Chapter 15

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Later that night, after dinner I had gone back to my room I really wasn't feeling all that good the fever mother said I had came way too quickly to her liking. I knew that was bull because she wasn't human she didn't get sick.

I tossed and turned for about an hour before getting up, I wasn't tired and I kept hearing moments from downstairs not the usual sounds like mother pacing and her bedroom Owen tossing and turning in his sleep.

This was different I could hear noises coming from the woods, the sound of crickets chirping the wind blowing the leaves around I could hear it all. A tapping on my window nearly made me scream, I was almost afraid that the thing that attacked Owen my first day here was but when I went over to the window, Daniel the standing on something from the outside that I couldn't see tapping on the window.

Now I knew what he meant when he said we'd be in touch. I quickly go over to the window and open it.

"Are you crazy?" I snapped at him as he slides inside.

"Yes," he snapped back at me. Ugh I never met a boy more annoying, to tell you the truth is I knew talked to a boy before, but now I'm glad I never have.

"What in the world are you doing here?" I whispered to him.

"What does it look like Victoria? I told you I'd be in touch with you." He whispers sitting down at the table.

My research on werewolves and the notes that were there before I even got here were all spread out across the table, he picks up a page in such rating from that before looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

I rushed over to him and try to rip the paper out of his hand it was none of his business of what I was doing, I didn't need him to know how much I knew on werewolves and Hunters even though I didn't believe him when he said I was a Hunter myself. I had done some more research on Hunters which is harder to find then looking at werewolf myths.

"Thought you said you weren't a Hunter," Daniel says as I finally got the paper from him.

"Look," I said, " I was only doing research on werewolves and Hunters because when I first got here I had found a book and notebooks and side notes with all these different Legends and myths about werewolves and I picked up where it left off and it made me curious, I wanted to test some theories so that's why I was doing out in the middle of the night the other day."

"Okay, but explain how you were able to save my sister without getting hurt and if you're not a Hunter then how are you able to climb those trees as fast as you did?" Daniel asked

"I don't know, I would like to know it was like all of a sudden I wasn't myself my senses got stronger and hearing was sharper." I said throwing my hands up in the air.

Daniel doesn't say anything he just paces, and suddenly reality set in. My eyes widen i had a guy I just met in my room, one I didn't know anything about and two if mother came in, to find this she'd probably kill me.

"You need to go now" I said walking up to him and started pushing him turns the window.

"Wait why?" He asked confused by my sudden choice to kick him out.

"One I don't know you and two I can't have my mother see you." I wanted to yell at him I couldn't get caught with him here. They didn't know that I knew I was going to keep that to myself for a while.

He sighed deeply, before he allowed me to actually move him towards the window, I knew he was going to listen to me just this once.

"Look Victoria before I go don't think that-" he gets cut off by the sound of stomping up the stairs.


No no no, I pushed turns the couch bed as I slam the window shut. "Get under!" I hiss just as the door thrown open. Mother was holding the usual stuff she brings up the chamber pot and a big gallon of water. What I wasn't expecting was Owen to be behind her holding a tray the soup.

"You feeling any better?" He asked a smirk already planted on his face. I knew my face must be pale, I felt hot my hands were sticky.

I glared at him something I couldn't help, for weeks he did not want me here but now all the sudden he did.

"Owen leave," mother snapped at him.

This time it was my turn to smirk until other asked a dangerous question. "Did you have the window open?" Mother asked me. I kept my face normal.

"Now why?" I asked her. "It has opened since I moved here." I knew letting her know I tried to open it might be dangerous.

"Who were you talking to?" She snapped at me.

"I was trying to get the mice that kept running around," I lied smoothly. Just then Axel makes a noise and both our heads snaps to it.

My eyes wide cause it sounded as if the noise of the rat was coming under the sofa.

"Ugh," I say and I crawl under the couch right next to Daniel who has a questioning look on his face, I shake my head and look for Axel.

This was weird my mother was in the room as I tried hiding a boy under my bed as I lied about a mouse. Daniel and I were really close together since there wasn't a lot of room underneath the stupid couch. I could feel Daniel breath on the back of my neck as I reach behind him for Axel.

I slowly move out from underneath only to have Axel bite me I cry out and hit my head on the bed. Daniel moves to see if I'm okay but since his head was above mine, he only ended up putting his private parts in my face. My blush depends when those stupid mouse that I've been chasing crawls across his lap and just sits there, Daniel couldn't move to grab it himself because he would risk getting caught when suddenly popping out from underneath the couch since my feet and butt were sticking out.

Mother asks what's going on I yell quick I'm okay, and get Axel from Daniel lap trying to keep my blush down from the embarrassment.

I quickly get out from underneath the couch bed thing and look mother in the eye, praying my face wasn't red from what just happened underneath.

I show her the rat Axel who was trying to get away. She just nods and walks out. I knew my face was red, and there was blood on my hands from Axel bite me. 

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