Chapter 13

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Running back towards the house, I trip over something and laid on my knees I had decided to wear shorts today since it was even worse in the loft I couldn't stand the heat like I could all the other days. Which the nights had started to become hot, even for February.

"Daniel!" I hear a voice yell through the silent night. I haven't seen Daniel with anyone when I ran into him and I thought he had left me.

The howls had stopped and I figured they were hunting so they would have to be quiet in order to get something.

"Daniel!" They called again, the voice sounded female as she got closer to me, as I got closer to my home. What was with this stupid girl? Didn't she know yelling was going to make the wolves run towards her? I thought to myself wanting to punch her. Even though I didn't understand what was going on.

Suddenly, I felt as if I was a wolf myself my ears became sharper and I could hear the crunching of her feet as she walked across the forest floor but it wasn't just her feet I heard it was something following after her.

Just seconds after she let out the third call for the guy I nearly ran into out in the woods she screams at the top of her lungs bringing more attention to her as something attacks her from behind.

"Help!" She screams "Daniel please help me!"

You know it in horror movies where the girl gets attacked by the Killer because she kept screaming for help and you know you should not follow the sound of her screams but you do anyway? That's what I felt as I ran towards her picking up rocks as I went I felt like I was someone different I don't even know who I was. I suddenly was sharper and wiser, like, I knew what to do in this situation. I stopped listening to the sounds of her screams and growls of the wolf as it tried to bite the girl.

The sneaking around her I thought her screams were coming from I try not to make as much noise as possible I didn't want to cause attention to myself and get attacked, I saw them then the wolf was on top of her as it bit into her shoulder or tried to as she kept finding it off keeping it face away from her.

I threw my first rock I only have three of them but I was hoping that was enough to distract the wolf enough to get away from her, it hit its side and the Wolf looked up angry ready to attack who interrupted its meal.

"Hey!" I yelled stupidly. "You ugly I'm over here!" I waved my hands and the wolf turned to look right at me. Oh yeah. I'm completely stupid.

I smirked and took off I could hear it follow after me, I ran to the nearest tree and began to climb it. The girl better be smart this time. I thought to myself as I climbed higher, the wolf was now under my tree pacing trying to see if it can get me out of it.

I was kind of curious to see what it would do, after a few minutes of pacing it rammed itself into the side of the tree the force shook the tree and nearly knocked me out.

I smirked at it, well played but I had a few ideas up my slaves throwing a rock down I hit it on its ugly head before I jumped to the next tree I landed softly on the next big branch I could but I had to stop for a second and think that this was not me I did not know how to do this a month ago if anyone asked me if I would be chasing werewolves and jumping from tree to tree a year ago I would have called they crazy.

Once the house was insight I jumped down out of the tree, arms grabbed me as I began making my way towards the house my first instinct was to scream but I didn't want to attract any unwanted attention, so instead I elbowed them in the stomach they let out a grunt let me go.

"Ow," a familiar voice says and they bend over in pain.

"Oh sorry Daniel you should know not to grab someone like that." I say

"I'll remember that next time." He says looking over at the girl who hid in the shadows. Next time?

"Rose, this is Victoria." He says.

"The crazy girl who just saved me." Rose says, I smiled at her. I had no idea what had just came over me.

"Yeah I don't know what I was thinking." I said as I hold my hand out. She shakes it

"How old are you?" She asks me.

"Sixteen." I tell her, though I don't tell her how soon my birthday was going to be. I was going to turn 17 soon.

"That doesn't make any sense a girl sixteen shouldn't know how to do that, only trained Hunters who have been learning since they were seven should know how to do that even without their marks. Or when Hunters in training would know a few things about it but they would still have marks." Daniel says .

"Wait what do you mean 'Hunter'?" I asked. "I'm not Hunter my father was a professor."

"How is it that you live with a bunch of werewolves but yet you're a Hunter." Rose asks me.

"Wait wait back up, I'm not a Hunter I'm human." I say.

"No, your not just human Victoria no regular human would know how to do that thing that you did in the trees." Daniel says putting a hand on my shoulder.

I looked back and forth between Daniel and Rose I didn't get what they were saying I was human I wasn't a Hunter I just had this incident to help her when she was getting attacked by the wolf.

"Look, I need to get home before my mother comes home and notices I'm gone." I tell them as I begin climbing up the side of the house.

"We'll be keeping in touch Victoria we have some questions for you." Daniel yells softly up.

I don't bother replying to him I didn't understand anything and why he thought I was Hunter just because I try to save that girl Rose. Couldn't someone just be nice without being a Hunter. Does that mean those two more Hunters were they here to hunt some of the wolves that were in the village? And how would they have known about this it's way out in the woods?

One thing was for sure they just got a lot more complicated.

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