Chapter 7

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Louisa's P.O.V

I paced nervously around my room, tonight is the night of the full moon, I don't know if Rowan can keep herself under control long enough to wait until Victoria went up to bed. I could no longer shift since I was in my forties and Owen had been born with a wolf so the moon didn't bother him.

I honestly didn't want to give Owen a reason to kill his half-sister. I know I shouldn't get attracted but she was still my daughter no matter how dangerous it was for her to be here. Or to know of us, I sighed it was time to find out if Rowan could do this or not. The moon called for me to go outside and shift to run those woods and hunt but I could no longer do that instead I watched my children do that. Well almost all my children. Victoria's father and I never planned for us to get divorced. For me to go and live with the things we hated most in this world. I would have let him kill me but we had Rowna to think about.

I was her mother and she would have been alone, I couldn't do that to her so I went to the Alpha he let me stay unless I mated with someone in his pack. I did and a few years after Owen was born, he was killed by no other Hunters. I had gotten my second chance, with him to put the past behind me I could almost forget Victoria and her father, my first love. I shake off the emotions. I could always pretend I got over everything in truth I never did.

I began dinner Rowan came to help me, I could tell the moon was calling to her wolf she kept shaking it off, I made meat to keep Rowan strong the shift was painful, no matter how many times you shift.

Rowan taps her fingers nervously on the table, she fidgets I knew she wouldn't be able to how on any longer.

"You may leave," I tell her.

She looks at me graceful before getting up and putting her unfinished food in the sink and walking upstairs, I didn't want her leaving without me.

"Victoria, we have a meeting with the community you are to stay here." I tell her. My heart goes out to her, I felt guilty having to lie. I just can't bring myself to say anything to our Alpha just yet.

"Yes mother," she says.

Owen glared at her, I knew he didn't like new people I also knew he didn't like humans after a Hunter killed his father.

I sighed rubbing a hand down my face, this was going to be hard. After dinner Victoria does the dishes and goes up to her room, she had cleaned a lot of it up and all the junk that was up there she was able to put in one big pile.

I was proud of her it's only been three days and she had half the room fixed up, I go up to Rowan's room she's pacing back and forth I could see that she was beginning the shift since her ears were a lot longer than normal and she had claws.

"Go, take Owen with you I'll follow after." I tell her.

She nods and rushes off to get Owen. I turn to Victoria's room, I peeked my head in but she was already in bed.

Closing the door, I grabbed the key and locked the door.


Victoria's point of view

I heard the soft click of the doors lock going into place and I knew mother had locked me in. What I didn't understand was why? She told me she was leaving for the night but why'd she lock me in my room?

I sighed the mouse I had found the day before comes running for his little hole.

"Hey little guy," I say as he sits next to me, I had saved some of the cheese from dinner lately mother has been feeding us meat, there wasn't much I could give him I don't know if mice can even have meat.

"What are we going to name you?" I say out loud, mother had thought I was in bed when she left, I watched them disappeared through the woods.

The mouse just squeaked in answer, I thought for a minute. " Derek?" I said before shaking my head it just didn't fit right to me.

"Axel?" I asked. The mouse squeaked I guess he liked the name, well I was hoping it was a guy or this girl was getting a boy's name.

I go through the box of books I found yesterday, looking for a book to read since I was going to watch until mother and my siblings came back home. The house was silent, I usually could hear my mother walking up and down the steps around the night or tossing and turning of Owen in the room across from mine.

There wasn't any noise now and for some reason unknown to me it frightened me I didn't like the quiet I needed some type of sound I wish my phone service so I could call Taylor and talk to her until I fell asleep.

Most of the books in the box were classical I wasn't that big of a fan, but there was a lot of nonfiction on werewolf myths and lots of notes.

"A werewolf or occasionally lycanthrope is mythological humans with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf either purposely or after being placed under a curse or affliction (often a bite or scratch)" I read but on the side someone placed a note which read what happens if you're already "cured" but become pregnant? Or pregnant before "cursed?"

Why would someone want to know that? I bite my lip were they just curious of what was out there they believe in myths? I continued reading.

Among all the shapeshifting mythological creatures, a werewolf is best known. Werewolf legends are predominantly found in folklore prevalent across Europe.

I stopped reading away I didn't understand any of this, pushing aside the book I got into bed Axel had disappeared a while ago but I didn't mind he came as he pleased I got ready for bed my mind spinning with what I just read. I didn't understand any of it, what could it possibly mean? I just need that whatever it was it was bigger than just locking me in the attic. 

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