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AUTHORS NOTE: Heads up, real quick, well this is my first actual story

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Heads up, real quick, well this is my first actual story. Therefore, of course it may be cringeworthy, it also might have errors in them. You do not have to fear any more longer because chapters 1-3 will be going under editing, very soon!
Song: Inner Demons by: Julia Brennan

"Not now Brandon," I disrupted.

"I'm not in the mood, to cuddle with you." I said in a stammered way.

"You know, if you don't do this in a good way," Brandon argued before i interrupted him.

"If I don't cuddle with you, what? You'll slap me like you do everyday with no shame?"

"Or will you pin me down and punch my jaw the same way you did yesterday night?" I quoted with no shame whatsoever.

"Hmm let me think." He said and in between his despiseful words there was a pause before he would continue.

"How about both?" He demanded.

"You're a pig, Brandon." I Said as I slammed the house door on his face and ran out leaving him behind.

The horrible truth was that this human monster was my boyfriend.

He sure as hell maybe the devil himself, but I insist and beg to differ that this isn't the same man I fell in love with two years ago.

He caused so much destruction in my life, that my life could never be the same.

He abused my feelings over and over again. He took advantage of the right to be with me.

He abused my body in ways I hated and wish I wouldn't have to bear with for the rest of my life.

He drained me of my own identity and injected self doubt into my veins.
Left me questioning my own sanity.

He left me walking around aimlessly at war with my own body everyday. Trying to scrub his heavy words off my skin but just not being able to.

My mental state has been shaken to its core.

I don't know who I am anymore .

Two years ago I was Elle Melton.

I had fallen in love with his words and I knew nothing of the meaning "love".

He had asked me to move into his house, and... so I did like a lost puppy only striving to find the best in its owner.

So I did, without knowing what I had gotten myself into. And slowly I was leaded and l was introduced to his world...

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