Chapter 17

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Victoria refuses to tell me where the Hunter went, she keeps her face expressionless and I know she's lying about having him here I heard him when I was listening through the door. I knew she was acting suspicious when mother and I walked through the door and then when Mother kicked me out I knew it was something to do with the Hunter. I knew she smelled the same smell the Hunter had. It was kind of like the same smell Victoria had or the smell she was getting, a dangerous warning kind of smell.

It warned off other wolves that he wasn't human, well he was a dangerous one, don't go around or mess with.

"Stop lying!" I wanted to scream but instead I kept calm I knew that if I had gotten even more angry I would have shift and had gotten myself into trouble. Mother doesn't even know I'm up here anymore, I had told her that I was going to bed early tired from the night before.

"What's a Hunter?" Victoria asked me once I stopped talking.

I tried not to scowl her, she was playing this whole innocent little girl thing when I knew she was lying trying to cover up the facts.

"Stop it!" I growled, " I know that you know what I am what we are, you can stop pretending that you don't understand what we are Ronwan saw the notes and the research."

"And that is?" Victoria snapped at me.

I growled loudly causing her face to whiten and fear, she moves away from me towards her bed before tripping over something and landing on her butt.

"You lied!" I growled out at her completely forgetting that I was supposed to be quiet some other didn't hear me too late now as I hear her stomp up the steps.

"What's going on in here?" She yells

"Owen keeps asking me questions that I don't know the answers to." Victoria cries innocently to our mother. Oh the little bitch was going to get it.

"Owen leave the room now!" Mother orders.

I stomp out of the room, pissed that mother was even buying this act, how could she ignore the facts that Victoria knew the truth about us. I would know because I was sabotaging her making sure she would find out, but I wasn't expecting her to run into Hunters the first day she finds out the truth.

Mother says a few words to Victoria before closing her door I had walked down to my room with literally just across the room from Victoria's. Mother comes storming in clearly mad at me for disrupting whatever plans she had for the stupid human.

"What was that?" Mother snapped at me slamming my bedroom door shut.

"Are you ignoring the fact that there was a hunter in her room?" I asked her blowing up my anger getting the best of me.

"Of course not Owen, I was trying to see what he was here for, I wanted to know if it was true of my theories about her being a Hunter herself and you went and messed it up what if the Hunter comes back and she tells him that we're on to her and that he can't come back? How are we supposed to capture the Hunter now?" Mother snaps

"I . . . I-I don't know." I stuttered out.

"Of course you don't, I have to give the alpha hard evidence that there's a hunter around the territory around our pack so you need to stay out of it!" Mother says before leaving my room.

I can't believe this. Whose side was she even on anymore?



I paced around my room, how is it going to get hold of a Daniel and Rose to tell them that my family was now onto me. What if Daniel comes back and mother really catches him?

I didn't get much sleep that night I kept hoping that Daniel would show up later at night when everyone was asleep this way there was no chance of it getting caught.

He doesn't, and I sighed I was exhausted after a long night of staying up a worrying if he would return, he wanted answers just as badly as I did. I would have thought he would have been stupid enough to come back again the same night I guess he wasn't that stupid after all.

Mother come knocking on my door the next morning and instead of leaving like she usually does she opens it.

"How are you?" She asks me slightly awkward.

"I'm better," I tell her.

After Mother sent Owen out I broke down in tears, I don't even know why something about him just frightens the crap out of me. Mother attempted to help me calm down until she grew too awkward and uneasy around me that she just said that everything would be fine and she would talk to him before walked out it kind of made me cry a little bit harder.

I wanted someone loving and caring to be there when I got like this, made me think of dad and how he would never be there to help me again when I felt the need to cry.

Mother told me to come down for breakfast, I guess today was Rowan's turn to help mother in the kitchen. I went out back to the bathroom and as I was doing my business I noticed something.

I blush to myself, why didn't I think of that? I thought to myself. It probably was that time of month I mean I haven't gotten my period since moving here because I got it the week before, and well great.

Just what I wanted, would werewolves smell it just like dogs did? Or were they going to be able to sense it? Do werewolves even get periods anymore? Wouldn't they in order to have children?

How in the world was I going to ask Mother for a tampon? This was going to be embarrassing, why? Why didn't I think of this? I can't do this in no way was I going to ask my mother for a tampon this was worse than when I first got my first one and had asked my dad for one.

Maybe it'll be better than asking your single father for a tampon or maybe it'll be worse. 

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