e i g h t

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This chapter is dedicated to my father, today would have been his 44th birthday, but I know he's flying high and that he's always watching over me. It's because of him that I write, he's inclined me closer to this platform! Love you papa!
Ps: turn on the music pretty please with a cherry on top!
Song: Saturn by Sleeping At Last

e i g h t

Letting go, even if it hurts, doesn't mean you have to let go of everything.
You just have to let go of the person and your feelings for them but the memories will always be there whether they're good or bad.
Because every time you remember those memories, it will always put a smile into your heart and be glad that once in your life this person made you happy and put color into your life even if it was just for a while.

And that's what I did.

Exactly what I did.

I let go of him but I held on to the memories.

And I don't know if he took my advice. I don't know if he's engaged now.

All I know is that my heart couldn't
be more content that I am now.
Ashton has delivered so much happiness to my heart. He's made sure to always stay by my side.

He acknowledges that Matthew will forever have a place in my heart, but he doesn't feel threatened because truth be told, he shouldn't.

He's made me feel at home in his place.

"Ash, do we even have anymore Alfredo sauce?" I yell across the kitchen and my echo disappears into
the living room

"Check the pantry." Ash responds back.

"No, there's none. I'll go to the grocery real quick. Anything you want from the grocery?"

Ash quickly comes in the kitchen and picks up my hair and places it on my shoulder.

"Yes, you." He whispers into my ear and places his hands on my waist.

"Ash, stop it! I'm not for sale at the store."I say playfully slapping his hands away from my waist."

"Its because you're already sold. I'll go with you." Ashton says possessively.

"Geez you don't have to you know that right?"
"Well I want to." He grins back at me.

"Whatever, grab the keys Mr. Extra."

Before I get in front of the car, Ashton opens the door.
"Go in my love."

I roll my eyes and tease him just a bit.
"So am I one of the many girls that you've done this to?"

"Absolutely- not. You are the only one that gets my special treatment."

"Really? I Better be." I say as I place my hand on his upper thigh."

This always made Ash nervous, and he was so cute when he turned all rosy pink.

"Yea we should go now." Ashton nervously says. I chucke at him

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