Chapter 11

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I knew what I had to do, I was going to help Victoria out of the house the night of the full moon. I knew just how to do it the window in Victoria room was locked on the outside, of course she didn't know that but when the full moon came it wouldn't be.

I just had to make sure mother didn't see it was broken or she'd know it was me, I hated humans since the day my father died. I waited until two days before the full moon, werewolves came change on new moons as well but that was only half the shift they don't go full wolf.

Two days before the full moon I remove the latch from the window, this way there's a good idea the human would know how to get out and see for herself that those theories she has are real.

It wasn't that hard to remove the latch was hard not to be seen by Victoria as I did it though. She was sitting close to the window looking out at the tree that tried to attack me the first day she got here. It really was just a snake, but from what I heard her said to mother i wasn't holding a knife.

Werewolf speed was nice, I hated that we couldn't live closer to town but hunters would find us as soon as we shifted on full moons. Humans would hear us, or spot us not worth it, I didn't understand why us born wolves couldn't live with humans we could shift anytime we wanted.

We also got mates so we wouldn't be looking at humans for dating, maybe it was them that kept us here if they wanted to date us and couldn't blah blah blah.

I break the latch easily, and quickly get away from her window. I don't think she saw me i pray this plan works.



The full moon was in two days, and I still didn't have a plan on what I was going to do. I paced everyday trying to figure something out, maybe I could ask mother if I could go to a 'meeting' tell her that I didn't like staying home that it was to quiet.

It wasn't a lie, but I don't know if that was going to work. I sighed, Axel came running from his hole it was Wednesday, meaning the full moon was Saturday. I pat Axel on the head as I gave a piece of cheese, I had just started saving the cheese mother was starting to look at me funny.

I bite my lip the first night I got here the window wouldn't open I thought it was because it was cold out even through this room was always warm. What if I tried it again? It was almost February, I got here around Christmas break.

I haven't been outside every long only on laundry days which I learned to hate. I hated doing any chores I didn't have a lot but between laundry and dishes I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom.

Going over to the window, I pull it up since I didn't lock it when I was trying to warn Owen about the tree thing. Lifting it up it slides up slowing not making a noise.

Plans started forming, I heard mother coming up the stairs it was lunchtime and I was taking a break from school, I was almost done with math but tig was kicking my butt.

I shut the window quickly and go back to my computer. Which I'm still trying to figure out how there's Wi-Fi but my phone doesn't work. Axel who hangs out with me throughout the day he doesn't just come and grab food from me, he doesn't like mother when he hears her stomp up the stairs he does running.

Mother knocks once before opening the door I had picked up my English book and had turned to a random page, mother came in with a tray and the regular jar of water. She usually takes the chamber pot but I never use that night I usually just wait until the morning to use the outhouse and then shower which was in the house.

She sets it on the table and doesn't bother trying to talk to me like she has been, I think she's trying to get to know me up it's hard to do because she didn't get to watch me grow up like she did with Rowan and Owen. I was like a stranger living in her attic, wait that was exactly what I was. A stranger who didn't have a choice to live her.

I sighed and got up from my spot as she was walking out the door, I wasn't hungry i missed Taylor and going outside and doing normal things other than staying inside all day. My birthday was coming up soon next month I didn't know what mother was going to do, it was the first year without dad it was the first year being with a mom i didn't know and having a twin I didn't know about.

This was all new to me, I haven't thought much about my dad, I guess was because it hurt a lot too. I sighed wiping tears that I didn't mean to let fall off my face, I got back to work. Mother usually let me out of my room for dinner, but no one talked.

What kind of mother didn't talk about something at the dinner table? I mean Rowan and Owen left the house all the time I'm sure they have friends, well I knew Rowan did but Owen I'm not sure, I knew he was hanging out with a girl a lot lately.

Could there be more to that? What was up with not talking around me either then other night Rowan and mother were talking about something in the kitchen and when I walked in they stopped.

This was getting annoying.

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