Chapter 10

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Rowan paces back and forth in front of me, she came to my room wanting to tell me something but she hasn't gotten to the point of it. I sighed pushing my wolf aside who wanted to growl at her. Rowan always did things like this never knew how to voice her thoughts.

"What is it?" I finally snapped growing tired of watching her pace.

"I think Victoria knows about us." She says not looking at me.

"How?" I asked this was great news if she found out I would have a good reason to kill her. I've been wanting to since mother let her live with us. I hated humans. I hated the sight of her mostly.

"Mothers old books, when she first turned into a werewolf she was looking into myths." She says biting her lip. I don't think Rowan knows that I know Mother was a Hunter, of course I knew Mother's past, if Rowan herself didn't know then what did Rowan know about Mother?

"You know don't you?" I asked looking at her face as she stops pacing for a second.

"About my dad?" She asks

"Yeah." I say even though I don't think Rowan knows we have different fathers. I could tell from the beginning that Rowan and Victoria were twins. And that the stories I heard about mother were true.

"Yes, I know mother kept diaries." Rowan said.

I sighed, of course she would find them she looked exploring and getting into things. I swear it was a hobby, "how'd you find out?" I asked her, I should have known putting her in the attic was a bad idea but of course letting her anywhere near our home was bad.

"She had notes everywhere on that old table in her room." Rowan says as she moves to sit on the end of my bed.

"What does it matter if she finds out?" I asked her moving to make room for her.

"She's our sister Owen I don't want her to die if the Alpha doesn't want her he isn't going to let her just walk away." Rowan said.

I sighed she had become to attach the human girl, I knew we should have not brought her here we should have just left her in an orphanage let her deal with Foster families until she was 18. Though Mother couldn't allow it knowing that her daughter was with Foster families, Mother still loved her daughter even if she couldn't show it. Mother was going to get us all in trouble with the Alpha, he may even kill mother for her actions, seeing about her Hunters past.

"How's she going to really know? She can't get out of the attic, mother made sure the window couldn't open and she locks the door." I say yawning I didn't care the sooner she was gone the sooner my mate and I could be around each other more.

I met Lucy the last full moon, she was beautiful with long red hair and the lightest blue eyes I ever seen. She had a smile that made a whole crowd stop and stare at her, I loved her laugh it sounded like soft bells, she was perfect. She was only a year younger seeing as I was fifteen and she was fourteen.

"Owen!" Rowan snaps me out of my daydream about Lucy.

"Rowan I don't care about Victoria." I snapped at her.

She sighs heavily. "I know you don't but I do." She snapped at me.

"Then go talk to mother not me, I know she wants that girl as much as you do."

"Ugh!" She complains. "Your no help."

She leaves and I plan for the next full moon, I was going to hang out with Lucy she wasn't born a werewolf so she didn't know I was her mate but I was going to choose her, most of the time you wait until you're 18 but this was a special occasion since I was born werewolf and not made werewolf so well maybe the Alpha will allow it.

Mother was shocked when I told her about Lucy, I guess she was hoping it would be a few years not when I was so young, I know we she was worried about Rowan and being chosen I know she was praying on her being at least twenty. Now that Victoria was here I know she was worried that she was part Hunter. We wouldn't I know until her 17th birthday because that's when her tattoo should show up.

A werewolf hunter will get a long tattoo from her right side neck to her forearm most of it's just symbols that no one understands but the Hunter, it gives you strength and sensible hearing it's kind of like having superpowers or gives you speed and some other stuff that we don't know.

Rowan won't get any of this her tattoo will never come because of the werewolf curse that she's got her when she was 10 it cut off her prophecy.

There was all types of hunters for all types of different things werewolves weren't the only things out there, there were vampires, witches, demons, and anything else you believed in after all, all the Legends are true.

It was hard to believe that in one month we were going to have a hunter living with us and unfortunately she would know the truth about werewolves because it's in her blood to kill us. Just because she was looking it up and thinking they were myths and legends now doesn't mean she won't know there be like a little voice in her mind telling her that there's evil around that she must kill werewolves or something.

Mother doesn't talk about her past very often it's sad to say that she was once a hunter herself that got turned all because of one stupid mistake.

I wonder if I will be okay if I told Victoria the day before her birthday about us and then killed her that way we wouldn't have to worry about her trying to attack us and kill us in our sleep but I knew mother would disapprove.

Rowan and I both knew mother was very excited when she found out the Victoria's father had died and that she was going to be living with us. It pained me to know that we're going to have to keep what we are secret, I just don't understand why she didn't go immediately to the Alpha to tell her about her human daughter come to live with us.

I guess mother has her reasons I just hope her reasons don't get us killed.

What if I helped Victoria out of her room the night of the full moon? What if she was to discover us herself mother would have no choice but to go to the Alpha or allow me to kill her.

In the end either having Victoria dead or one of us would make everything so much easier.

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