Chapter 18

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I groan as I sat up once again I just had my ass handed to me, by my sister. Like getting my ass handed to me wasn't bad enough.

"What's up with you?" Carly asked me.

I couldn't explain why I was acting weird, my thoughts were mostly on Victoria and how she was doing, I was worried that the werewolves would discover that I was in her room the other night and attack in her sleep. Or maybe I thought she was hot but no way was I going to tell her that.

"Nothing." I snapped at her, before pushing my sore limbs off the ground and getting into attack mode.

"I don't think that's true," Carly pants as she throws punch after punch. I went to use my leg and kicked her in the stomach when she jumped back and away for me.

"What? What is it?" I asked her worry lacing up in my voice.

"Nothing." She says lending down, grabbing her knees. "I-i just can't help you practice anymore."

With that she tore on her heels and disappeared until one of the other training units. Hand-to-hand combat was not the only thing that we do to train fighting werewolves. It was highly important. Werewolves used their teeth and claws to attack with we had to use our bodies to keep them away.

"Daniel." Someone calls I look around before my eyes finally settle on my uncle Rick.

"What's up?" I asked him.

He glares at me as soon as I say something. "My office." He says before turning on his heels and disappearing into his office.

This can't be good. I thought as I made my way turns the office. Rose was already there sitting in one of the two chairs, and I definitely knew this was about the mission.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Uncle Rick snaps at me.

"About?" I asked confused why was he in a pissy mood.

He looks at Rose who looks as though she's been crying her eyes were red and puffy. "Show your brother." Uncle Rick orders her.

Slowly she pulls down the collar of her shirt showing me her shoulder which had three long silvery scars. My eyes widen, I thought back to how she was fighting off of werewolves herself with barely any training before Victoria came and helped her the werewolf must have gotten her then while she was pinned underneath it.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked echoing Uncle Rick's words from earlier.

"I-i d-d-don't know." She stutters before she started crying once again.

"What are we going to go?" I asked

It was my fault that we are out there that night I had just learned that my father was dead and so instead of being an normal person and crying I decided to do something stupid and dangerous like go find out what where was shifted on a full moon. Rose only followed me to see if she could stop me but I ended up getting her hurt, scratched, she's infected with the werewolves disease.

"We're going to see if that Rose is strong enough to fight the disease and if not . . .''he trails off.

I bite my lip everyone knew what happens to Hunters that can't fight off the infection, we end up having to kill them and I really hope Rose is strong enough to fight the disease. I knew that we couldn't allow her to live as a wolf, just like a Vampire Hunter couldn't let their fallen Hunter become a Vampire if fed blood and killed.

"Has anyone told Carly yet?" I asked.

"Told me what?" Carly asks me as she walks into the office.

"About the girl Victoria." Rose blurts out nervously. Taking the attention off of her, and what she was about to go through.

They answered my question from earlier I wonder why they haven't told her yet.

"Who's Victoria?" Uncle Rick asks.

"A human girl living in the Pack's territory." I answers turning towards him again.

"What?" Carly asks confused.

I quickly gave Uncle Rick and Carly rundown of everything that happened accept what happened to Rose that would feud between the rest of us until Uncle Rick was ready to tell her about Rose I still don't understand why he couldn't just tell her but I was going to let him do whatever he was doing.

"Why would they keep her alive if they know she's a Hunter?" Uncle Rick asks

"I don't know and I want to find out." I say

"No it's too dangerous." Uncle Rick says to me.

"How are we supposed to find out the truth about this girl if we can't even go see her?" I snapped angrily.

"Fine!" Uncle Rick finally says after a few minutes of awkward silence. "You can go see her but be careful!"

I nod and get ready to leave the office but Uncle tells me to sit back down. "Wait there's something else."

I turn and look at him. "Carly?"

Carly bites her lip and and fiddles with her fingers. "I'm pregnant."

My eyes widened in shock I was not expecting that how could she be so careless that means she would have to be on leave she wouldn't be able to hunt anymore. It was the worst time possible.

"Why?" I asked her "Why do this now?" I was so mad at her I wanted to hit something.

"Look Daniel I'm married so I'm allowed to get pregnant." She snaps at me.

"But still, you're going to have to go on leave from hunting and we're already down people enough as it is!" I snapped right back my voice rising higher and higher.

"This isn't any of your business Daniel." She snaps before getting up and leaving the room.

I couldn't believe she was getting mad at me for being mad at her we already had a lot of hunters died this past year. We were going to need her for this mission of the mystery girl Victoria on why the werewolves were keeping her instead of just murdering her, why did they keep her alive this long were they waiting for her to find out the truth about them before doing something I didn't understand that logic I'm pretty sure Uncle Rick didn't either he was just as curious as I was.

I was worried about Rose to because she's been infected with the disease what is she can't fight the disease and turns into a werewolf? Would Uncle Rick order her to be killed? I was worried I love the Rose just like I did Carly.

I couldn't lose them both. I already lost my parents.

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