Chapter 19

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When I finally decided I couldn't live at the fact that I didn't have any girl products for my upcoming period. I went to Rowan and asked if she has anything, she kind of just looked at me before shaking her head at me. I sigh in frustration I can't believe this how much worse can this get? Deciding that I wasn't going to just forget about my need for lady products I finally went to mother and told her that I already asked Rowan.

I didn't understand why Rowan wouldn't have any herself seeing as she's female, but I guess it's a werewolf thing?

Mother told me that it was a day's drive so I should pack some extra clothes because we will be staying the night somewhere. I can honestly see this considering that we were still living in the middle of nowhere where there were barely any towns close by. When I first arrived here I thought the taxi driver was kind of confused or lost when he pulled up on the side of the road.

I hurriedly pack a set of clothes, and follow mother outside of the house she goes around back where if it was fenced off it would be a backyard but instead it was covered around a bunch of woods. There's a small black car I couldn't tell you what type of car it was because I don't know anything about cars but I obviously didn't know it was back here before and wonder why mother never took it anywhere.

Or why in the month of being here mother never want to the store before and why this was the first time we were actually going anywhere.

I grew nervous I never really thought this through I would be alone with mother for two days could I ask her about everything? Could I even tell her that I knew what she was? I finally thought it through and I wanted to have no secrets between us, I just hope she doesn't try to lie about it I wasn't going to tell her that I snuck out one night and saw everyone.

Before we left I saw her whispering something to Rowan.

One finally got on to the road she was in a really bad mood but she didn't want to leave that there was something important that she should be doing instead of taking me to the store.



I knew that mother was counting on me as soon as she left to go into town with Victoria since she was on her what I like to call monthly enemy. I get mine too and I wasn't really expecting to have to share because all I have ever had was Owen around and mother.

Before Mother she had asked me to keep and look out for the Hunter that has been sniffing around Victoria for a while. I told her I would the day went slow Owen and I did our chores and I did Victoria's it was only a matter of time before Victoria learned the secret of her family and was taken to the Alpha.

Most times human to find out the secret of us are killed or what mother is helping is at the alpha will spare her by giving her mate that he had chosen from the pack, and then her mate will choose her faith which most times he will or will she will make her Lycan.

A Lycan is another term for werewolf but one that wasn't born with a wolf a human who was scratched or bitten. I was a Lycan and Owen was born with a wolf. After mother had to come running through the pack after she was bitten with me the Alpha chose a mate for her since she was already becoming Lycan she decided to live with the mate and they had Owen a couple of years later.

Owen comes to me later in the night when I'm in my room getting ready for bed.

"Since you look a lot like her why don't you wear some of her clothes, and sit in her room to see if the hunter will show up tonight." He says to me.

I think about it for a few seconds before nodding my head and making my way to Victoria's room I kind of felt weird going through her things. But I continued anyway I wanted to make sure I could fool the Hunter pretending to be Victoria to see if you trust me enough in order to grab at him.

A few hours pass by and I was beginning to think he wasn't going to show a light tapping came to the window. I rush over to it and open it, I never saw what the guy looked like but I could definitely tell this one wasn't him from what mother and Owen said it was a boy it wasn't supposed to be a girl.

"Sorry I know you were expecting Daniel but our uncle thinks it better if I came instead." The girl says.

"Right," I mutter trying to act like Victoria as much as I can but I don't know what she would say in this situation.

"Come on, he's waiting out in the woods we don't want to get caught again by your mother this time so we decided that we'll just sneak you out of the house and then back in." The girl tells me, I nod.

I bite my lip, two is better than one. I knew that one was listening in on the conversation and that he would be able to come out with me to make sure I didn't get hurt at these two.

"Victoria so nice to see you again!" Daniel's voice was laced with sarcasm. He was super rude, but I knew that he knew I wasn't Victoria from the way he said Victoria.

I tried not to grim at him. "What crawled up your ass and died in it?" I snapped at him.

My eyes widen right after I said that I know for a fact that Victoria never said that she was more shy and quiet and was never sarcastic or sassy like I was. I could see that Daniel was thinking over my words trying to figure out what was up with me today. I also gave myself up now he knew I wasn't Victoria and the plan was over.

Daniel slowly walked towards me. "Victoria, would not have said that Rowan. Sure she was sarcastic and Sassy sometimes but the downright say it before beating around the bush? That isn't like her I'm not going to ask again where is she?"

Shit. There was no way I was getting out of this now. 

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