Chapter 5

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Louisa Point of view

I listen to Rowan footsteps run down the stairs, she had the now empty tray under one arm.

"What told you so long?" I asked her. I didn't want my children to know about Victoria. I couldn't tell them what she was. It was already bad enough she was human.

She nervous plays with her fingers not meeting my eyes. "S-she as-asked me wh-where the bathroom w-was." Rowan stutters

"What did I say about talking to her?" I snapped.

"Mother, why can't we try to be nice to her?" Rowan asked me.

I fight off the growl I wanted to let out, we all knew how dangerous it was to have a human living with us, I would have to talk to the Alpha very soon. I can't be dealing with this.

"Rowan, if we start being nice and friendly with her, she'll wanting me to hang out and if she learns our secret it'll led to her death."

Rowan sighs, she had just met her twin sister and was told now that she wasn't allowed to talk to her. I understood, I was once so happy for Victoria and Rowan but that was before I was attacked. Rowan must never learn about her father, I don't know if Victoria even knows or her father's past or what he did for a living before she was born.

"There is a full moon in three days we must keep Victoria here away from people of the pack."

"Mother?" Owen begins, "why can't we just kill her it'd be easy to do and our secret will stay safe."

I give him a dark look, it might be easy it might be safer, and less dangerous but she was still my daughter. I don't tell him that instead I say "she hasn't learned our secret yet it's against the rules to kill a human without reason. Plus the Alpha would choose what happens with the girl."

Owen doesn't say much after that, we all knew the risk, I would have to go and tell the Alpha about having a human on our land, in my house, my daughter. This time I don't hold back the growl of frustration, why after all these years does she have to come? Why so close to her seventeenth birthday? I don't know how I'm going to explain all this to the Alpha I knew he'd have to make a decision before her birthday.

Owen and Rowan go up for bed but I stay downstairs pacing, I might have just put my family in danger my pack as well the Alpha not going to like this. What if I don't tell him until after her birthday when she's already dead? If have a reason, that's what I'll do all I have to do is keep her locked in the attic.

How does one simply kill their own child?


Victoria point of view

I push my ear against the door listening for any sound the door didn't give much away, but I could hear I low chatter from downstairs, I heard mothers loud stomps walk back and forth for awhile. After that I heard the scratching of chairs before footsteps on the wooden stairs then silence.

My stomach growls.

I looked at the soup Rowan brought me I was afraid to eat it, I didn't want to be poisoned. I start moving things around I have no idea what I'm going to do with all of this stuff. I start by moving all the boxes from the tiny window I had, it was big enough for me to slip out of but if I get any bigger I won't be able to.

In the backyard, I can see a little grey shed that looks like a wooden port-a-potty she wasn't joking when she said that there was a bathroom outside. I sighed, I go to text Taylor but still no service, plus my phone was going to die. I find somewhere to plug it in anyways just in case it finds anything.

I knew nothing about living in the woods, I wonder if the fact that it's a winter day or with bare trees, a signal can't get through or something like that. Dad was a professor at some college, we only had one tree in our yard. We also didn't live somewhere it snowed. I returned to the window, the glass is streaked with white but when I scratch that it I find that it's some kind of stain. I was about to turn around only to be looking at the room of dust and boxes I didn't feel like cleaning up today.

Moment catches my eyes Owen standing in the woods breaking up sticks and dropping them into a box, a tree branch is slowly creeping down closer and closer. It moves more like a snake than a tree, I yanked at the window, but it doesn't come open, so much for that escape plan. I try pounding on the glass, but I don't think he can hear me.

He turns around so fast his almost a blur, he hits the snake with a knife I didn't see him holding before. My heart hammers in my chest, but Owne simply drops the knife and goes back to breaking sticks.

I'm missing my mind first the wolf now a tree? I'm sitting on the floor fighting to catch my breath when mother walks in with a chamber pot. It's a white kettle lid.

Sighing she sits down on the couch, "I know it's hard but um you'll grow to like it." she says awkwardly like she doesn't know what to say to me.

"I just saw Owen get attack by a tree," I tell her.

"Don't be ridiculous," she snaps I join her on the couch, rethinking my choice to hate her, just because she's not dad doesn't mean I had to treat her like an evil witch. "Just because you didn't grow up in a forest doesn't mean it's out to get you."

She had taken off her boots and I could see her toe through a hole in the black wool socks. She sighs and rubs her head, like something was bothering her. "We understand that you just lost your father and that you have to meet people you never even knew you had, just give it some time and you'll adjust, try to be flexible."

"What about school?" I asked I knew school was out for Christmas break, but I still needed to know.

"Everyone's homeschool, you'll have to go into town once a year to take the test, I'll bring you some books. Don't worry we'll take care of everything." Mother said to me. 

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