t h i r t e e n

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AUTHORS NOTE:Hey guys! It's been so long, but as some may know, school happened to me and I've been really busy with homework, studying, tests, and my job! But here I am updating today, so I hope you all like my hard work!

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Hey guys! It's been so long, but as some may know, school happened to me and I've been really busy with homework, studying, tests, and my job! But here I am updating today, so I hope you all like my hard work!

Song: If I Lay Here by: Snow Patrol

t h i r t e e n

Today not only did we celebrate a holiday, Christmas but Ashton wanted to take me on a "surprise" to go meet my Christmas gift.

It's good that he thought of me today, because all I could really think about today, and maybe the last two days was Matthew.

I couldn't keep my mind away from crossing his name. His name replayed over and over again in my scrambled head.

How beautiful of a family he must have now. Such beautiful wife and both a daughter to call his.

And i must be advocating how selfish I feel to be saying this, but I truly am jealous.

All the attention Matthew gives is reflected off on Cora and well... Vera.

"Can I look now?" I anxiously whisper Ashton my voice reflecting with impatientness like a little girl on Christmas, except this time it really was Christmas.

"You may open your eyes." Ashton soothly responds back.

In awe of the sight in front of my eyes my jaw drops just below chin. Just the view is so surreal.

"Ashton? This is is so beautiful!"

"I didn't think you would find a frozen pond so intriguing."

"Are you kidding me? I love it so much! Are we here to skate?"

"Well, no not really."

My jaw closes because after all we aren't here to skate, one of the major reasons I was so thrilled to be at this place.

I looked curiously as Ashton reached into his pocket, reverently pulling out that small ball draped under velvety fabric.

"Remember this letter?"

"Why, it's my application letter?"

"When I first saw you I started writing on the back of this sheet. And throughout our journey I've been writing on it ever since."

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