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Quick note to say that this is my     longest chapter ever with 4638 words.
I put in a lot of work into it so I hope everyone enjoys it! Love y'all!

                            S I X

Hey Barbie wake up!"

I felt a nudge but I didn't pay attention to it. I was in the middle of conscious and unconscious In my sleep.
Someone slapped my cheek and let out a giggle. This was enough to wake up me up for sure. I flashed my eyes opened and saw Vera right beside me.
I smiled at her, besides what point was there to hold a grudge on the cutest little four year old.

"You sweep more dan big bear, she said giggling."

"Oh really?" I responded.

"Yea he sweeping." She said in a irritated tone.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the way she was saying things. At age four she still seemed like she was three years old. It made my heart melt.

"Do you wanna play with him?" I said.
Her face lit up with joy and a happy emotion.
"You wanna spwash water at daddy?"
I think she got the wrong idea from me.
I was only implying that she wanted to play with him, but she wanted to be a silly girl and prank him. She was very determined to get the job done.
I liked this girl. She had a great mind.

"Vera likes to prank daddy?" I asked aware what the answer was.
She gave me a thumbs up and ran out of the room. Crazy little kids? I swear!

Just before I could get up out If bed she ran back in with a cup full of water.
"He's sweeping in mommy's room."
I felt a wave of guilt hover over me, maybe doing this with Vera made me seem immature? Perhaps. It made me regret all of this, but i was dying to see Matthews reaction to this and of course to see his um, Ab- nice room?

"Let's do it." I said.
Putting all regret behind me, Vera crawled onto the bed and I walked right behind her. She gave me the cup but like the little coward I am I gave it right back to her.

I fixed my eyes on his peacefully sleeping face.
Thousands of memories came up inside my brain replaying them at the same time, but that was what we were.
A distant memory.
Sadly I couldn't get to see his Ab- I mean room. Ha, his room. I mean he was covered in some sheets.
Without thinking twice Vera splashed some water onto Mathews face, and he shot right up soaking with surprise.

Me and Vera giggled like schoolgirls.

"We did it!" Vera said with so much happiness in her voice.

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