you up on that offer!" We get up and walk upstairs. Gilen follows me to my room. Before getting into bed I take a picture of the tattoo and send it to Germany.

Germany: wow, that's a very good tattoo. Kuro did that?

Italy: yeah, he did it today

Germany: its not red at all, is it already healed?

Italy: we are still nations, we heal a little slower here but we still heal fast.

Germany: do you have scars on your neck?

Italy: yeah, remember me telling you about the mansion?

Germany: so that place really did exist.

Italy: yeah, they tore it down the day after we all escaped which I think cleared your memory of it.

Germany: who was that in the corner of the picture on the bed?

Italy: oh, that's Gilen, 2p Prussia.

Germany: its late, you should rest.

Italy: okay, talk to you soon.

I shut off my phone and change into a t-shirt and shorts in the connecting bathroom to my bedroom and then crawl into bed. Gilen curls up against my chest and I pull him close to me and we cuddle. After a while Gilen's breath evens out, and I can't help but drift off to sleep as well.

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