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Hey guys! I've missed writing and reading stories and I'm not quite back from my trip to Florida, but tomorrow I will be. I just prewrote this chapter so I could just edit it and upload when I came back but I had an urge to update this week!
It was a lot of fun that me and my friend had this week but tomorrow I will be back to writing so here is chapter five!
Btw: I know I said I wouldn't update this week, but I felt bad and it was tempting okay, don't think I don't keep my word it's just I couldn't resist this urge inside me lol.
Comment what you think of this chapter! Ps: there will be a chapter up Sunday!
If i didn't get out of the shower both my impertinent thoughts would eat me up alive
and well Mathhew's Monthly water bill would probably increase a whole lot from his regular price, and being a temporary guest at his house I had no right to take advantage of his kindness.
Once I found a job and made a fair amount of money, I would be saying goodbye to Matthew.
For the last time.
I opened the shower curtain and wrapped the towel he had given me earlier around my hair and put on the black t-shirt and white shorts he had given me earlier. Surprisingly they seemed to fit without falling right off me. I was going to head out of the bathroom when abruptly something out of place met the corner of my eye.

A picture sitting on a bottom cabinet.
I inched closer to capture the portrait with my own eyes.
Here was Matthew looking handsome as ever, wrapping his arms around Cora's torso and Cora was carrying their baby girl as if she was a display. The cute girl who looked much younger than she is now, had the most brightest blue eyes you would find, and it's like once you saw them you would fall into the ocean that was her eyes. They weren't anything like Matthews Emeralds, they were far from them.
I smiled slightly and sat the picture back down. After overlooking at it a few more times I couldn't help but cringe a little at the fact that they looked like a perfect family, and maybe they were one. I probably felt jealous that I could have never conceive a family like this with Brandon. As much as I wanted to blame them I couldn't. What was there to blame?
I couldn't find blame where there wasn't any.

I opened the door and lead myself back across into the room I was in earlier.
I undid the towel on my hair and gently swayed my long hair down. I fixed the clothes and started combing my dripping hair when I heard a knock at the door following a familiar "Can I come in?"
To which I responded,
"It's your own apartment, silly!"
Matthew walked in the room. As soon as he did, it filled the air with a distinctive smell; his fragrance.
It was an indescribable one. One I had grown used to, and one that I had grown to miss.
Did I already say peppermint?

"Elle?" Was what it took to snap me back into my reality.

"Oh- oh yes me too!" I said without a clue of what type of conversation we were having.

You know I've always heard that if you get lost or you start daydreaming in the middle of a conversation and you don't know what the other person says, nod your head or chucke. Maybe even smile, but I had to just had to say me too?

"Me too?" Matthew questioned in a confused manner.

"Sorry I was um. I was um. I was um. I was ummm. I was you know,"

I don't know if people know this, but I'm one terrible liar.

"Umming, yea um I know" Matthew said chucking at the end. It was almost scary how Matthew could read me like I was an open book.

"I see you haven't lost your humor." I said playfully.
"You haven't lost that beautiful brown hair," Matthew said.
I bugged my eyes out in mid blue of what he was actually saying, and gulped down that knot inside my throat before I could even vocalize.

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