t w e l v e

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AUTHORS NOTE:Sorry for taking so long to update, but I've been way busy with school and with homework

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Sorry for taking so long to update, but I've been way busy with school and with homework.
Excuse moi for that, but today I come with another chapter.
Get ready because after this one things will get heated!
Well I mean this chapter is already pretty heated!

Song: Flower of Life by Evrywhr I LOVE this song alright so please listen to it!

I stand on my tippy toes fighting my  unstableness as I redo his royal blue bow and press my hand against his shoulder

His dark brown eyes aligned and went perfectly with his blue tux.

I reached for his left pocket to take out the adorned  boutonniere flower pin and placed it in front of his right pocket.

"I am acting like your mom ha."
I stutter breaking out a chuckle as I remove it and place it on again one last time.

Ashton smirks at me as his rosy cheeks gain more color to them

"The mother of our future kids, yes."

Embarrassed at his words I flush my cheeks and look down to my shoulders as If I was dusting myself off.

"I'm just kidding with you Elle, you know how I feel about children."

"Yea, you don't want any I know."

"Well I think we are wedding ready?"
Ashton asks?

"Hush everyone is looking our way now?"

"You look beautiful why would they not stare? I look pretty decent myself, so I'm not complaining?"

"Gosh Ash you have a big ego!" I say furrowing my eyebrows at him.

"Not as big as m-"

I quickly swing my palm to cover his mouth before any other word comes out of his potty mouth.

"We are at a church Ash, behave like a man even if you're not one!"

"I bet tonight you'll be thinking I'm more than just a man."

I roll my eyes at his nasty remarks and look away from him. This man can never say anything without turning it into a joke.

A gross one usually.

"We'll just have to wait until she comes in." I say swallowing hard on my words. Probably because my throat had been hurting for the past days.

Or partly because it's going to hurt seeing Matthew like this.

So beautiful about to marry his... soulmate.

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