Chapter 20

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Daniel seems to see my confusion. " After all my years of training do you really think I would have missed the eyes? I mean I'm not like my sister who's still in training and would have missed the obvious golden eyes." Daniel explains.

"Well well Hunter guess you're not as stupid as you seem." I spat. "Of course you would have noticed, that's not what I'm worried about."

I wanted to paced back and forth how much did Victoria know? How much did she tell Daniel about our family? Where the hell was Owen? I needed a plan to get out of her.

"If you're waiting for your dumb brother don't bother he's going to be busy for a while." Daniel spat at me.

"What is it that you want from me or from this pack why are you really here?" I asked thinking of ways I could distract him until one was done with whatever obstacle was in his way of getting to me.

"What is it with Victoria? Did you really think you could hide her from the hunters? You know as soon as she turns 17 her tattoos would come calling for us." Daniel says

I looked at Daniel besides the dark arms and how cute he looks he had swirling runes around his neck and going down into the t-shirt he was wearing. Gave him the ability to be almost half werewolf himself with it he was stronger, faster, and had sharper hearing. He had an advanced to smelling to he could pick up on our scent as well as we could have his.

"Of course we know that we're not stupid." I spat at him not being able to control my anger.

"So why keep her locked in your attic?" He question.

I didn't get much time to reply before we heard footsteps walking up towards us, from what I can tell there was six set of feet crunching the dead leaves on the ground. Coming towards us was a new set of hunters a girl and a boy and Owen.

"Owen!" I cried as Daniel grabbed me. "Let me go!" I thrash around trying to get out of his grip but it only makes him hold me tighter.

"Who knew that werewolves could have actual emotion." The girl smeared.

"What have we ever done to you!" I screamed

Owen wasn't even standing on his own he was supporting all his way on the two Hunters who were dragging his feet behind him. He looks as if he put up a good fight he had cuts and bruises everywhere his shirt was torn and his feet were bloody probably from being dragged but he had a busted lip and probably a black eye which will heal quickly and the next couple of hours with werewolves healing.

I grow a sudden hate for Victoria this was her fault if she had never even came here Owen would not be hurt. We would not be caught by these stupid Hunters.

"What now?" The girl asked. She looks like a spitting image of the Rose girl, who almost looked like Daniel but they were both less tan. "My feet are beginning to ache."

"No one cares Carly." Daniel spat at her.

The Carly girl look like she was ready to burst into tears. Before the other guy who look like his mid-forties stepped in. "Daniel leave your sister alone she's done nothing wrong so quit taking your anger out on her. We take the Wolves back to the compound and lock them up until we could figure out how to get Victoria out of here and what their mother wants with her."

So this was a family mission. Rose Daniel and Carly were all family siblings actually but why were they after our family? We never did anything to draw attention to ourselves mother never even let us roam around for almost considering that Owen had a mate.

I need to get out of here I wish I had a way to get a hold of mother while she was out of the area, was this Victoria's plan all along to get out of the house and have the Hunter's attack us while we were at our weakest point?

The question now though was what do we do now?



Mother and I hadn't said one word since getting in the car, it was an awkward silence and mother looked way too tense as if she didn't want to be here. I kept thinking about Daniel and if he was going to come back, what would happen if I was there when he did come.

I quickly go get the things that I need as mother gets whatever she needs around the house. It looks like she doesn't come to the store as often as she should because by the time we meet back up she has almost two chart loads full of stuff.

I prayed she didn't buy anything cold because I know but she had already spent money on a hotel that we were staying in tonight since we wouldn't make it back to the Village this late at night I'm pretty sure she was already tired from the 17 hour drive here. This whole thing was ridiculous why she has to live out in the woods? I mean I knew exactly why but still couldn't she get a little closer to town?

Once we were on the road again it wasn't once again an awkward silence for the two of us we didn't talk but I was dying to ask questions wish I knew she couldn't disappear walk away from me.

"Um. . ." I trail off awkwardly, here goes nothing. "What's up with all the howling?" I asked stupidly

"What?" Mother snaps

"It's just that sometimes during the night I hear a lot of howling." I rush out.

"We live out in the middle of nowhere there's going to be other animals out in the woods." Mother explains.

"Yeah I know that but what about the wolves that look bigger in size?" I asked. I was testing the waters which was stupid and dangerous, I'm so dumb sometimes.

Mother's suddenly stops and jerks of the side of the road before looking at me with wide eyes.

"What did you say?" She asks me.

Got dammit I'm so fucking stupid. What the hell did I just get myself into?

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