n i n e

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It's 2:53 am and I'm here starting to write chapter nine.
I am one sad loner lol!
But it's crazy how I get wonderful ideas at this time of day?!
Anyways hope you like this chapter!
Song: Say you won't let go by Metalsides.

n i n e

tonight really got me thinking, and it's nothing out of this world.

Because it's no different.

I know i wont be sleeping tonight
because there is a tidal wave of thoughts
crashing down on me.

It was a tranquil night.
No cars driving by, honking their horns. No sounds of little kids yelling. No dogs barking from outside the complex. Just peaceful and quiet.
A gentle breeze blew right through the open window with an occasional hint of autumn in it.
The air was just right, cool and fresh.
The sun had yet to rise and yet to dip below the horizon.

All that I could hear was my rambling thoughts, swirling around in my head.

"Do you think we should go to their wedding?" I murmur faintly as my voice cracks and I perceive my voice as it echos and disappears into the nightfall.

And coming from behind me I hear an answer that I'm not accustomed to.

"Yes we will go." Ashton mumbles as if he is tired.
And he very well may be...
Tired of dealing with me.

"Do you think Vera is upset at me?"
I ask in a low brittle voice.

"Elle it's really late right now.
How about you get some sleep and we will discuss this tomorrow?"
Ashton says turning to face me but I turn on the other side hiding my aroused face about to shed tears.

His words came gleaming down and disappeared into dusk.

I brought my ring finger to my lips and gulped down.
Usually I don't get offended when someone turns down a talk with me.

Especially not Ashton

But I felt as if Ashton was hinting me to save it because he was used to all of this.

I felt his hand fall on my hips as he hugged me and tightened his grip on me.
His hands were, rather cold.
His touch was different.

And maybe he really didn't want to hear me.

Maybe he was worn out from hearing my daily rant.


Silence is all I gave him
Because silence is what I thought he deserved.

"I know you're upset."

He could read me like an open book.

"Well yea." I say bluntly and turn around to him exposing my red puffy eyes.

"Elle, today i am just extra tired then some other days."

"Well nowadays you're always "tired". I quote shamelessly.

Ashton take a deep breath before he continues.

"Elle, you're special to me.
You're the only one who I wouldn't mind loosing sleep for, the only one who I can never get enough of, and the only one who crosses my mind throughout the day everyday.
You're the only one that can make me smile without trying, bring down my mood without the intention to and affect my emotion with every action of yours.
I can't explain with just words how much you mean to me, but you're the only one I'm afraid of losing and the one I want to keep in my life forever. I want to be the man that you need.
No. I will be that man."

His words affected me so much, they had such significance and impact on me.

"And Elle, I knew I loved you when I watched you hold little Vera while she cried because she was too little to understand that her mom was coming back. You'd never looked more beautiful, I felt in that moment that you were the best person I'd ever know."

"I knew you were my forever person when I heard your singing voice and wanted to turn the radio off, so that you were the only thing I could hear."

"And I want to make it clear to you, that no matter what time of day it is, I'll be listening to your angelic voice.
Even if it's in my dreams."

My heart stiffened at the thought of thinking what he really meant?
Was there something he was hiding behind his heartwarming words?
Was he anticipating news, why was he shadowing his dreams, let alone why was he so tired nowadays, was there something chewing up his conscious?

In between his serenade of words,
I found a deeper meaning in them and my heart craved an answer to every single one of my concerns.

"Ashton, what do you mean by hearing my voice even if it's in your dreams?"

My question was accompanied by a long term of silence.
You could only hear the wind stiffen and the Autumn breeze swirl in and spiral out of our open window.



My body shifted and Ashton shot right up.

"At this time of day, who would be knocking?" Ashton asks confused

"I- I don't know but I'll go check."

"No Elle!" Ashton demands me.

"Let go of my hand Ash. You should be thankful you've been saved by the bell."

Almost instantly Ashton unwrapped his hand from mine and let go of it and I walked straight forward until I reached the front door.

For a split second I doubted opening that door but I came to my senses and opened it anyway.

I picked out a string of baby hair and tucked it behind my ear, then proceeded to look up, but my jaw dropped at the sight in front of me. My eyes were going to come out if I opened any wider,
and I stood statue as my heart did    many backflips..
In the bad way.


Well, that was chapter nine alright!
Did y'all really think he was just going to magically disappear? Nope you thought lol.
What did you think of Ashton? Are you on that Bella boat now?
See you in chapter ten!

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